Alberni (B.C.)



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  • Catalog Cards

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Alberni (B.C.)

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Alberni (B.C.)

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Alberni (B.C.)

78 Archival description results for Alberni (B.C.)

78 results directly related Exclude narrower terms


The item is a copy print made from an albumen print contained within NW 971M S656 "British Columbia: A description of its natural resources, commercial advantages, leading mercantile and business houses, 1891-2" / P.R. Smith.


The item is a glass slide showing Alberni, made to accompany Laing's 1896 lecture on the beauties and resources of Vancouver Island.

Alberni County Court civil case files

  • GR-2490
  • Series
  • 1921-1949

The series consists of civil case files from the Alberni County Court, 1921 to 1949.

British Columbia. County Court (Alberni)

Alberni dance : [from "7 o'clock show" film shoot]

RECORDED: [location unknown], [196-] SUMMARY: TRACK 1: "Alberni Dance" comprises the location sound recorded during the filming of a segment for the CBC television program "The 7 O'clock Show" at the Alberni Indian Community Hall. The recording ;includes narration, songs, dances and speeches. The voice of George Clutesi can be heard. TRACK 2: A continuation of the "Alberni Dance" recording. Includes speeches; an introduction by George Clutesi of Paul Sam from Ahousaht, who makes a traditional welcome speech; and some words from Andy Snider, the CBC producer. Bob (later Imbert) Orchard interviews George Clutesi, who describes the significance of the songs; dances and speeches.

Alberni Land District lot register

  • GR-2622
  • Series
  • 1872-1947

This series consists of an Alberni Land District lot register for lots 1-291 on Vancouver Island. The earliest entries are from 1872 and the volume was superseded by 1947 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1947). The register lists lots in numerical order and records the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, lease etc.). Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. A summary of the auction sale of subdivided lots from the Eastern portion of District Lot 1, is shown on pp. 86-90. The volume contains an alphabetical index of names.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Alberni mines

The item is a glass slide showing the flume at the Duke of York Mine, Alberni, made to accompany Laing's 1896 lecture on the beauties and resources of Vancouver Island.

Alberni Supreme Court civil case files

  • GR-2232
  • Series
  • 1939-1950

Civil case files with the exception of probate, divorce and adoption files which have been removed from this series and are filed separately.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Alberni)

Results 1 to 30 of 78