Ashcroft County Court plaint and procedure book and index
- GR-1646
- Series
- 1909-1921
Series consists of one plaint and procedure book, June 1909-September 1921 (39/1909-66/1921)
British Columbia. County Court (Ashcroft)
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Ashcroft County Court plaint and procedure book and index
Series consists of one plaint and procedure book, June 1909-September 1921 (39/1909-66/1921)
British Columbia. County Court (Ashcroft)
Ashcroft County Court plaint and procedure book and index
Series consists of several volumes of indexes and plaint and procedure books dating from approximately 1890 to 1975. Included in the series is an index for records in GR-1646. The index, which runs from 1890-1921, is divided into sections for first, second, third, and fourth books. It appears that the volume in GR-1646 is indexed as the fourth book. The whereabouts of the remaining "books" are unknown.
Volumes dating from 1936 onward include both the index and the record within the same ledger book. The 1921-1936 index volume includes one page at the back with a list of mechanics’ liens from 25 October 1930.
British Columbia. County Court (Ashcroft)
Ashcroft Government Agent letterbooks
Letterbook copies of correspondence outward.
British Columbia. Government Agent (Ashcroft)
Ashcroft Magistrate's record books
The series consists of Magistrate's record books for Ashcroft and including Spences Bridge cases, from 1949 to 1963. The magistrate noted lists and statistics in the back of the volumes.
British Columbia. Police Court (Ashcroft)
Ashcroft Police Court record books
The series consists of record books created by the Ashcroft Police Court from 1911 to 1922 and 1948 to 1961.
British Columbia. Police Court (Ashcroft)
Ashcroft Small Debts Court civil case files
Series consists of one volume from the Small Debts Court dating from 30 April 1929 to 2 May 1942, as well as civil case files from 1963 and 1966. The 1929-1942 volume covers cases 1 through to 187.
British Columbia. Small Debts Court (Ashcroft)
Ashcroft Supreme Court adoption case files
Adoption case files, 1926-1938.
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Ashcroft)
Ashcroft Supreme Court divorce case files
The series consists of Ashcroft divorce case files from 1908 to 1945.
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Ashcroft)
Combined bench book and record book.
British Columbia. Small Debts Court (Elko)
Clinton County Court civil case files
The series consists of bills of sale, chattel mortgages, correspondence and related court documents for cases heard in the Clinton County Court between 1888 and 1930. The series is arranged chronologically and by case number and covers civil disputes in the immediate vicinity of Clinton. The series also contains several probate cases that were filed in the County Court. These are for Max Hoffman (died 1919, case dated 1922), George Lasher (died February 1924, case dated 1924), Charles Truran (died November 1918, case dated 1924), Laurence Arthur Killgore (died November 1923, case dated 1924), and Edmond Lambert (died July 1923, case dated 1924). The records in this series are covered by ORCS 51100-20 of the Court Services schedule 100152.
British Columbia. County Court (Clinton)
Clinton County Court orders and judgments
The series consists of orders and judgments created in Clinton County Court between 1972 and 1975. The series also consists of one index volume. The records include cases related to payment of wages, mechanic’s liens, and small claims. This volume also includes divorces. The series is covered by ORCS 51100-32 in Court Services schedule 100152.
British Columbia. County Court (Clinton)
Clinton County Court plaint and procedure books
Plaint and procedure books for County Court of Lillooet, 1867-1874, including cases heard at Clinton, 1867-1895. Also include one Registrar's record book for County Court of Lillooet at Clinton, 1895-1910.
British Columbia. County Court (Clinton)
Fines book for Police Court in City of Kamloops
Fines book for Police Court in City of Kamloops, Apr 1931 - June 1938.
British Columbia. Police Court (Kamloops)
Firm declaration books indexed by firm name.
British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops)
Kamloops County Court calendars
The series consists of copies of calendars for various county court sessions held between 3 July 1912 and 4 February 1914. The records list the number of the suit, the style of cause, and any remarks, such as whether the case was adjourned or if an appeal had been made. The cases listed in the calendars relate to those listed in the plaint and procedure books described in GR-1652 and were held before Judge Swanson.
British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops)
Kamloops County Court civil case files
The series consists of civil case files from the Kamloops County Court, 1885 to 1949. Civil case files may contain the notice of claim or notice of petition, writs and affidavits, orders and a final judgment. The files are arranged by file number order.
British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops)
Kamloops County Court conditional sales agreements
Conditional sales agreements, #! - #2110.
British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops)
Kamloops County Court indexes to Mechanic's Liens and Woodmen's Liens
Indexes to Mechanic's Liens and to Woodmen's Liens, 1894-1913; 1928-1984.
British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops)
Kamloops Police Court record books
BC Provincial Police Court record books showing name of prosecutor, name of defendant, nature of the charge, costs, name of arresting officer, name of gaol or lockup, order or conviction, amount of fine, name of presiding magistrate or justice and "remarks", 1940-1946; 1946-1948; 1948-1950.
British Columbia. Police Court (Kamloops)
Kamloops Supreme Court criminal case files
Criminal case files from Kamloops and Clinton, 1883-1902; 1906-1949. Includes Assize, County Court, Speedy Trials, informations, depositions, indictments from many places (Ashcroft, Lytton, 150 Mile House, Vernon, Fairview, Quesnel, Sicamous, Salmon Arm, Lillooet, etc.)
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Kamloops)
The series consists of original wills filed in the Supreme Court of Kamloops between 1986 and 2004. The wills are filed by a sequential number that also corresponds to a probate case file number found in GR-3001. The wills appear to be originals that were removed from the probate case files and filed separately. Not every individual with a probate file had a will.
A nominal index to probates can be found in GR-3001. Once a case file number has been found, this can be used to locate the correct file in the wills series.
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Kamloops)
Letters of administration and letters probate
The series consists of letters of administration, including those with will annexed, and letters of administration granted to the Official Administrator. The series also consists of grants of letters probate (container 929018-0027). The records are arranged by date. Records in this series were created and administered between 1892 and 1960 by the County Court and Supreme Court of Clinton. The majority of the records were created by the County Court, although there are several instances of “Supreme Court” being added by hand to forms bound in a County Court ledger. Several of the individuals mentioned in this series have related files in GR-3619. Records in this series are covered by ORCS 51460-25 and 51460-27 in Court Services schedule 100152
British Columbia. County Court (Clinton)
Lytton County Court plaint and procedure books
Lytton County Court plaint and procedure books, for Apr 1866 - Oct 1884 and Aug 1885 - Sep 1891.
British Columbia. County Court (Lytton)
The series consists of records relating to the Supreme and County Courts of Lytton, as well as some records relating to the local government commissioner. The records date from approximately 1858 to 1887, with a single note from 1920 indicating that one record was used as an exhibit in a court case. Records in this series may have been initially found at the County Court offices in Lytton, although their provenance is unclear and the records relate to all levels of court matters. The series consists of correspondence, summonses, financial documents, case records, search warrants, affidavits, bail bonds, writs, oaths for coroner’s inquests, and depositions of witnesses. The series includes letters written by, and about, Mr. Peter O’Reilly, as well as a telegraph sent by Joseph Trutch. Correspondence covers a wide variety of topics, including settler-First Nations relations, local crime, the appointment of special constables, and the issuance of trading licenses. The records are fairly geographically limited in scope, and center on Lytton and Spence’s Bridge.
The records were found in the Provincial Museum storage in the 1980s, and were originally part of accessions G80-076, which includes land records relating to the Yale area, and G86-081, which includes Supreme and County court records relating to Richfield, Vancouver, and Victoria. However, the records were removed from this accession in 2004 and at that time, archivists classified the records as their own series. It was also possibly at this time that the records were arranged into folders based on the year of creation. All 1858 records have been grouped together, all 1860 records together etc, despite the fact that the records in the folders appear to have little relation to each other. Although every effort has been made to provide descriptive and accurate file titles, due to the disparate nature of the records, researchers are strongly encouraged to examine the files themselves.
British Columbia. County Court (Lytton)
Merritt Supreme Court civil cause book and case record cards
The series consists of one cause book dating from 1921 to 1970 and case cards dating from 1977 to 1986. The cause book includes a nominal index inserted in the front cover which covers cases from approximately 1941 to 1970. Both the cause book and case cards typically include the names of plaintiff, defendant and their solicitors, the case number, the date of the case, and details of proceedings.
Records are arranged by case number.
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Merritt)
Declarations of partnership.
British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops)
Bankruptcy record book.
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Kamloops)
Record book from Assizes at Kamloops, Clinton, and Lytton
Record book from Assizes at Kamloops, Clinton, and Lytton, June 1885 - Dec 1894; Oct 1904. This volume is a combination of record book, minute book, judgments, and bench book.
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Kamloops)
Registrar's record books for civil cases. (2 vols.)
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Kamloops)
Records of the Government Agent, Clinton
The series consists of assorted forms and records that may have been used by the Government Agent in Clinton in the 1920s. The series includes a formulaic Grand Jury statement signed by C A Semlin, as well as forms and instructions for opening court, a memorandum on the fees and expensees allowed to witnesses attending speedy trials and assizes, and several blank forms for County Court matters. Several of the records bear the letterhead or stamp of the Clinton Government Agent.
British Columbia. Government Agent (Clinton)