Ducks (B.C.)



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  • BC Geographical Names Information System.

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Ducks (B.C.)

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Ducks (B.C.)

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Ducks (B.C.)

3 Archival description results for Ducks (B.C.)

3 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Philip Luce interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1961 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Philip Winter Luce came to Canada in 1900, lived in Winnipeg, and worked as a junior reporter. By 1904, he moved to New Westminster to continue his journalism career. This tape begins with ;Mr. Luce's recollections of the home he shared with five other bachelors in New Westminster in 1910; he talks about their Chinese servant, "One-Two", and various incidents that occurred during their o;ne-year tenancy. Mr. Luce continues with recollections about Bill Miner and various incidents at Haney, Hedley, Kamloops, and Douglas Lake. He relates information about the Ducks train robbery, and ;the subsequent trial and incarceration of Bill Miner at New Westminster. TRACK 2: The interview continues with Mr. Luce recounting incidents surrounding Bill Miner and Shorty Dunn; the New Westminster Penitentiary; and the escape of Miner. Mr. Luce talks about his impressions of New Westminster when he arrived in 1904, including roads; buildings; stores; the real estate boom; Jim Cunningham; Mayo;r Carey; old families; old timers; Pete Biladeau; Joe Armstrong; May Day celebrations; fishermen; the library; CPR trains to Coquitlam; saloons; hotels; Oriental exclusion; horse racing; and George Kennedy.

Rupert Duck interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1965-11-01 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Rupert Duck discusses his grandfather's brother, Jacob Duck, who went out to Monte Creek to mine gold in 1862, and bought the deeds to some land; he was the first one in the family to co;me to Canada; Rupert's father came out in 1883; the suspected origins of Monte Creek; more on Jacob Duck, including details on his character and his ranch; other families that came to the area, includ;ing the Harper brothers; his father, who was Albert William Duck, and details about his coming to Canada to work for his cousin; several anecdotes about characters, including one about a remittance ma;n; then evolution of the town at Grand Prairie into Westwold; more on Westwold, including people who lived there; a man named Whittaker who bought most of the land at Westwold around WWI; more characters in the area; details about Bill Miner from his own memory, including his recollections the trial and the holdup. TRACK 2: Mr. Duck continues with more on the arrest of Bill Miner; details on the holdup from two years later near Monte Creek after Miner's jailbreak; what life was like in these days; more on ranches in the area; sections which he has written for ranching books about the area; details about Mr. Bostock; other characters and anecdotes; a woman named Edith Morley.

Witness statements from CPR train robbery

  • GR-4041
  • Series
  • 1909

This series consists of multiple copies of transcripts of statements regarding the events of at CPR holdup and attempted robbery on 21 June 1909. There are three statements from different CPR employees recalling the details of the event which occurred outside Kamloops at Ducks. The holdup may be attributed to Bill Miner. The three employees are Mathew Fulton Crawford, Engineer; Harry Carpenter, Fireman; and Charles Lawrence, Car Repairer.

British Columbia. Provincial Police Force