General stores--British Columbia



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  • LCSH. Sound Recording Database SMIDDEV_SR_SUBJECT_HEADINGS.

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General stores--British Columbia

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General stores--British Columbia

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General stores--British Columbia

70 Archival description results for General stores--British Columbia

70 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Acton Kilby interview : [Orchard, 1963]

CALL NUMBER: T0745:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-03-15 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Acton Kilby recalls his father; Thomas Kilby, coming from Ottawa with the first carload of settler's effects on the CPR; his father worked at various jobs in the area; the Brunette Sawmill store in Sapperton; the milk delivery business; the livery business at Barnet; operating the Harrison Mills Timber and Trading Company boarding house in 1902; owning the Kilby Store in 1904; the family; farm and family store; the Chilliwack ferry and Cheam station; and the Harrison family and Menten family. TRACK 2: Mr. Kilby continues with the history of the Chilliwack ferry service and the Albion ferry; anecdotes about rowing to Chilliwack; incidents on the family farm; the Harrison River; Captain Dick Ward; Mrs. Menten.

CALL NUMBER: T0745:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-03-15 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Kilby talks about an incident with Joe Davidson; Morris Valley; residents of the Chehalis Reserve; logging; working in the canneries; hop picking; stocking winter supplies for the reserve; 24th of May excursions; Indians and hop picking; Port Douglas; Purcell; transportation on Harrison Lake; Harrison Hot Springs; C.F. Pretty; the Kilby Store at Harrison Mills; business practices past; and present. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Charlie Steele interview

CALL NUMBER: T1717:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1973-[06?] SUMMARY: Charlie Steele, born in Vancouver in 1886, talks about his family; his aunt Sara Anne Reimer, his uncle, Tom Hugh, and his grandfather, Mr. Hugh, coming to Vancouver. He recalls property sales; funerals; subjects from the family diary; family homes; the Mount Pleasant school and community in the 1890s. He describes the family house; gardens; streetcars; the development of Mount Pleasant; trails; Cedar Cottage; Fairview; the McGeer family; False Creek; and Christmas.

CALL NUMBER: T1717:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1973-[06?] SUMMARY: Charlie Steele continues with recollections about the Mount Pleasant area; Christmas; birthdays; school; Nightingale's (the local general store); the chain gang road work; breweries; wildlife; hunting; fishing; childhood; Trout Lake; ice skating; False Creek; and streetcars. He discusses land business and personal transactions mentioned in his grandfather's diary; land transactions; depressions; speculation; the 1907 depression; the 1911-1912 land boom; land auctions; and girls' and boys' education. He describes the views of Mount Pleasant and Vancouver that he would have seen (and might have; photographed) from the tower at the fire station at Quebec and Main Street, 1901. CALL NUMBER: T1717:0003 [CD T1717:0002A] RECORDED: [location unknown], 1973-[06?] SUMMARY: Mr. Steele continues describing of views of Vancouver from the fire station at Quebec and Main.


Six letters (January - April 1868) dealing with provisions for author's dry goods store in Yale, British Columbia. Letters written in German.

Fraser Valley flood

The item is a reel of unedited film footage. It shows the Fraser River flood of 1948: flooded farmland and villages including Hatzic; rescued farm animals; Clayburn general store; aftermath of flood (after water receded) - houses, field, flood damage inside house.

Harry Brown interview

CALL NUMBER: T2792:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Harry Brown's family; Dairy farming in the Fraser Valley before the Depression; selling milk to individual buyers; organisation of Fraser Valley Milk Producers; moving to the Cariboo, Likely; and Horsefly; ranching in Beaver Valley during the 1940s; what the place was like when he bought it; getting the ranch going; haying; feeding cattle; daily chores and routine; milking cows and shipping; cream to Williams Lake and Quesnel. TRACK 2: Ranching Beaver Valley; leisure time in the winter; feeding cattle in the winter; travel by horse and cutter in winter time; condition of roads; cattle drives to Williams Lake; Williams Lake in the 1940s; operating a general store in Horsefly in the 1950s; managing a men's clothing store in Williams Lake; Horsefly in the early 1940s; the general store in Horsefly from 1950 to 1958. CALL NUMBER: T2792:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977 SUMMARY: Harry talks about his years living in the Corner House, a large rambling log house in the centre of Horsefly; taking in boarders; feeding people; the General Store in Horsefly in the 1950s; bringing in beer for the local population; Niquidet's freight line from Williams Lake to Horsefly in the 1950s; customers; trappers, hunters, locals, tourists, forestry people; store goods; on the ranch in Beaver Valley; chores, fencing, irrigation; buying seed; pigs; the log home that was on the place when Harry moved in; building a barn; comparison between farming in the Fraser Valley and the Cariboo; winter on the ranch; Melba's father, Harry's father-in-law; food on the ranch.

Results 1 to 30 of 70