Indian house. Songish [Songhees] Rancherie. Victoria V.I. [Vancouver Island].
Indian lodge Victoria Harbour. [Songhees village] These huts are built of slabs of cedar wood, which is durable and splits easily.
Indian Potach [sic] at the Songish [Songhees] Indian Village, Victoria Harbour. V.I. [On reverse in ink ]:Indian Potlach [potlatch] or "Great Distribution Feast" at the Songish Indian village Victoria Harbour Vancouver Island. [In pencil]: When hundreds of blankets, and many....
Indian canoes (chinook shape) from the west coast of Vancouver Island, assembled by invitation in Victoria Harbour on the occasion of a great Indian Potlash [sic] - or giving away feast by the Songish tribe of Indians, who give.....
Malacca, Scylla, Forward, Sparrowhawk, Esquimalt Harbour, Vancouver Island.