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Assize calendar

  • GR-0704
  • Series
  • 1956-1964

This series consists of Vancouver Assize calendar, 1956-1964.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Attorney General correspondence regarding criminal prosecutions

  • GR-2967
  • Series
  • 1970-1974

Series consists of 1970-1974 Attorney General correspondence files for Fort Nelson and Vancouver County Courts (AG file code C750-3) and criminal prosecutions (AG file codes C830).

Records are arranged by Attorney General file code (see Appendix A in attached file list).

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Attorney General document series

  • GR-0419
  • Series
  • 1857-1966

The Attorney-General Document series consists mainly of transcripts of depositions and preliminary hearings and trials, forwarded to the Attorney-General and numbered consecutively by year they were filed. Registers and indexes (volumes 879 to 885) are available on microfilm reel B00395.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Attorney-General circulars

  • GR-2544
  • Series
  • 1911-1971

Series consists of circulars from the Department of the Attorney-General from 1911-1971. Circulars provide instruction on policy and procedures to Magistrates, Chief Constables, Police Officers, Sheriffs, Registrars of the County and Supreme Courts, Government Agents, Clerks of the Peace, Justices of the Peace, Branch Officials and judges. They cover a range of subjects including administrative procedures for oath giving, payment of Coroner's Jurors, case reporting, bounty on wildlife, witness fees, bail bonds, probation, public access to case documents, and circulars from the Minister of Justice. The volume is an indexed scrapbook kept by the Government Agency at Kamloops.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Attorney-General coroners’ inquiries

  • GR-1504
  • Series
  • 1938-1970, 1972

This series consists of 1938-1970 and 1972 British Columbia coroners' inquiries filed within Attorney General correspondence under AG file code C-81-4. Inquiries are investigations conducted by a single coroner and usually consist of a single form. Not all coroners’ records between 1859 and 1970 have survived or are in the legal custody of the BC Archives. In this series, Vancouver inquiries do not begin until 1966.

Records are arranged alphabetically by community, repeated across several date ranges. Researchers should carefully crosscheck communities against dates when seeking specific records. On reels B04985 to B04987, record pages are consecutively numbered. On reels B04988 to B05026, record pages are consecutively numbered within a community. On reels B05027 to B05084, pages are consecutively numbered within a record.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Attorney-General coroners’ inquisitions/inquests

  • GR-1502
  • Series
  • 1938-1967

Series consists of British Columbia coroners' inquisitions (inquests) for 1938-1967. Inquisitions are investigations in which a coroners’ jury rules on the cause of death. Inquisition files often contain witness statements, transcripts, autopsy reports, and findings.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Attorney-General correspondence

  • GR-1725
  • Series
  • 1912-[ca. 1969]; predominant 1959-1965

The series consists of inward and outward Attorney-General’s Department correspondence created between 1912 and ca. 1969, predominantly between 1959-1965. Records relate to a variety of matters for which the Attorney-General was responsible, including some coroners' reports (within AG file codes C-49 and C-81).

Records are arranged by act and then by file code as assigned by the Attorney-General. File codes represent an act and specific subject matters under the act. Within the files, records are arranged chronologically. Original textual records were destroyed after microfilming. The records were scheduled for full retention.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Attorney-General correspondence

  • GR-1726
  • Series
  • 1926-1970, predominant 1956-1965

The series consists of inward and outward Attorney-General’s Department correspondence created between 1926 and 1970, predominantly between 1956-1965. Records relate to a variety of matters for which the Attorney-General was responsible, including some ca.1955-1965 coroners' reports (within AG file code C-81-4).

Records are arranged by act and then by file code as assigned by the Attorney-General. File codes represent an act and specific subject matters under the act. Within the files, records are arranged chronologically. Original textual records were destroyed after microfilming. The records were scheduled for full retention.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Attorney-General correspondence

  • GR-1724
  • Series
  • 1937-[ca. 1963]; predominant 1952-1959

The series consists of inward and outward Attorney-General’s Department correspondence created between 1937 and ca. 1963, but predominantly between 1952-1959. Records relate to a variety of matters for which the Attorney-General was responsible.

Records are arranged by act and then by file code as assigned by the Attorney-General. File codes represent an act and specific subject matters under the act. Within the files, records are arranged chronologically. Original textual records were destroyed after microfilming. The records were scheduled for full retention.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Attorney-General correspondence

  • GR-1323
  • Series
  • 1902-1937

This series contains correspondence files, inward and outward, covering all topics for which the Attorney General was responsible, including legislation and opinions to other departments. During this period, Attorney General responsibilities included industrial schools, motor vehicles, Liquor Control Board, Game Commissioner, Inspector of Municipalities, Registrar of Companies, Inspector of Factories, Inspector of Electrical Energy and Inspector of Tramways.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Attorney-General correspondence

  • GR-1723
  • Series
  • 1938-[1961]

Series consists of inward and outward Attorney-General’s Department correspondence created between 1938 and ca. 1961. Records relate to a variety of matters for which the Attorney-General was responsible, including coroners' records (within AG file code C-81).

Records are arranged by act and then by file code as assigned by the Attorney-General. File codes represent an act and specific subject matters under the act. Within the files, records are arranged chronologically. Original textual records were destroyed after microfilming. The records were scheduled for full retention.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Attorney-General index

  • GR-1721
  • Series
  • 1921-1934

The series consists of an index volume created by the Dept. of the Attorney-General between 1921 and 1934. The volume is arranged in alphabetical groups by date, ranging from 1921 to 1934 within each alphabetical grouping. The volume appears to index appointments, OIC's, memos and other documents issued by the office.

There are three fields for each entry: file or document number, file title (name of Act, last name of person etc.) and a brief description of the document or file.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Attorney-General indexes to correspondence

  • GR-1722
  • Series
  • 1924-1957

The series consists of two index volumes created by the Dept. of the Attorney-General between 1924 and 1957. Volume 1 indexes letters outward from 1925 to 1957 and volume 2 indexes letters inward from 1924 to 1957. The volumes are arranged in the following sorts: Departments, Alphabetical sections, Vancouver Courts, Victoria Courts and Land Registry Offices. Within each group, the arrangement is by date.

There are five fields for each entry: Letters outward: date, number, name , purport and file number. Letters inward: date received, date of letter, number, name and purport.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Bills, orders and other material

  • GR-0674
  • Series
  • 1868-1872

This series consists of bills, draft bills, orders of the day, notes on debates, estimates, draft legislation, statutes, subject files and other records of the Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly, 1868-1872.

The first versions or drafts of a bill or act are known as the Blues version, after the blue paper used for the printing. The final version, printed by the Queen’s Printer, is on white paper. All blues versions will be identified as draft. Final versions will be noted at “Statute”.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General


  • GR-2849
  • Series
  • 1904

Correspondence to Hon. D.M. Eberts, Attorney-General, from Robert Cassidy, Counsel for the Attorney General, reporting on the appeal of the Dominion of Canada and Theodore Ludgate from the 1903 judgment of Justice Martin. He gives many arguments supporting the province's claim to Deadman's Island.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Correspondence and petition re Vancouver liquor traffic

  • GR-0273
  • Series
  • 1909

The file consists of Attorney-General correspondence file 12/09. It contains a file of signatures on a petition to Messrs. Hon. Bowser, J.F. Ford, A.H. MeGowan, G.A. McGuire, J.F. Garden and Hon. R.G. Tatlow, Members of the British Columbia Legislative Assembly for the Electoral District of Vancouver City, 14-26 January 1909. The petition concerns the idea of including with the balloting at municipal elections "a local option system to determine whether or not the traffic in intoxicating liquors shall be permitted or prohibited." The petition was received by the Attorney General's office 28 January 1909.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Correspondence from C95 (criminal prosecutions)

  • GR-2966
  • Series
  • 1938, 1966-1970

The series consists of Attorney General correspondence regarding C95 (criminal prosecutions). Some files date from as early as 1938 but the bulk of the series is from 1966-1970. Note: Some information has been severed from this finding aid in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Where information has been removed, this is indicated by the following annotation [severed]. APPENDIX 'A' CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS C 95 Case Charge/Court site 3 general 4 drunk driving 5 hanging 6 offensive weapons 7 stenographer accounts 8 gambling 9 suggested prosecutions 10 statistics 11 salacious literature 12 Court of Appeal 13 Assizes 15 Cranbrook Assize 16 Kamloops Assize 17 Nanaimo Assize 18 Nelson Assize 19 New Westminster Assize 20 Pouce Coupe Assize 21 Prince George Assize 22 Prince Rupert Assize 23 Quesnel 25 Vancouver Assize 26 Vernon Assize 27 Victoria Assize 28 Williams Lake Assize, formerly C98-24 29 Transfer from other provinces 30 Order-in-Council Patient Review Board

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Correspondence of Alexander Malcolm Manson

  • GR-4144
  • Series
  • 1922-1923

The series consists of Alexander Malcolm Manson’s correspondence written between December 1922 and December 1923 in British Columbia. The correspondence documents his personal life and career during this time period. Some of the correspondence relates to Malcom’s time at his law firm, Williams & Manson, in Prince Rupert, BC, where he practiced law until 1922. Other correspondence in this series relates to his time as a member of the provincial legislature representing the Omineca riding (1916-1933) and his appointment as Attorney-General, King’s Counsel, and as Minister of Labour on April 12, 1922. Some of the files document personal matters relating to his family. The records were created by Alexander Malcolm Manson during his tenure as Attorney General (1922-1928) and were maintained by the Department of the Attorney-General.

These outgoing correspondence files are arranged chronologically by date. They are classified under one-time schedule 860591.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Correspondence regarding Skeena River uprising

  • GR-0677
  • Series
  • 1888

This series consists of a transcript of correspondence in and out regarding the Skeena River uprising, 1888.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Court decisions and exhibits

  • GR-0607
  • Series
  • 1903-1904

This series consists of printed records relating to the following court cases: the Attorney General of the Province of British Columbia versus Theodore Ludgate, and the Attorney General of the Dominion of Canada regarding ownership of Deadman's Island, Burrard Inlet.

Records include Attorney-General vs. Ludgate report by Robert Cassidy to the Attorney General for British Columbia on the appeal of the Dominion of Canada from the 1901 judgment of Martin, J. (Queen's Printer, 1904, 7 p.). The series also includes various exhibits and other records, such as exhibit 6, "Extracts from blue book containing papers relating to the affairs of British Columbia, 1859-1864" (pp. 307-307(81)); "Evidence before Full Court in addition to that taken at trial" and Exhibits V,W,X,Y (pp. 366-430); reasons for judgment of Chief Justice Gordon Hunter, Justice M.W. Tyrwhitt Drake, and Justice P. A. Irving (pp. 431-445); and B.C. Supreme Court decisions (pp. 446-449). Box 2 contains several duplicates of pp. 307-307(81) and pp. 366-450.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Cranbrook court registry and Attorney General correspondence

  • GR-1625
  • Series
  • 1907-1914

Series consists of Cranbrook court registry correspondence with the Dept. of the Attorney-General for 1907-1914. Series also includes some magistrate and police court records.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Draft bills and other material regarding mining

  • GR-0675
  • Series
  • 1859-1871

This series consists of papers, mainly draft bills, regarding mining, 1859-1871. Records created before 1871 were created in the office of the Attorney-General of the Colony of British Columbia, and possibly the Attorney-General of the Colony of Vancouver Island, if the records relate to Vancouver Island and were created before 1866 when the two colonies merged. Records created in 1871 were created by the Attorney-General for the Province of British Columbia.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Drafts of proclamations, ordinances, acts, bills

  • GR-0673
  • Series
  • 1858-1910

This series consists of drafts of proclamations, ordinances, acts, and bills, 1858-1910. Records created before 1871 were created by the Attorney-General of the Colony of British Columbia, and possibly by the Attorney-General for the Colony of Vancouver Island. Records created after 1871 were created by the Department of the Attorney-General for the Province in British Columbia.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Guides and indexes to correspondence

  • GR-0702
  • Series
  • 1902-1937

This series consists of guides and indexes to correspondence from the Department of the Attorney General. Records include a subject index, 1911-1918; a guide to filing system, 1902-1911, including index to subject drawers; a guide to filing system, 1919-1924; and a guide to filing system, 1925-1937.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Index to Attorney-General correspondence inward

  • GR-1324
  • Series
  • 1901-1937, predominant 1911-1919

The series consists of a subject index to Department of Attorney-General correspondence inward found within GR-1323. The index is primarily for the years 1911-1919, although there are some entries as early as 1901 and as late as 1937.

Between 1911-1919, each year has a separate index arranged by subject (also known as 'boxes' or 'drawers'). Within each subject, entries are arranged chronologically. Note that the year is marked on only the first page of each index. The series also includes descriptions of the 1919-1937 filing system, listing the acts, sub-headings, and file code numbers used. Though specific correspondence are not listed here, it is possible to use this index to estimate where records might appear within the correspondence (GR-1323).

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Indexes to coroners' inquiries and inquests

  • GR-1515
  • Series
  • 1950-1953

Series consists of indexes from 1950-1953 for coroners' inquiries and inquests found within GR-1502, GR-1503, and GR-1504. Inquiries are typically conducted by a single coroner and usually consist of a single form. Inquests (or inquisitions) are investigations in which a coroner's jury rules on the cause of death.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Indexes to coroners' inquiries and inquests

  • GR-1518
  • Series
  • 1964-1966

Series consists of indexes from 1964-1966 for coroners' inquiries and inquests found within GR-1502, GR-1503, GR-1504, and GR-1726. Inquiries are typically conducted by a single coroner and usually consist of a single form. Inquests (or inquisitions) are investigations in which a coroner's jury rules on the cause of death.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Indexes to coroners' inquiries and inquests

  • GR-1519
  • Series
  • 1967-1970

Series consists of indexes from 1967-1970 for coroners' inquiries and inquests found within GR-1502, GR-1504, and GR-1726. Inquiries are typically conducted by a single coroner and usually consist of a single form. Inquests (or inquisitions) are investigations in which a coroner's jury rules on the cause of death.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Indexes to coroners' inquiries and inquests

  • GR-1513
  • Series
  • 1938-1944

Series consists of indexes from 1938-1944 for coroners' inquiries and inquests found within GR-1502, GR-1503, and GR-1504. Inquiries are typically conducted by a single coroner and usually consist of a single form. Inquests (or inquisitions) are investigations in which a coroner's jury rules on the cause of death.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Indexes to coroners' inquiries and inquests

  • GR-1514
  • Series
  • 1945-1949

Series consists of indexes from 1945-1949 for coroners' inquiries and inquests found within GR-1502, GR-1503, and GR-1504. Inquiries are typically conducted by a single coroner and usually consist of a single form. Inquests (or inquisitions) are investigations in which a coroner's jury rules on the cause of death.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

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