The series consists of indexes to divorces issued by the Prince George Supreme Court between 1968 and 1996. The records in accession 83-1593 are arranged alphabetically by surname, and include a column for the wife’s forenames, the husband’s forenames, and the file number. Please note that the file number provided is the “5927” number issued by the Central Divorce Registry. An entry in the index can then be used to locate the relevant cause book or case record card entry, which will then list a volume and folio number. The volume and folio, in turn, can then be used to obtain a copy of the divorce order. Records in accession 83-1104 are arranged by Central Divorce Registry number, and show this file number, the style of cause, a description of the order issued (decree nisi, decree absolute, change of name, custody order, etc) as well as the relevant volume and folio numbers.
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Prince George)