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British Columbia. Supreme Court (Prince George) British Columbia. Supreme Court (Prince George)
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Prince George court record books

  • GR-0018
  • Series
  • 1943-1954

The series consists of Magistrate's record books for cases heard before Police Magistrate P.J. Moran, 1943-1952, and Stipendiary Magistrate George Hallett, 1943-1952. The series also includes a clerk's minute book for Supreme Court, County Court and Chambers cases heard in Prince George from October 1946 to August 1954.

British Columbia. Magistrate's Court (Prince George)

Prince George record of assizes and other material

  • GR-0047
  • Series
  • 1919-1924

The series consists of record of Assizes held between 1919 and 1923; court calendars; lists of Grand and Petit jurors; copies of voters' list; and instructions for selection of jurors, 1919 to 1924.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Prince George)

Prince George Supreme and County Court civil orders and judgements

  • GR-4156
  • Series
  • 1965-1989

The series consists of civil orders and judgements created between 1965 and 1989 by the Prince George Supreme and County Courts. There are County Court orders and judgements for only 1984 to 1989. Orders are the formal expression of the ruling of the court and judgments are the final orders issued in a case. The records relate to a variety of civil matters including divorces, bankruptcies, foreclosures, and some adoptions.

Records are arranged by volume and folio number as assigned by the court registry. Orders and judgements are interfiled unless otherwise indicated. The records were scheduled for full retention under Court Services ORCS (schedule 100152) 51400-25.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Prince George)

Prince George Supreme and County Court index to civil orders and judgements

  • GR-4157
  • Series
  • 1984-1996

The series consists of an index to civil orders and judgements created between 1984 and 1996 by the Prince George Supreme and County Courts. Entries provide a file number, the style of cause (including names of plaintiffs and defendants), a description of the order and/or judgement, and volume and folio numbers, which can be used to located associated orders and judgements found in GR-4156 (1965-1989). The index relates to orders and judgments on a variety of civil matters including divorces, bankruptcies, foreclosures, and some adoptions.

The index is arranged by file number. The records were scheduled for full retention under Court Services ORCS (schedule 100152) 51400-25.

British Columbia. County Court (Prince George)

Prince George Supreme Court cause book

  • GR-0016
  • Series
  • 1914-1939

The series consists of a microfilmed copy of a cause book, created by the Prince George Supreme Court between September 1914 and May 1939. It includes criminal cases.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Prince George)

Prince George Supreme Court divorce cause books and case record cards

  • GR-3740
  • Series
  • 1961-1984

The series consists of cause books and case record cards for divorces in the Prince George Supreme Court between 1961 and 1984. The cause books and case cards can be used to find a volume and folio number, which can then be used to obtain a copy of the final divorce order. Cause books and case record cards often provide the only remaining evidence of a case if it was abandoned or dismissed, and no order was issued.

Cause books were used by the courts until approximately the mid 1970s. After this time, case cards were used until the courts turned to digital systems in the 1990s. Cause book and case card entries typically include the date of filing, the date and place of marriage, the names of the parties and their solicitors, and an account of the case proceedings. Entries in the cause book and case record cards are arranged chronologically by filing date.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Prince George)

Prince George Supreme Court divorce indexes

  • GR-3741
  • Series
  • 1968-1996

The series consists of indexes to divorces issued by the Prince George Supreme Court between 1968 and 1996. The records in accession 83-1593 are arranged alphabetically by surname, and include a column for the wife’s forenames, the husband’s forenames, and the file number. Please note that the file number provided is the “5927” number issued by the Central Divorce Registry. An entry in the index can then be used to locate the relevant cause book or case record card entry, which will then list a volume and folio number. The volume and folio, in turn, can then be used to obtain a copy of the divorce order. Records in accession 83-1104 are arranged by Central Divorce Registry number, and show this file number, the style of cause, a description of the order issued (decree nisi, decree absolute, change of name, custody order, etc) as well as the relevant volume and folio numbers.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Prince George)

Prince George Supreme Court jury lists

  • GR-0021
  • Series
  • 1923-1939

The series consists of jury lists, both Grand and Petit, created by the Prince George Supreme Court between 1923 and 1939 in the Cariboo Judicial District.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Prince George)

Prince George Supreme Court minute book

  • GR-0023
  • Series
  • 1915, 1921-1956

The series consists of a minute book created by the Prince George Supreme Court from 1921 to 1956. The first part of volume is a record of judgments from cases heard in the Prince George County Court in 1915.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Prince George)

Prince George Supreme Court wills

  • GR-4142
  • Series
  • 1986-1987

The series consists of original wills probated between 1986 and 1987 in the Prince George Supreme Court registry.

The wills are arranged by probate number, which can be found by using the index associated with GR-3009. Not all probate records have an accompanying will. The records were scheduled for full retention under Court Services ORCS (schedule 100152) 51460-30.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Prince George)