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British Columbia. Water Rights Branch
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Barkerville and Fort George water rights records

  • GR-1080
  • Series
  • 1911-1923

This series contains records of the Water Recorders and Government Agents of Barkerville and Fort George relating to water licences. Includes correspondence, licence certificates and plans of licences issued to the Canadian Northern Pacific Railway, the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, and the Fort George Citizens Water Company.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Board of Investigation records

  • GR-1367
  • Series
  • 1911

This series contains a record of the Board of Investigation list of streams upon which water records have been issued in the Kamloops Water District by E.T.W. Pearse, Water Commissioner, Kamloops, B.C., May 5th, 1911. The series includes an index to water rights transfers in Kamloops, no date.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Certificates of approval

  • GR-1019
  • Series
  • 1917-1938

This series consists of certificates of approval for the commencement of construction of water works, necessary to direct, convey, store, and use water, 1917-1938, pursuant to the Water Act, 1914. The records are arranged numerically with alphabetical index. Includes terms of construction, name of holders, file reference and licence disposition.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Chief Hydrographer correspondence

  • GR-0836
  • Series
  • 1911-1912

This series consists of letterbook copies of correspondence outward from the Chief Hydrographer regarding water surveys, irrigation projects, dams, etc. Includes nominal index.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Commission of Inquiry to Inspect the Water Systems of the White Valley Irrigation and Power Company and Coldstream Estates

  • GR-1021
  • Series
  • 1919-1920

This series consists of minutes of evidence given at hearings held at Vernon, 12 August 1919, and Victoria, 7 January 1920, by the commission of inquiry to inspect the water systems of the White Valley Irrigation and Power Company and Coldstream Estates, pursuant to section 171 of the Water Act, (1914).

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Comptroller of Water Rights correspondence

  • GR-0837
  • Series
  • 1918

This series consists of letterbook copies of correspondence outward of the Comptroller of Water Rights regarding water license fees and water applications, etc. Includes nominal index.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch


  • GR-1010
  • Series
  • 1974

This series contains correspondence files relating to water rights and water resources administration.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch


  • GR-1046
  • Series
  • 1919-1920

Series contains correspondence files relating to water licences and irrigation in the vicinities of Rock Creek and Greenwood, and the southern Okanagan valley.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Correspondence and other material

  • GR-1022
  • Series
  • 1921-1951

Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, and notes relating to irrigation, the hydrometric programme (1944) and hot springs and mineral wells. Includes list of water records within various Okanagan irrigation districts.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Correspondence and other material

  • GR-1008
  • Series
  • 1920-1924

This series contains records from the Water Rights Branch and includes correspondence, memos, and miscellaneous notes and papers regarding irrigation pumps.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Correspondence regarding Vernon irrigation

  • GR-0689
  • Series
  • 1919-1927

This series consists of Water Rights Branch file No. 011704 of correspondence, including the commissioners' report, regarding the Commission of inquiry under section 171 of the Water Act (1914) to investigate irrigation matters in the vicinity of Vernon involving the White Valley Irrigation Company and Coldstream Estate Company.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Correspondence regarding water utilities

  • GR-3482
  • Series
  • 1938-1973

This series consists of correspondence pertaining to the regulation of water utilities in the Province. The files date from 1929-1990. The records from 1938 to 1973 were created by the Public Utilities Commission under authority of the Public Utilities Act (S.B.C. 1938, c. 47). In 1973, the responsibility for water utilities was transferred to the Office of the Comptroller of Water Rights following the passage of the Water Utility Act (S.B.C. 1973, c. 91).

The records in this series were originally arranged by a number assigned to each utility file. Between 1938 and 1973 the file number consisted of “U-“ followed by a sequential number that coincided with the order that the utility was regulated. The ministry established a new numbering system in 1974 that begins with “0321” followed by a three digit number. This numbering system was applied to most of the files although many of the documents in the files still have the original file number written on the documents.

The files consist primarily of correspondence, memos, and handwritten notes. There are also copies of numerous forms including certificates of public convenience and necessity, water tariff rates, and applications for water licences. Files also contain copies of documents from corporate registry files, including lists of directors and Company Act annual reports, and Land Titles documents including deeds and plans.

British Columbia. Public Utilities Commission

Determinations and Orders

  • GR-1020
  • Series
  • 1913-1933

This series consists of Determinations and Orders for the cancellation of water records by the Board of Investigation under the Water Act, 1914, nos. 2501-5000 (vol. 1) and nos. 7504-8103 (vol. 2). Information on the orders include water district, date of order, date of original grant, name of grantee, and Board file number reference.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Golden and Revelstoke water rights maps

  • GR-3541
  • Series
  • 1916

The records consist of the 33 water rights maps. The maps have been stamped by the Water Rights Branch on December 28, 1916.

The maps are in a large volume that was originally held by the Dominion Lands Office (Golden Sub Agency) of the Canadian Government’s Dept. of the Interior. These maps were likely used by this office as part of the Dept. of Interior’s management of the Railway Belt. This volume was subsequently returned to the Water Rights Branch since they are similar to other water rights maps held by the branch.

The maps are arranged in blocks of numbers that relate to the water district and the water precinct. These numbers, and the water districts are as follows:

2700 to 2823 Golden Water District
7505 to 7655 Revelstoke Water District.

The Golden Water District records include maps from the Spillimacheen Precinct, Golden Precinct, Donald Precinct, and The Revelstoke Water District records include maps from the Arrowhead Precinct, Camborne Precinct, Revelstoke Precinct and Illecillewaet Precinct.

Series includes the following map numbers:


The cover of the volume states that this is a record of the Golden Sub Agency of the Dominion Lands Office of the Canadian Government Dept. of the Interior. It is not clear how this volume may have been used by the Dept. of Interior since each map is stamped by the Water Rights Branch. The Dept. of the Interior was responsible for managing the Railway Belt.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Improvement district letters patent and bylaw register files

  • GR-3978
  • Series
  • 1922 - 2011

The series consists of improvement district letters patent and bylaw register files, 1922-2011. These records document the creation and dissolution of improvement districts, the approval and registration of their bylaws, and provincial government advice and support. Letters patent are the legal instruments for incorporating improvement districts in BC. They establish the name, boundary, services, voting procedures, and other fundamental aspects of each improvement district. Supplementary letters patent cover changes to improvement district boundaries, services, or the number of trustees. Improvement districts were initially created under the Water Act (SBC 1914, c. 81) to provide water and irrigation services to their residents. From 1914 to 1979, administrative responsibility for most improvement districts resided with the Office of the Comptroller of Water Rights (Water Rights Branch). In 1956, responsibility for improvement districts that provided fire protection came under the Dept. of Municipal Affairs, 1934-1976. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs (1978-1986) assumed administrative responsibility for all improvement districts in 1979 with the enactment of the Municipal Act (RSBC 1979, c. 290). This administrative responsibility continues under the Local Government Act (RSBC 2015, c. 1) with the following ministries: Municipal Affairs and Transit, 1986; Municipal Affairs, 1986-1988; Municipal Affairs, Recreation, and Culture, 1988-1991; Municipal Affairs, Recreation, and Housing, 1991-1993; Municipal Affairs, 1993-1996; Municipal Affairs and Housing,1996-1998; Municipal Affairs, 1998-2001; Community, Aboriginal, and Women’s Services, 2001-2005; Community Services, 2005-2008; and Community Development, 2008-2009. Regional districts, introduced in 1965, provide many of the services once provided by improvement districts so new improvement districts will not likely be created. All improvement district bylaws are filed with the ministry and some require registration with the Inspector of Municipalities before taking effect. Others do not require registration, taking effect upon adoption by the trustees of the improvement district.

The records include correspondence, indexes, letters patent and supplementary letters patent, orders in council, approval certificates, and maps. They are arranged alphabetically by improvement district name; some of the records also contain an improvement district number and code. The records were classified under 52000-40 (improvement district letters patent files) of the Local Government Services ORCS, 2006 (schedule 126379).

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Index of water resources recordings

  • GR-0779
  • Series
  • 1911-1962

This series consists of an index of water resources recordings from the Water Rights Branch, 1911-1962. Contains graphic representation of water discharge by drainage basin.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Index to water rights photographs

  • GR-3275
  • Series
  • [ca. 1928-1959]

Series consists of a card file system created by the Water Rights Branch ca. 1928-1959. The card files index photographs taken or collected by the branch during this period, which relate to activity regarding water issues in British Columbia. The series consists of two alphabetical sorts of card files; the first is arranged alphabetically by area. Information on each card lists the photographs indexed under that area, with the photo file number, title or description of the photograph and sometimes the date. Occasionally a negative or glass plate negative number is listed as well. The second sort is arranged alphabetically by subject. The information on each card lists the photographs indexed under that subject, with the photo file number, title or description of the photograph and sometimes the date. There are occasional references to negative or folio numbers. There is also a subset of numbers, L01 to L16, filed after the subject snow surveys which include 23 black and white photographs interfiled with the index cards. The photographic records indexed by this card file system consist of both prints and negatives.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Irrigation report

  • GR-0368
  • Series
  • 1911

"Report on irrigation conditions of British Columbia and recommendations for the initiation of government work on irrigation investigations," by Prof. B.A. Etcheverry, commissioned by the Dept. of Lands.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Kamloops and Vernon water districts information book

  • GR-4289
  • Series
  • 1920-1925

This series consists of one informational binder related to various irrigation districts in the Kelowna water district and the Vernon water district from approximately 1920-1925. Records include financial records such as expenditures and payment schedules into conservation funds; information on irrigation construction and maintenance projects; proclamations; maps of irrigation districts; and general information about the district.

Records relate to the following irrigation districts: Black Mountain, Ericson, Grand Forks, Glenmore, Heffley, Kaledon, Malcolm Horie, Naramata, Oyama, Peachland, Penticton, Robson, Rutland, Scotty Creek, Southeast Kelowna, Vernon, Vinsulla, and Westbank.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Minute book of the Board of Investigation

  • GR-0775
  • Series
  • 1914-1926

This series consists of a minute book of the Board of Investigation pursuant to the Water Act, 1914-1926.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Minutes of a public hearing

  • GR-1009
  • Series
  • 1955

Series contains the minutes of a public hearing on the application of the Northwest Power Industries, Ltd. for a water licence to authorize the diversion, use and storage of water from Atlin Lake and tributaries, held in Atlin, B.C., on August 16, 1955.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Moose River water rights photographs

  • GR-3277
  • Series
  • [ca. 1945-1962]

Series consists of photographs taken or acquired by the Water Rights Branch ca. 1945-1962. The photographs in this series are of Moose River which flows SE into the head of the Fraser River just above Moose Lake, in Mount Robson Provincial Park, British Columbia. The photographs show the upper falls, the banks below the forks, the middle Resplendent flats and damsite.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Nelson water district records

  • GR-3587
  • Series
  • 1897-1966

The series consists of water grant registers and water licence registers. The records were created between 1897 and 1966 to record applications to use water. All records relate to the West Kootenay water region.

The series contains two subseries. The first subseries consists of water registers that were created between 1897 and 1908 following the passage of the 1897 Water Clauses Consolidation Act (SBC 1897, c. 45). This act assigned responsibility to gold commissioners to record water applications and licences and also outlined the process by which gold commissioners were to maintain a “book of record of water rights.”

This subseries contains four “record of water grants” volumes from 1897 to 1908 that were created by the gold commissioners from Nelson, Rossland and Kaslo. The commissioners used these books to create a certified copy of the licence for the applicant as well as to create an official government copy. There is also an 1897-1908 register that indexes the first two registers. Many of the register entries have written notations that list the date that a licence was cancelled.

The second subseries consists of water licence application registers created by the Nelson office of the Water Rights Branch. The 1909 Water Act (SBC 1909, c. 48) transferred the responsibility for the management of water licences to regional water commissioners. The post 1908 registers were created by the Nelson Water Commissioner and provide a list of approved water licences. The records are arranged chronologically and each application was assigned a sequential number.

British Columbia. Gold Commissioner (Nelson)

Notebooks, artesian well investigation, Fraser River Flats

  • GR-0850
  • Series
  • 1914

This series consists of two notebooks containing information collected during artesian well investigation, Fraser River Flats. See the Water Rights Branch, interim report for 1914 (BC Sessional Papers 1915, v.1, p. H-18) for report.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Numerical register of water licence approvals

  • GR-3491
  • Series
  • 1960-1981

Series consists of a register of water approvals. The register begins in 1960 following the passage of the 1960 Water Act (SBC 1960, c. 60). This act allowed the Comptroller of Water Rights, under certain conditions, to approve the diversion and/or use of water without issuing a licence.

The register entries cover the years 1960 to 1981 and is arranged numerically by the approval number.. The register includes the following data fields:

File number
Source of water
Purpose (short term use or changes in a stream)
Date received
Approval number
Water district
Date approval issued

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Okanagan Valley irrigation reports

  • GR-0316
  • Series
  • 1926-1927

This series consists of 16 volumes of reports on irrigation districts in the Okanagan valley from1926 and 1927. Volumes include one summary report for the Okanagan and two copies each of detailed reports on the following irrigation districts: Black Mountain, Glenmore, Naramata, Peachland, South East Kelowna, Vernon, and Westbank. The reports include a history of the project, and statistical information. There is also an appendix to the Scotty Creek irrigation district report included in the series.

Volumes 2-8 are signed by Major J.C. Macdonald, Comptroller of Water Rights and are illustrated with b&w photographs and have maps. The duplicate volumes 9-15 contain holographic alterations and are initialed by J.W. Clark, Inspector, Water Rights Branch.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Omineca District water rights records

  • GR-0843
  • Series
  • 1898-1905; 1909-1917

This series consists of three volumes of records of the Water Commissioner, Omineca District, relating to water rights. Volume 1 is a record of Water Grants pursuant to the Water Clauses Consolidation Act (1897), 1898-1905, including determinations by the Board of Investigation, 1917. Volume 2 is a record of Water Grant pursuant to the Water Clauses Consolidation Act (1897), 1909-1917, including determinations by the Board of Investigation, 1917. Volume 3 is Water Record Book No. 1, from 24 June 1898, recorded at the Gold Commissioner's office, Omineca District, including correspondence relating to water rights claims, 1915 and 1917.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Orders-in-council relating to water works and water power projects

  • GR-0839
  • Series
  • 1892-1913

This series consists of an index and list of orders-in-council relating to water works and water power projects pursuant to the Rivers and Streams Act, 1890, the Water Clauses Consolidation Act, 1897, and the Water Act, 1909. Includes alphabetical index of companies and cities granted certificates of approval and chronological lists.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Permits and authorizations

  • GR-1018
  • Series
  • 1912-1955

Contains permits and authorizations to make surveys necessary for the planning and construction of water works pursuant to the Water Act, 1909 and the Water Act, 1914. Arranged numerically. Includes permit number, name of applicant, description of proposed works, fees, and file references. vol. 1, no. 1-250, 1912-1913; vol. 2, no. 251-500, 1913-1914; vol. 3, no. 501-1000, 1914-1930; vol. 4, no. 1001-1075, 1930-1955.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

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