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Fraser Valley district (B.C.) Series
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Crown lands records
Crown lands records
Mining Engineer correspondence outward
Mining Engineer correspondence outward
Vancouver-Westminster District Police records
Vancouver-Westminster District Police records
Sumas land application declarations
Sumas land application declarations
Vancouver-Westminster Police District records
Vancouver-Westminster Police District records
Letterbook of Colin S. Campbell, Provincial Constable
Letterbook of Colin S. Campbell, Provincial Constable
Land settlement records for Railway Belt and Peace River Block
Land settlement records for Railway Belt and Peace River Block
Indian lands correspondence and other material
Indian lands correspondence and other material
Land sale records
Land sale records
Daily record book of Constable M. Ross, Huntingdon and Mission City
Daily record book of Constable M. Ross, Huntingdon and Mission City
New Westminster County Court minute books
New Westminster County Court minute books
Notebooks, artesian well investigation, Fraser River Flats
Notebooks, artesian well investigation, Fraser River Flats
Dominion regulations
Dominion regulations
Lower Mainland water rights correspondence
Lower Mainland water rights correspondence
Inspector of Dykes administrative records
Inspector of Dykes administrative records
Inspector of Dykes records
Inspector of Dykes records
Cancelled cheques relating to purchases of supplies for the Sumas dyke project
Cancelled cheques relating to purchases of supplies for the Sumas dyke project
Records of the Assistant Land Commissioner and pre-emption certificates
Records of the Assistant Land Commissioner and pre-emption certificates
Sumas Dyking District Relief Commission
Sumas Dyking District Relief Commission
Correspondence inward
Correspondence inward
Register of auction sales of lots
Register of auction sales of lots
Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works correspondence inward
Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works correspondence inward
Records of Premier John H. Turner
Records of Premier John H. Turner
Records submitted to the Deputy Commissioner of Lands and Works by the Government Agent at New Westminster and others
Records submitted to the Deputy Commissioner of Lands and Works by the Government Agent at New Westminster and others
Duty Officer's radio log during the fire season
Duty Officer's radio log during the fire season
Report of Hon. Gordon M. Sloan regarding a proposal to create a marketing area for forest products
Report of Hon. Gordon M. Sloan regarding a proposal to create a marketing area for forest products
Report of the commissioner in the matter of a tree-farm licence and in the matter of Empire Mills Ltd.
Report of the commissioner in the matter of a tree-farm licence and in the matter of Empire Mills Ltd.
Operational records
Operational records
Ranger meeting agenda
Ranger meeting agenda
Results 1 to 30 of 84