Series consists of silviculture opening records created by the South Vancouver Island district and its predecessor the Port Alberni Forest district from 1943-2008. The ministry defines silviculture as “the art and science of controlling the establishment, growth, composition, health, and quality of forests and woodlands to meet the diverse needs and values of landowners and society on a sustainable basis.” These files document the historical silviculture treatment work that has been undertaken on specific areas of land that are referred to as openings.
The files may contain a wide variety of record formats including textual records, photographs and maps. The textual records include computer printouts, photocopies, cards, reports and correspondence. Pre-1980 documents are usually photocopies but there are also many original documents from those years.
Most files are quite small. They usually consist of a map of the area and a computer printout titled the History of Crop Establishment and Tending. These computer printouts are dated from 1986 or 1990. They provide a history of crop establishment and tending and provide information regarding prescriptions, site preparations, reforestation and stand tending.
There are also larger files that contain a variety of other documents. These include prescription documents (which provide the management plan for the area), stand tending cards and reports (that show what forest treatments were taken), traverse sheets (that provide location information), pruning examination cards and printouts, planting reports, final harvesting reports, site preparation reports. Pre-1970 documents usually consist of copies of logging inspection reports.
The files are arranged numerically by a classification number. The first part of that number corresponds with the National Topographic System location codes and the second part of the number consists of a sequential number applied to each file.
Ministries responsible for the creation of this series, and the dates of the responsibility, are:
Dept. of Lands 1943-1945
Dept. of Lands and Forests 1945-1962
Dept. of Lands, Forests and Water Resources 1962-1975
Dept. of Forests 1975-1976
Ministry of Forests 1976-1986
Ministry of Forests and Lands 1986-1988
Ministry of Forests 1988-2005
Ministry of Forests and Range 2005-2010
Classified as 18750-20 in the Forests Operational Records Classification System (ORCS).
British Columbia. Port Alberni Forest District