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Only top-level descriptions British Columbia. Ministry of Forests (1988-2005) British Columbia. Ministry of Forests and Lands
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Forest licence cutting permits from the Dawson Creek Forest District

  • GR-3683
  • Series
  • 1971-1992

The series consists of cutting permits for forest licences and timber sale harvesting licences. The records were created by both the Chetwynd Field Office and the Dawson Creek Forest District. These offices were part of the Prince George Forest Region. Each office maintained their own files and, in most cases, both files have been retained.

The ministry created multiple files for administering the permit process. These include a central file as well as individual files for each cut block. Since this series also contains files from two offices, there are often duplicate central and block files for each permit. Both are numbered identically but they are differentiated by the acronyms CFO for the Chetwynd office and DDC for the Dawson Creek office.

All files contain a variety of correspondence, reports, maps, and forms. The central file is split into two parts. The first part contains a copy of the cutting permit, final harvesting reports, permit extension documentation, and stumpage fees. The second part contains preliminary inspections by Forest Service staff, appraisal analysis documentation and correspondence.

The ministries responsible for creating these records, and the years that they were responsible, are:

British Columbia. Ministry of Forests (1988-1992)
British Columbia. Ministry of Forests and Lands (1986-1988)
British Columbia. Ministry of Forests (1976-1986)
British Columbia. Dept. of Forests (1975-1976)
British Columbia. Dept. of Lands, Forests and Water Resources (1971-1975)

The records were classified as 19500-45 in the Forest Operational Classification System (ORCS).

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands, Forests and Water Resources

Non-replaceable timber sale licences

  • GR-3631
  • Series
  • [ca. 1968]-1997

Series consists of non-replaceable timber sale licence files. These licences provide an applicant with a one-time right to harvest timber in a specified area.

Each file documents the issuance, administration and cancellation of licences as per the Forest Act. The majority of the files in this series date from 1978-1995 although there are also some files that date back to 1968. The records are from all areas of the province.

The files consist primarily of copies of the licence, applications, maps, deletion notices, status clearance forms, correspondence and reports. The ministry assigned A numbers to the files which have been assigned sequentially. There are many gaps in the numbering since the ministry only transferred cancelled licence files to the archives.

The records were created by the Timber Management Branch and the Timber Harvesting Branch. The following ministries were responsible for forestry between 1973-1994:
1973-1975 Dept. of Lands, Forests and Water Resources
1975-1976 Dept. of Forests
1976-1986 Ministry of Forests
1986-1988 Ministry of Forests and Lands
1988-1994 Ministry of Forests

The records have been classified as 19620-25 in the Forest ORCS.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands, Forests and Water Resources

Scale and royalty invoices, ledgers, and reports

  • GR-3347
  • Series
  • 1977-1994

The series consists of records created by the Ministry of Forests (1976-1986), the Ministry of Forests and Lands (1986-1988) and the Ministry of Forests (1988-). Records date from 1977-1994.

The series includes nine different types of computer output microfiche (COM) reports that are arranged by year. Within each year, each type is filed separately, and subdivided by forest district (1977-1978) or forest region (1979-present), if applicable. Districts/regions include: Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Kamloops, Prince George, Nelson and Cariboo.

The records include the following: piece scale invoices, weight scale invoices, weight scale ratio report, appraisal code sheets, mark rate report, mark royalty reports, road ledger, scaler ledger and species ledger. These records are generated by scale and royalty billing activities. It is a requirement of the Forest Act ( SBC 1978, c. 23) that all timber be scaled.

There are two primary methods of scaling used in the Province: piece scale and weight scale. Piece scale involves the measurement of each log harvested. This method is normally used in coastal areas where the logs are larger and not uniform in size. Weight scale is a sampling method where selected loads of logs over a period of time are piece scaled and this data is then used to estimate the volume of all other weighed loads. This method is used primarily in the interior of the Province and was introduced in 1963. It is generally used for large volumes of smaller logs that are uniform in size. Other scaling methods may be used for small volumes of special products, for example, Christmas trees or fence posts.

Until 1985, scalers were employees of the Ministry of Forests, with some limited exceptions. After privatization, the Ministry retained responsibility for examination, appointment, and licensing of scalers. The Ministry is now responsible for authorizing scale sites and conditions, designating which scale timber should go to, establishing scale computation and data controls and ensuring compliance with regulations. The requirements for scaling are outlined in part 6 of the Forest Act and the Scaling Regulations. Additional information is contained in the Scaling Manual and Ministry of Forests scaling policies. The Scaling Manual provides specific instructions on how scale will be measured and calculated and which records must be submitted.

Piece and weight scale invoices are generated from the data collected from the two different types of scaling. They document the amount of royalties owing by each account holder. The two types are kept separately and arranged by forest district/region and consecutive account number. Piece scale invoices are identified with a code beginning with P followed by a letter for the region. Weight scale invoices are identified with a code beginning with W followed by a letter for the region. The letters used for the regions are: V or W (effective May 1982) for Vancouver; R for Prince Rupert; K for Kamloops; G for Prince George; N for Nelson and C for Cariboo. Invoice numbers which are missing were used for manual billing, a practice which ended in the early 1980's.

Ratio reports are the ratios in effect for the month and that are used for processing Weight Scale billing. Ratios are determined by the sample loads that are scaled.

Appraisal code sheets contain information about timber marks. This information is used to determine stumpage rates for billing purposes. These records date from 1979-1982. They have been replaced by the General Appraisal System.

Mark reports include information about rates, appraisals, and other administrative information about each timber mark. These are monthly reports.

Mark royalty reports include rate information for each class of royalty by species/product/grade. Combined with scale data this will determine which rates are used for each royalty type.

Road ledgers were set up to amortise, over time, specific forestry and road costs as part of the timber the late 1970 's and 1980's. These invoices reflect a credit to stumpage associated with the amortisation amount related to either a piece or weight scale invoice.

There are separate ledgers for piece scale invoices and weight scale invoices; each ledger is subdivided by forest district/region. The code used to identify a piece scale road ledger is K followed by a letter representing the district/region. The codes used to identify a weight scale road ledger is L followed by a letter for the district/region. The records date from 1979 to 1985.

There are two types of species ledgers, monthly and yearly. These reports list the log volumes billed by species on each invoice. The monthly report is organized by district/region and timber mark. The yearly report is organized by region and timber mark. The yearly report also includes year to date reports.

A timber mark indicates the property on which the logs were cut. The scalers' ledger is a list of the volume and value scaled by each scaler and is arranged by scaler licence number.

These records are found in secondaries 20340-20, 20390-20, 20390-50 and 21330-20 in the Ministry of Forests ORCS, schedule number 881261.

British Columbia. Ministry of Forests (1988-2005)

Ministry of Forests films and videotapes

  • GR-3365
  • Series
  • 1963-1989

The series consists of one film and 71 videos created or acquired by the Ministry of Forests and its predecessor bodies between 1963 and 1989. The contents of the records cover many aspects of forestry including fire management, forest management, seed and cone management and pests and pesticides. It also includes video interviews with retired staff on the history and practice of the Forest Service and a copy of the documentary "A Proud Past" which those interviews contributed to.

British Columbia. Ministry of Forests (1988-2005)

Special timber licences

  • GR-3736
  • Series
  • 1911-1990 (primarily 1963-1982)

Series consists of special timber licences created by the Ministry of Forests and its predecessors. The ministry created these records to manage the process of providing applicants with the right to cut in forests. The records were created between 1911-1990 although the majority of the records in this series were created between 1963 and 1982. The records deal with all areas of the province and were created in accordance with the Forest Act and its sections on timber licences.

Special timber licences were first referred to in the 1888 Lands Act (SBC 1888, c. 16). The 1912 Forest Act (SBC 1912, c. 17) stated that a “special timber licence shall vest in the holder thereof all rights of property whatsoever in all trees, timber, and lumber cut within the limits of the licence during the term.” These licences remained in effect until the January 1, 1979 enactment of the new Forest Act (SBC 1978, c. 23). This 1978 act replaced special timber licences with a new form of timber licence.

The records are arranged by the timber licence number which begins with TL followed by a sequential number. The TL number was phased out in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s with the introduction of the timber licence files. Many files have the new timber licence number, which begins with “T”, written on the front of the file. There is also a sheet in the front of the file that contains information about the file that replaced it.

The files usually consist of a copy of the licence, renewal documentation, correspondence, logging inspection reports, and termination documents.

There are also two volumes of file 18043f from the Dept. of Lands and Works’ “O” files series. These files contain documentation about multiple licences. These have been placed in the last box.

Ministries that were responsible for this series include:
Dept. of Lands (1908-1945)
Dept. of Lands and Forests (1945-1962)
Dept. of Lands, Forests and Water Resources (1962-1975)
Dept. of Forests (1975-1976)
Ministry of Forests (1976-1986)
Ministry of Forests and Lands (1986-1988)
Ministry of Forests (1988-2005)

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands