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British Columbia. Railway Dept.
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Pacific Great Eastern Railway correspondence

  • GR-0818
  • Series
  • 1912-1915

This series consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence files, 1912-1915, between the Premier's Office and Railway Department relating to the Pacific Great Eastern Railway ("PGE exhibits, Sir Richard McBride's correspondence").

British Columbia. Railway Dept.

Public Works executive correspondence outward

  • GR-0075
  • Series
  • 1909-1915

The series consists of records created by the Minister of Public Works and includes semi-official correspondence outward relating to Public Works between 1909 and 1911 as well as semi-official correspondence outward relating to Public Works and Railways from 1911 to 1915.

The records are arranged in chronologically in 9 volumes. Volumes 1 to 5 are indexed.

British Columbia. Dept. of Public Works. Office of the Minister

Railway Department correspondence files

  • GR-0817
  • Series
  • 1912-1953

This series consists of incoming and outgoing general correspondence files, 1912-1953, concerning railways operating in British Columbia. Includes extensive correspondence files on the Westminster Bridge (the Fraser River railway bridge at New Westminster); the British Columbia Electric Railway; correspondence relating to common carriers and industrial railroads; legislation affecting the Railway Department, etc. Box 14, Files 1 to 28 are Minister of Railways: general [correspondence] and Box 14, Files 29 to 38 are miscellany.

British Columbia. Railway Dept.

Public Works executive correspondence inward

  • GR-0074
  • Series
  • 1909-1915

The series consists of records created by Thomas Taylor, the Minister of Public Works, between 1909 and 1916 and are arranged chronologically in 23 volumes.

The series includes semi-official or routine correspondence inward relating to Public Works between 1909 and 1911
(volumes 1 to 5, pages 1-521) and the semi-official or routine correspondence inward relating to Public Works and Railways from 1911 to 1916 (volumes 5-23, pages 1-2007).

British Columbia. Dept. of Public Works. Office of the Minister

Crown land records

  • GR-1408
  • Series
  • 1901-1952

This series contains certificates granted with the object of facilitating registration of title to a portion of Crown lands granted to the Nelson and Fort Sheppard Railway Company and the Kaslo and Slocan Railway Company (2 vols.), 1901-1904. It includes notices from the Deputy Minister of Lands certifying grants, 1920, 1937, 1941, and 1952.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Annual reports and other material

Bound annual report forms, office and working copies, prepared by the company for submission to the Dept. of Railways in Ottawa. Includes some correspondence regarding the annual reports. The British Columbia Yukon Railway Co. which operates the British Columbia portion of the White Pass Route, is one of three companies owned by the White Pass and Yukon Railway which operates between Skagway and Whitehorse.

The British Columbia Yukon Railway Co.

Pacific Great Eastern Railway correspondence

  • GR-0876
  • Series
  • 1919-1951

This series consists of incomplete general Railway Department correspondence files, incoming and outgoing of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway, 1919-1951. Files include topics on Vancouver-Squamish bridges, Car barge and transfer ferry, Directors records, personal freight accounts, Orders-in-council, Location surveys for the Quesnel-Cottonwood revision, Right of ways, Proposed changes of route, Completion of line at Cottonwood-Prince George, tariffs, water licenses and Squamish dock & harbor improvement.

British Columbia. Railway Dept.

Railway Department records

  • GR-0877
  • Series
  • 1904-1952

This series consists of records of the Railway Department, 1904-1952. Records include agreements regarding running rights over Fraser River bridge at New Westminster; certificate regarding the amalgamation of the Howe Sound and Northern Railway and the Pacific Great Eastern Railway; contract for PGER locomotives; and leases for land and equipment.

British Columbia. Railway Dept.

Correspondence and other material

  • GR-1411
  • Series
  • 1917-1922

This series contains departmental general correspondence files, 1917-1922, pertaining to Songhees land in Victoria. Files, which had been alienated from the Railway Dept. filing system (also see GR-0817) and transferred to the Dept. of Lands, include Railway file 53.3 "Songhees industrial leases", 53.4 "Foundation Company--Imperial Munitions Board" and parts of 53.5 "Johnson Street Bridge". The series also contains two agreements (1917, 1919) involving the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway.

British Columbia. Railway Dept.

Report to the Honorable John Oliver, Minister of Railways, Province of British Columbia, on the economic and engineering features of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway

The item consists of a copy of a report on the economic and engineering features of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway in 1922, held by the Dept. of Lands. The report was written by J.G. Sullivan who was commissioned by the Premier and Minister of Railways, John Oliver.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands