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British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works Pre-emption--British Columbia
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Certificates of purchase

  • GR-1521
  • Series
  • 1859-1944

This series contains acknowledgements of moneys received by the Lands Department pursuant to the pre-emption or sale of crown land. These certificates of purchase include district, legal description of land, acreage, date and terms of payment, name of payer, pre-emption record number, certificate of improvement number, crown grant number and departmental file numbers. The certificates are divided into four series.

SERIES 1. CERTIFICATES OF PURCHASE BY LAND DISTRICT, 1859-1913. Volumes have alphabetical indexes.
SERIES 3. CERTIFICATES OF PURCHASE, SERIES 4. CERTIFICATES OF PURCHASE, 1907-1944. Vancouver Island certificate books.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Correspondence and memoranda

  • GR-1132
  • Series
  • 1895-1903

This series contains correspondence and memoranda of the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works with the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Nelson, regarding land disputes. File 1 contains correspondence relating to the disputed pre-emption claim of E.P. Dunn at Slocan City, 1895-1897. File 2 deals with a three-sided dispute over lands at Bonnington Falls between the City of Nelson; L.A. Campbell's application for a mill site (under the Mineral Act), and the West Kootenay Power and Light Company.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Correspondence and other material, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works

  • GR-1381
  • Series
  • 1863-1896

This series contains miscellaneous records of the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. The records consist of correspondence, receipts, accounts, petitions relating to pre-emptions, ferries, roads, public works, leases, and tax assessments. Includes (1) Metchosin District assessment roll, 1863; (2) pre-emption correspondence with William G. Cox and Peter O'Reilly, 1865, 1869; (3) receipt book for rental of crown lands, including waterfrontage and timber cutting, 1868-1869; (4) indenture for ferry charter at Omineca, 1872; (5) accounts relating to roads and bridges 1872-1873; (6) an 1880 petition re the graving dock; (7) report on Thompson River Bridge, 1876, 1882; (8) an 1892 pre-emption of Allison, Carefoot and Cameron in Yale District; (9) copy of a letter re road to Montgomery Landing, Kootenay District, 1896.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Land register

  • GR-2624
  • Series
  • 1875

This series consists of a Cameron Land District land register for Section 1, Lot 3-4, 8-10 on Vancouver Island. The volume was superseded in 1875 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1875). The register contains one pre-emption entry and some notes. Information may include the name of purchaser dates and numbers of certificates issued., (including Crown Grants), along with cross references to other registers.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Land registry office correspondence

  • GR-4288
  • Series
  • 1885

This series consists of correspondence inward received by the land registry office from January to December 1885. The correspondence may be written by members of the public interested in purchasing or pre-empting land, or other government employees, particularly Government Agents located around the province. The majority of the correspondence is administrative in nature, regarding the filing of records at the land registry office or the transmittal of payments related to land applications. Records are arranged by their chronological file number from 1/1885 to 291/1885.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Pre-emption records

  • GR-1182
  • Series
  • 1860-1874, 1884

This series contains records relating to pre-emptions in the Cariboo, Lillooet, Lytton and Kootenay Districts recorded by various Gold Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners of Lands and Works. The records consist of correspondence, notices of claim, sketches and affidavits and pertains largely to records in the vicinities of Quesnel, Alexandria, Williams Lake, Lytton and Cache Creek. The series also includes a detailed account of town lot sales at Quesnellemouth held on 13 October 1863 as well as an application for wages due, correspondence on various land disputes, several water records, and proposed leases of government reserves.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Cariboo District

  • GR-0824
  • Series
  • 1863-1893

This series consists of 11 volumes of records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Cariboo District, 1863-1893. Records include certificates of pre-emption, certificates of improvement, lot register of Group 1, Cariboo District, sale of town lots of Richfield, Barkerville, Cameronton, and Quesnellemouth, and certificates of purchase. Also contains water rights recorded for irrigation purposes and an accounts book.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Lillooet District

  • GR-0827
  • Series
  • 1860-1874

This series consists of records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Lillooet District. Records include four volumes of pre-emption records. Volume 1, Records of Pre-empted Lands in the Lillooet District, nos. 1-330 (1860-1869); includes notices of water records nos. 1-114 (1865-1869) and later notices of cancellations and Crown grants. Volume 2, pre-emption claim certificates, nos. 331-418 (1870-1874, 1881). Volume 3, pre-emption claims, nos. 89-128 (1862-1863) consisting of sketches pasted into ledger of cash collected for road tolls, 1862-1865. Volume 4, preemption claims, nos. 20-88 (1861-1862), no. 120 (1863) and nos. 187-200 (1865-1866), including sketches.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Yale District

  • GR-0826
  • Series
  • 1859-1886

This series consists of the records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Yale District, 1859-1886. Records include 5 volumes of pre-emption records and one volume of certificates of improvement.

Volume 1, nos. 1-392 (1859-1872)
Volume 2, nos. 275-312 and 1-24 (1870-1871)
Volume 3, nos. 25-279 (1871-1884)
Volume 4, certificates of record of unsurveyed land, nos. 250-294 (1874-1885)
Volume 5, certificates of record of unsurveyed land, nos. 292-295 (1883-1886)
Volume 6, certificates of improvement, nos. 1-27 (1870-1873)

Volumes 1 and 4 have nominal indexes. Note that these volume number have been added by the BC Archives; they are not the original volume numbers applied by the creator.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Records of the Assistant Land Commissioner and pre-emption certificates

  • GR-1084
  • Series
  • 1884-1887

This series contains the records of the Assistant Land Commissioner, New Westminster, relating to pre-emptions. It includes pre-emption certificates Nos. 1-100, 967-1063, New Westminster District, (2 vols.) Nominal index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works