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Only top-level descriptions British Columbia. Office of the Provincial Timber Inspector Forests and forestry--British Columbia
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Reports of the Assistant Timber Inspector at Nelson

  • GR-1213
  • Series
  • 1912

This series contains reports by the Assistant Timber Inspector at Nelson on timber cut and royalties payable by the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Doukhobor Society.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Appeal book and judgements

  • GR-1208
  • Series
  • 1906

This series contains an appeal book and judgements of the British Columbia Supreme Court in the case of James S. Emerson, timber dealer v. Robert T. Skinner, Provincial Timber Inspector, regarding the seizure of three booms of cedar under the Timber Manufacturing Act, 1906.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Registers of timber leases and royalties

  • GR-1184
  • Series
  • 1872-1913

This series contains registers of timber leases and royalties (7 vols.). The series also consists of registers of leaseholds and licences maintained by the Lands and Works Dept., Victoria and the Timber Inspector, Vancouver; journals of timber lease payments in arrears (1891-1910), and a ledger of timber royalty payments (1908-1913). Volume 7 is oversize.

British Columbia. Office of the Provincial Timber Inspector