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Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Company
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Lewis Thatcher interview

RECORDED: Nanaimo (B.C.), 1979-02-20 SUMMARY: One in a series of interviews about the history of Vancouver Island's coal mining industry and mining communities. Origins; Alexander mine; E & N; Fiddick's job; father's death; prostitutes; Hawthornethwaite; murder of Stark; sailing ships; surveying; education; strike; South Wellington; Scotchtown; Mark Bate; other nationalities; Finns; timbers; racial mix; Dunsmuir; land grants; Chinese.

A.L. Robinson interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1979-11-15 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: A.L. Robinson discusses his experiences railroading: running from Prince Rupert to Prince George and then back to Prince Rupert (22.5 hours on shift alone) -- bad track, sore feet, once was off track for 1000 yards before anyone noticed, very frequent trips between these two towns; describes what he would do on a shift; places on the Grand Trunk; picking up and sorting the mail; never received overtime pay; incident when he was stuck in the woods for three days with no food due to a washout or a slide; the Island line is considered the best run in Canada; employed by the post office department, not the railway; 8 to 10 cars on a train on the Grand Trunk line; working on the Island meant shorter days than working in northern B.C.; postal service was much better in those days; salary of about $50 a month plus mileage; describes routes he traveled; mail service changed when it began to use trucks; letters with cancellations; incident at South Wellington where the track had been washed out. TRACK 2: Mr. Robinson discusses: incident in Chemainus when engineer lost a piston; celebrating the 93rd anniversary of the first train arrival in Nanaimo- only 3 people went; helping a young kid who was 'riding the rails' in the Depression. (End of interview)

B.A. "Spike" Carson interview : [Turner, 1979]

CALL NUMBER: T3355:0001 RECORDED: Ladysmith (B.C.), 1979-01-16 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Spike Carson discusses his background and how he got into railroading: born in Port Alberni in 1913; quit school at 14; worked as a carpenter's helper, then at a sawmill, learned to drive a truck; 1930 he began working for E&N Railway; worked all over the Island for E&N; at first, he was just a 'wiper'; first fast ride on a locomotive; went to APL to do braking in 1938- then 'firing', then running; stories about his running days (running engines); biggest train he ever handled; working on spurs; describes the locomotives; story about Hap Murray; anecdote about meeting someone who had never seen a locomotive before; oil vs. coal in the running of locomotives; log dump for the APL line. TRACK 2: Spike Carson: night shift and day shift tasks; further description of engines; Pacific Coast shay; after Port Alberni was finished he decided to drive trucks; driving trucks down by Franklin River; hurting his leg and having to stop work; helping with a steam engine up in Nanaimo; more on grades of lines; anecdotes about running a train in the mid-twentieth century.

CALL NUMBER: T3355:0002 RECORDED: Ladysmith (B.C.), 1979-01-16 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Spike Carson discusses: bridging loads of lumber out of the mill; machinery used in railroading at this time; many scares when he was firing; handling trains on slippery grades; used to hills because of his work in coastal B.C. [TRACK 2: blank; end of interview.]

Bill Bennett : [press conferences, interviews, speeches, etc., December 1977 - July 1978]

CALL NUMBER: T1707:0094 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: Interviewed by Hal Leiren RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977-12-20 SUMMARY: In an interview with Hal Leiren, Premier Bill Bennett reviews his administration's accomplishments and talks about future prospects for BC. Among the issues discussed are the economy, education, unemployment, industry, transportation, national unity, French language education, Bennett's political aspirations, and labour relations. 20 December 1977. NOTE: TRANSCRIPT ONLY. CALL NUMBER: T1707:0095 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: Speech to Roadbuilders Association RECORDED: Vancouver (B.C.), 1978-04-25 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Premier Bill Bennett's speech to the BC Roadbuilders Association, Vancouver 25 April 1978. [TRACK 2: blank.] CALL NUMBER: T1707:0096 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: News conference on E&N Railway RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-05-17 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Premier Bill Bennett at a news conference on the proposed cancellation of E & N Railway passenger service, 17 May 1978. [TRACK 2: blank.] CALL NUMBER: T1707:0097 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: News conference on trip to Alaska RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-05-31 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Premier Bill Bennett news conference following his two-day trip to Anchorage, Alaska, during which he met with Alaska Governor Hammond. Their talks dealt particularly with rail transportation. 31 May 1978. [TRACK 2: blank.] CALL NUMBER: T1707:0098 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: Reaction to constitutional proposals RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-06-12 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: In a news conference, Premier Bill Bennett discusses his government's reaction to the federal government's constitutional amendment proposals, 12 June 1978. [TRACK 2: blank.] CALL NUMBER: T1707:0099 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: Speech to social credit convention RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-06-17 SUMMARY: TRACK 1 & 2: Premier Bill Bennett's speech to the Social Credit Party's north shore "mini-convention", 17 June 1978. CALL NUMBER: T1707:0100 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: Reaction to report on electoral redistribution RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-06-21 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Premier Bill Bennett reacts to the interim report on electoral redistribution by Judge Lawrence Eckardt. Bennett indicates that the recommendations for new political boundaries will be accepted without amendment and that legislation will be introduced shortly. [TRACK 2: blank?] CALL NUMBER: T1707:0101 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: Interviewed by Sun reporter Neale Adams RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-06-23 SUMMARY: TRACK 1 & 2: Premier Bill Bennett is interviewed by Vancouver Sun reporter Neale Adams, 23 June 1978. CALL NUMBER: T1707:0102 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: BC's response to federal constitutional proposals RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-06-27 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: At a news conference, Premier Bill Bennett discusses BC's response to the federal proposals for constitutional reform, 27 June 1978. [TRACK 2: blank?] CALL NUMBER: T1707:0103 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: News conference with Idaho Governor Evans RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-07-06 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Premier Bill Bennett and Idaho Governor John Evans at a news conference, following their meeting to discuss the possibility of energy exchanges, 6 July 1978. [TRACK 2: blank.]

[CHEK-TV news film -- Victoria construction #1]

Stock shots. 1. Synagogue; church steeple; church exteriors. 2. Beaconville Apartments. 3. Congregation Emanuel Temple (Canada's oldest synagogue) being restored. 4. Unidentified interview [Rabbi or architect?]. 5. Metropolitan Store; street scenes. 6. Oak Bay Village. 7. Johnson Street Bridge. 8. Chinese hospital. 9. Coastal scenes. 10. E&N Railway 90th anniversary (1888-1978); train, station, engineer, conductor, etc. 11. Airport -- Air Canada counter. 12. Old Carnegie Library building. 13. Church interior -- Stations of the Cross. 14. St. Anne's Academy -- development plans. 15. Chinatown scenes. 16. Artist's drawing of gate; chart on wall, ending at June 28, 1981. 17. Undeveloped city land [ at St. Anne's?]. 18. Construction site. 19. Sewage outfall; protest banner; Clover Point. 20. Wrecking ball on the waterfront. 21. Office building and mall nearing completion. 22. Refinishing plaster work and gilt finish. Crystal Garden renovation. 23. Construction site. 24. Old building being renovated -- construction scenes.

Bill Bennett : [press conferences, interviews, speeches, etc., November 1977 - April 1978]

CALL NUMBER: T1707:0083 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: Interviewed by Ed Ogle of Time Magazine RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-01-11 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: In an interview with Ed Ogle of Time Magazine, Premier Bill Bennett discusses confederation, the western provinces' position on federalism and certain economic issues, and Rene Levesque and separatism. Bennett proposes limiting government growth, comments on the self-centered attitudes of politicians, French language rights, and Canadian multiculturalism. TRACK 2: Bennett claims Canadian federalism holds more flexibility than the American system, and claims his government will do everything possible to maintain national unity. He also speculates about the possible consequences of the break-up of confederation. 11 January 1978. CALL NUMBER: T1707:0084 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: Announces electoral reform commission and E&N Railway decision RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-01-12 & 19 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: In a news conference, Premier Bill Bennett announces the appointment of Judge Lawrence Smith Eckardt as a commissioner under the Public Enquiries Act to make an enquiry into electoral reform. Bennett also answers questions on international fishing boundaries and gives the BC position on fishing limits. He discusses Claude Ryan's five region concept and various aspects of Canadian federalism. 12 January 1978. TRACK 2: In a press conference, Bennett announces the CTC decision to grant BC's request for a stay in the CPR order to suspend passenger services on the E & N Railway. The stay is valid for five months, during which the CPR will continue to provide passenger service. In the meantime, BC is to appeal the CPR decision in the courts. Bennett also discusses the importance of this service, and answers questions concerning the BCR and BC Tel. 19 January 1978. CALL NUMBER: T1707:0085 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: State of the province address message and Saanich Chambers of Commerce address RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-01-25 & 1978-02-02 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: In a news conference, Premier Bill Bennett presents his economic and financial quarterly report (termed the "state of the province address"). Things are looking up in BC, Bennett states, and he relates how labour relations, industrial growth and the general economy have improved over the past year. He comments on legislation which has been passed and on the state of dominion/provincial relations, alluding to BC strategies and proposals to be adopted at an upcoming federal/provincial conference. He also calls for freer trade to bolster the economy. 25 January 1978. TRACK 2: In an address to the combined Chambers of Commerce in Saanich, Bennett speaks about the effort necessary to improve public access to government, and about the role of legislators. He relates how the province's economy has grown over the past two years, and suggests it is time for (realistic) optimism. Bennett also comments on provincial job creation efforts and federal/provincial resource development plans, 2 February 1978. CALL NUMBER: T1707:0086 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: Remarks at First Ministers' Conference RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-02-13 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: In his opening remarks to the First Ministers' Conference, Premier Bill Bennett discusses inflation, the economy, unemployment, finance, industry, natural resources and strategies to deal with problems in these areas, 13 February 1978. TRACK 2: During the afternoon sitting of the First Ministers' Conference, Bennett comments on the growth of the public sector in Canada, urging all governments to adopt a policy a policy of spending restraint, and proposes several methods of cutting government costs, 13 February 1978. CALL NUMBER: T1707:0087 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: Press conference on throne speech, and sworn in as minister RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-03-30 & 1978-04-04 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: In a press conference, Premier Bill Bennett discusses the throne speech. He announces that Harvey Wilfred Schroeder will be the new Speaker of the House, and Steven Rogers will be the deputy speaker. The throne speech deals with job creation, with an emphasis on small business and individual enterprise. Jobs are to be created in the private sector, aided by government efforts and deregulation. 30 March 1978. TRACK 2: Bennett is sworn in as Minister of Energy, Transport and Communications the day after Jack Davis's resignation, and conducts a press conference afterwards. Bennett asks his colleagues to endorse Evan Wolfe as the new director of BC Hydro and Sam Bawlf as the director of the BC Harbour Board. Bennett refuses to comment further on Davis's resignation. 4 April 1978. CALL NUMBER: T1707:0088 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: Discusses Jack Davis's resignation and economic plans RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-04-06 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: In a press conference, Premier Bill Bennett states that the investigation into the Jack Davis affair was instigated by a private individual, and claims that any minister must resign under similar circumstances. Davis would be restored to the premier's confidence if he is cleared. 6 April 1978. TRACK 2: In a news conference, Bennett discusses his economic plans for BC. He comments on the federal budget and sales tax reductions, and answers questions concerning unemployment and job creation efforts. 11 April 1978. NOTE: Unedited transcript is available for this track only. CALL NUMBER: T1707:0089 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: Premier's post-Yorkton news conference RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-04-17 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: In a news conference, Premier Bill Bennett comments on the viability of the Fort Nelson extension of the BCR, Cyril Shelford's proposed resignation, the upcoming federal election, and federal;/provincial financial arrangements. 17 April 1978. TRACK 2: Bennett announces that regular economic meetings between the provinces and Ottawa will commence. 17 April 1978. CALL NUMBER: T1707:0090 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: Meets northern mayors about BCR extension RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-04-20 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mayors from northeastern BC meet with Premier Bill Bennett to persuade his government to extend the BC Railway to Fort Nelson. They present various economic and political arguments to further their case. 20 April 1978. TRACK 2: Bennett responds by stating that the matter will have to be studied further before any decision is made. 20 April 1978. CALL NUMBER: T1707:0091 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: Post-Trudeau visit press conference RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977-11-01 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: In a press conference, Premier Bill Bennett discusses the results of his meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau. The discussion touched on aspects of the national economy, the teaching of the French language, national unity, the constitution, and the five regions concept of Canadian federalism. 1 November 1977. [TRACK 2: blank.] CALL NUMBER: T1707:0092 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: Interview with Gary Bannerman (part 1) RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-01-25 SUMMARY: TRACK 1 and 2: In a radio hot line program interview with Gary Bannerman on CKNW Vancouver, Premier Bill Bennett discusses northern development through the extension of the BC Railway, government plans to stimulate the economy, and the employment situation in BC. 25 January 1978. CALL NUMBER: T1707:0093 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: Interview with Gary Bannerman (part 2) RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-01-25 SUMMARY: TRACK 1 & 2: In a radio hot line program interview with Gary Bannerman on CKNW Vancouver, Premier Bill Bennett answers questions from listeners across the province. He discusses liquor legislation, the distribution of government information, the role of government, and various government services. 25 January 1978.

Bill Bennett : [press conferences, interviews, speeches, etc., December 1977 - January 1978]

CALL NUMBER: T1707:0080 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: In a news conference and an interview RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977-12-20 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: In a press conference, Premier Bill Bennett makes observations upon his constituency work, the Prime Minister's Christmas message, electoral reform, the upcoming Oak Bay by-election of 1978, and the opinions held about BC overseas. He also discusses dominion/provincial relations and the E & N Railway. 20 December 1977. TRACK 2: In an interview with Jim Hume, Bennett discusses the upcoming Oak Bay by-election of 1978, dominion/provincial relations, and BC proposals made at a premiers' conference on economic planning. He also comments upon the retirement of the Lieutenant Governor, Walter Owen. 20 December 1977.

CALL NUMBER: T1707:0081 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: Press conference RECORDED: [location unknown], 1978-01-05 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: In a news conference, Premier Bill Bennett sets the date for the 1978 Oak Bay by-election, as well as dates for the prorogation and the reconvening of the House. He comments on Prime Minister Trudeau's threatened use of force to keep Québec in confederation; he also discusses the BC Tel strike and the Royal Commission Special Report, and the Fort Nelson extension of the BCR. Among other issues mentioned are a federal dry dock in Vancouver, the BCRIC, and the E & N Railway appeal. 5 January 1978. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Bill Bennett : [press conference, December 20, 1977]

SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Bill Bennett: conducts a news conference RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977-12-20 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: In a news conference, Premier Bill Bennett discusses the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway, the BC Tel strike, his constituency work, the Prime Minister's suggestion (in his Christmas message) that we need faith, the Electoral Reform Commission, the Oak Bay by-election, and overseas opinion of BC. 20 December 1977. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Railway Transport Committee decision re E&N passenger service

The file consists of a photocopy of a decision of Railway Transport Committee in the matter of the application by Canadian Pacific Limited (Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Company) to discontinue its passenger service between Victoria and Courtenay; and in the matter of its suspension of service between Parksville and Courtenay, July 23, 1976.

Canadian Transport Commission

[Bennett - CP lands]

News item. Premier Bennett at a press conference. He says the CPR made a contract, years ago, with provincial government to run the E&N line "in perpetuty," even though the CPR has sold most of the land through which it runs. Traffic on the northern part of the line is increasing, Bennett says, as are the gross revenues. If service was discontinued, there would be a big increase in highway traffic, so its necessary to hold the CPR to its obligation.

[E&N -- Wednesday]

News item. A spokesman points out that all costs of public transportation must be met by the users. Until people realize this, there isn't much hope for the E&N or any other public transporter in North America. He makes the point that railways are the only form of public transportation where all costs can be accumulated. Some very good shots of the dayliner.

[E&N takeover]

News item. The CPR wants to abandon the E&N railway line because two trestles need extensive repair. Unidentified spokesman says BC government is willing to buy the line if the CPR will return all the free land it received when the line was first put in.

Thomas B. Scott interview

The item is an audio recording of an interview with Thomas B. Scott.
T0548:0001 track 1: Discusses first involvement in the forest industry. Description of ground lead and high lead logging. Job of the 'tallyman'. The Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau. Cruising with Hibberson and Ryan, 1921-1926. Working on government sponsored taxation cruise. Number of employees on Hibberson and Ryan Crew. Logistical problems in early timber cruising. Camp life and woods work while timber cruising, 1920s.
Track 2: Anecdotes about storing food and problems with animals in the woods. Problems with insects. Waste in milling operations. Duties of the Compass man. Bullbucking and learning logging layouts, 1925-1935. Anecdote about M.A. Grainger. Working for Alberni Pacific Logging Company and later MacMillan & Bloedel.
T0548:0002 track 1: Greater emphasis on timber cruising, 1940s. Purchasing and operational cruising responsibilities, 1938-1967. Chief Cruiser for MacMillan & Bloedel. Confidential nature of timber cruising. Efficiency of logging industry, 1936-1974. Feasibility studies for Prince Rupert pulp mill. Work since retirement, 1967-1974. Description of timber cruising methods, 1936-1974.
Track 2: Training of timber cruiser. Comments on the E & N Railway land grants and the effect on coast logging. Eustace Smith, Hal Gardiner, and Harry Baxter. The making of a good timber cruiser. Comments on labour unions, 1934-1974. General comments on life as a timber cruiser.

Thomas Menzies interview

CALL NUMBER: T0816:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1965-08-06 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Menzies describes the early churches of the Comox-Courtenay district. His father [Thomas Menzies] was a Presbyterian minister, and later an independent member of the Legislature in Victoria. Mr. Menzies recalls his early life in the Comox area; schooling; Cumberland; Royston; Union Bay; Dunsmuir and the E & N Railway; Courtenay; early settlers; Joseph McPhee; Comox; logging and farming. TRACK 2: Mr. Menzies continues with his description of early Comox and Courtenay; early settlers; Indians; Robb family; Muir family; schools and school teachers; Royal and Canadian navies; hotels; pioneers including Fred Burns and the Parkins family; logging.

CALL NUMBER: T0816:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1965-08-06 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Menzies describes early logging in the Comox-Courtenay area; headquarters; Bevan; Sandwick; Duncan family; transportation; railways; World War I; the Grants. [TRACK 2: blank.]

William E. Pinson interview

CALL NUMBER: T0697:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964-03-16 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Pinson recalls his early years (1910 to the 1950s) railroading in BC. He talks about many incidents and events which occurred while railroading on the BC Electric; bootleggers; freight; passenger trade; winter storms; the route through the Fraser Valley; the "Owl"; scheduled trains; freight trains; special trains; train accidents; and "the juice line". TRACK 2: Mr. Pinson continues discussing the route through the Fraser Valley; bootleggers; farm freight; BC Electric and the building of the Alaska Highway; passenger service; excursions; Bradner and the Japanese gardeners; farmers and characters along the train line; famous trainmen; motorman skills and train terms.

CALL NUMBER: T0697:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964-03-16 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Pinson recalls problems with gangs of kids; miners on the E & N route; the "Nanaimo Street Gang". He talks about the years 1910 to 1915 on the E & N; building the line; industries and communities along the route. He discusses wildlife along the line; hunters and fishermen's special trains; game wardens; fishing. [TRACK 2: blank.]

William Lewis interview

PERIOD COVERED: ;1875;-;1963 RECORDED: Nanaimo (B.C.), [1963 or 1967] SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Lewis, who is 100 years of age, relates his memories of the journey to Nanaimo in 1875; life in Nanaimo from 1875 to 1963; the trip from Victoria to Nanaimo on the steamer 'Maude" in 1875; visit by Sir John A. MacDonald to Nanaimo in 1886; the completion of the E&N Railway in 1886. TRACK 2: The 24th of May celebrations; horse racing on Nanaimo streets.;

Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Belt land tax ledgers

  • GR-2189
  • Series
  • 1950-1979

The series consists of various tax ledgers created by the Property Taxation Branch between 1950 and 1979. The ledgers were all created to manage taxation of alienated railway lands under An Act to Provide for Taxation of the Railway Belt Lands of the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Company, SBC 1950, chap. 70 (repealed by the Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2014, SBC 2014, c. 14, s. 54).

Records include a tax roll for 1950; tax instalment rolls, notices and calculations, 1950 to 1979; paid in full ledgers, 1950 to 1969 and summary ledgers, 1950 to 1979.

British Columbia. Property Taxation Branch

[George F. Lowe collection, reel 08 : E&N Railway ; steamships; Royal visit]

Amateur film. Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway passenger train carrying up-island children; bedecked street car (May Street); 3- funnel ship [the "Princess Kathleen"?]; passenger train arrives; boy scouts; passenger train; King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in car; ship "Prince Robert" leaves harbour; Thomas Lowe on house porch, Linden Street.

Daniel Lawrence McMullan fonds

  • PR-2337
  • Fonds
  • 1928-1946

The fonds consists of three photograph albums created by Donald Lawrence McMullan between 1928 and 1946. The photographs document his work on forest survey teams for both the provincial and federal governments, as well as surveys conducted by logging and railroad companies.

The first two albums contain photographs from several survey jobs, arranged chronologically. They are divided into sections with an introductory page and a cartographic drawing showing where the particular survey took place. The photographs are usually dated with captions and are as follows:
Album 1 (1928-1933)
Amiskwi and Beaverfoot survey, 1928, Forest Service, Dept. of the Interior, Canada
P.G.E. resources survey, 1929, Forest Resources Branch, British Columbia
Preliminary survey of a proposed logging railroad, 1930, Bloedel, Stewart & Welch Ltd. logging company
Elk Forest survey, 1930, British Columbia Forest Service
North Kamloops Survey, 1931, British Columbia Survey Branch
Railway belt survey, 1932, British Columbia Forest Service
Railroad logging operation, 1933, Industrial Timber Mills Ltd.
Album 2 (1934-1939):
Surveys for logging railroads, 1934-1935, UBO Industrial Timber Mills Ltd.
Kettle Forest Survey, 1935, British Columbia Forest Service
E&N Survey, 1936-1937
Harrison Survey, 1939

The third album, created between 1940 and 1946, contains photographs from McMullan's later career and show general forestry activities on Vancouver Island, mainland British Columbia, Yukon and Alaska. Captions and dates are inconsistently applied.

The fonds also includes a copy of McMullan's thesis entitled "The Work of the Surveys Division: British Columbia Forest Service" written in 1932 during McMullan's studies at the University of British Columbia. This thesis is illustrated with five b&w prints and an annotated map. Also included in the fonds is a notice of permanent appointment to the British Columbia civil service dated March 25, 1937 with attached salary schedule and a letter to McMullan dated January 20, 1938 regarding a new classification grading system for Foresters.

McMullan, Daniel Lawrence

Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Belt land tax files

  • GR-3892
  • Series
  • 1918-1984

The series consists of Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Belt land tax files created by the Property Taxation Branch and its predecessor, the Surveyor of Taxes, between 1918 and 1984. These files were created to manage taxation of alienated railway lands under An Act to Provide for Taxation of the Railway Belt Lands of the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Company, SBC 1950, chap. 70 (repealed by the Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2014, SBC 2014, c. 14, s. 54).

The files are arranged roughly by subject. Files contain correspondence and memos regarding appeals, alienations and tax return relating to provincial taxation issues for the E&N Railway Belt land. There are also some general files regarding land sales and leases and ones for specific timber companies.

British Columbia. Property Taxation Branch

Results 1 to 30 of 81