Goldstream, near Victoria
Dog, horse and buggy in a clearing
Panorama of Cedar Hill dist. : left side
Clam Bake, Mount Douglas Beach
Clam Bake, Mount Douglas Beach
A salmon cache near Yale on the Fraser River
Grave at Lytton
HMS Wild Swan at Victoria.
Burrard Inlet.
[Views of British Columbia photograph album]
Looking north from the corner of Government and Fort Streets, Victoria.
H.M.S. Sparrowhawk at Esquimalt
New Westminster Rifle Team At Clover Point.
One of the 1st Fraser R. [River] boats. S.S. Alexandra stern wheeler.
Government House, Cary Castle, Victoria
Looking south on Main Street, Barkerville.
51 Mile House on the Cariboo Road
The Van Winkle Hotel; at Van Winkle, 1.5 miles north of Stanley, on the Barkerville Road.
First Nations group in a tent on the Fraser River
Interior, St. Paul's Naval Church, Esquimalt.
George S. Byrnes, auctioneer in the early 1860's
Necomeen Falls
Inner harbour from Church Hill; Victoria.
View Of Victoria From Church Hill, Looking Northeast.
Nicomen Creek, Thompson River
Maynard Photographic Gallery and Boot and Shoe Store; corner of Douglas and Johnson Streets, Victoria
The organ at the Reformed Episcopalian Church; Church of Our Lord; Humboldt Street, Victoria.
The Nanaimo River Falls.
Victoria, Maynard's Photographic Gallery, Boots, Shoes, Leather, And Shoe Findings; Ne Corner Of Douglas And Johnson Streets.
Nicomen Falls