100 Mile House.
100 Mile House.
100 Mile House.
100 Mile House.
106 Mile House
127 Mile House
150 Mile Creek
1920's Car
1949 Coalition Cabinet
1972 New Democratic Party Cabinet
200 Year Old Spruce Stand, Sandspit
200 Year Old Spruce Stand, Sandspit
#3 Plant At Canyon Falls
8 Drum Sander Sanding Panels, Alberni Plywood Ltd.
9' Fir Log At Sweeney Cooperage, Victoria
9 Foot Fir Log, Sweeney Cooperage Victoria
9 Foot Fir Log, Sweeney Cooperage Victoria
9 Mile Hill, Hope-Princeton Highway
A dugout canoe under construction beside the Tilikum in Thunderbird Park, Victoria.
A Steller's jay.
Abandoned Courthouse at Richfield.
Abbotsford Courthouse
Abbotsford Courthouse
Aboard the Salt Spring Island ferry.
Above Hell's Gate Looking South, Near Lillooet
Aerial 0F Vancouver
Aerial Burns Lake
Aerial Burns Lake
Aerial Fort St. James