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Fraser Valley district (B.C.) Series
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Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works correspondence inward

  • GR-1180
  • Series
  • 1859

This series contains the correspondence inward to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, Colonel R.C. Moody. The records consists largely of letters from Governor James Douglas and the Colonial Secretary pertaining to town lots, other lands, trails and roads, and other public works in the vicinity of New Westminster. The series includes letters on the Harrison River road and pack trail.

British Columbia (Colony). Lands and Works Dept.

Land sale records

  • GR-0567
  • Series
  • 1858-1868

This series consists of receipt books and miscellaneous land sale records. Records consist largely of receipts for the sale of town lots, suburban and country lands, and unsurveyed rural lands, issued by Assistant Commissioners of Lands and Works for Cariboo District, Lillooet District, Yale District, and New Westminster District. The series also includes land sale records pertaining to Lytton, Seymour, Douglas, Port Moody, Fort Langley, and Similkameen district, and a trading licences receipt book issued by Frank Trevor, Collector at Quesnel.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Indigenous petitions for Reserves sent to Governor Musgrave

  • GR-4213
  • Series
  • 1870

This series consists of several letters and petitions from various First Nations to Governor Musgrave requesting Reserves be formally set aside and surveyed to protect their village sites and cultivated fields from being stolen by settlers. The information on the petitions was recorded by Revered P. Durien in 1870, who then sent them to the Governor. Each petition records each Chief's name and mark.

Each petition includes annotations and comments added by the Governor and other government representatives, as well as draft responses approving the survey of Reserves.

The petitions relate to the following First Nations and village sites in the Fraser Canyon and Harrison River areas: Fort Yale, Tsenes, Tsiam, Stectelen, Showamel, Twaous, Fort Yale, Choualp, Katlatle, Skokem, Skazir, Boston Bar, Spuzzum, Fort Hope, Burrard Inlet, Shely and Larawe [all names have been transcribed exactly from the records].

British Columbia (Colony). Governor (1869-1871 : Musgrave)

Indian lands correspondence and other material

  • GR-0504
  • Series
  • 1861-1877

This series consists of correspondence, petitions, accounts, statements of population, and reports relating to land of Indigenous peoples in British Columbia from the Department of the Provincial Secretary.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Provincial Secretary


Diary of Canadian Pacific Railway surveys, Port Moody and Fraser Valley.

Records of the Assistant Land Commissioner and pre-emption certificates

  • GR-1084
  • Series
  • 1884-1887

This series contains the records of the Assistant Land Commissioner, New Westminster, relating to pre-emptions. It includes pre-emption certificates Nos. 1-100, 967-1063, New Westminster District, (2 vols.) Nominal index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Sumas land application declarations

  • GR-0312
  • Series
  • 1887-1888

This series consists of declarations in support of applications for land formerly within the limits reserved for purposes of the "Sumas Dyking Act, 1878", for the years 1887-1888. Each declaration is related to one individual. Declarations would have been submitted as part of the process of applying to pre-empt land in the Sumas area.

British Columbia. Lands Branch

Diary and other material

Diary, 1874-1880 [typescript available]; letter from his brother, Tottenham, England, 1879, containing family and local news; I.O.O.F. receipts, 1871 and 1872; pay book, 1861-1863 and discharge certificate, 1863, Royal Engineers; specification for piers at Hastings sawmill, bridge at Matsqui, house at Sapperton.

Correspondence inward

  • GR-1124
  • Series
  • 1890

The series contains correspondence inward relating to roads and road construction. These letters have notation that they were referred to J. Sprott, road superintendent, New Westminster district, for consideration.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Register of auction sales of lots

  • GR-1166
  • Series
  • 1889-1894

This series contains a register of auction sales of lots at Esquimalt, Hastings, Lulu Island, New Denver, Nelson, New Westminster, Vancouver, and Victoria. The register shows the name of the purchaser, a legal description, the amount paid and the terms of payment.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Records of Premier John H. Turner

  • GR-1197
  • Series
  • 1893-1897

This series contains official correspondence, reports, and related papers of Premier John H. Turner. Records include correspondence pertaining to provincial railway charters (1893-1897), agriculture, and mining; also includes B.C. Agent-General's Report (1895), applications for employment, and miscellaneous letters.

Papers in this series are those of the Honourable John Herbert Turner (1833-1923), premier of British Columbia from 4 March 1895 to 8 August 1898. Since Turner's administration was characterized by rapid industrial development (notably in railways, mining, and agriculture), and by no little political controversy, his official papers are especially valuable.

Most of the reports and correspondence in GR-1197 originated while Turner was the province's chief minister and, as such, they have been included in the archive's collection of Premier's Papers. As will be seen, though, some of the papers pertain to Turner's tenure as Minister of Finance and Agriculture, a portfolio he held from 1887 to 1898.

GR-1197 may be regarded as a supplement to GR-0441 (British Columbia - Premier: 1883-1933), Series II, volumes 2-13, which also contains official correspondence of Premier Turner. Researchers may find that Volume 354 of GR-0441 (Index to Official Correspondence, 1895-1897) will assist them in locating other related records.

British Columbia. Premier


Series consists of a notebook containing diary entries, Feb. 1 to June 25 [1897?], notes and addresses. Diary entries document the author's experiences teaching in a rural and assisted school at Kensington, near Cloverdale in the Fraser Valley. The notes consist mainly of pointers re teaching, classroom order, etc.

A letter from Mrs. Williams daughter, Mrs. L. MacIntosh, has been microfilmed with the diary.

Letterbook of Colin S. Campbell, Provincial Constable

  • GR-0421
  • Series
  • 1902

This series consists of a letterbook of Colin S. Campbell, Provincial Constable, Vancouver district, Licence Inspector, Chilliwack and Richmond Licence districts, and Deputy Immigration Officer for his police district, June 2 to September 27, 1902. Index included at front.

British Columbia. Provincial Police Force (Vancouver)

New Westminster township register

  • GR-1699
  • Series
  • [ca. 1873]-1908

This series contains a township register of New Westminster district. The register is arranged by section number and township. It shows the date of registration, name of landholder, acreage, crown grant number, date of crown grant, and status with regard to royalty.

British Columbia. Lands Branch

Registers of auction land sales held at Vancouver

  • GR-1406
  • Series
  • 1901-1908

This series contains registers of auction land sales held at Vancouver. Volume 1 contains information from an auction sale that took place November 20-23, 1901. Volume 2 contains information from an auction sale that took place September 29, 1908. The registers include information such as lot number, name of purchaser and sale prices.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

New Westminster County Court minute books

  • GR-0712
  • Series
  • 1865-1913

This series consists of New Westminster County Court minute books, June 1865 - April 1873; June 1904 - Feb. 1913; docket, May 1888 - Dec. 1889.

British Columbia. County Court (New Westminster)

Notebooks, artesian well investigation, Fraser River Flats

  • GR-0850
  • Series
  • 1914

This series consists of two notebooks containing information collected during artesian well investigation, Fraser River Flats. See the Water Rights Branch, interim report for 1914 (BC Sessional Papers 1915, v.1, p. H-18) for report.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

West Nicomen Dyking District tax rolls

  • GR-2618
  • Series
  • 1914-1917

This series consists of New Westminster Land District tax rolls for West Nicomen Dyking District from 1914-1917. Information may include the names and address of the registered owner and applicant to register, the legal description of the land, acreage, amounts payable and payment records. Auditors' reports are also included.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Operational records

  • GR-1265
  • Series
  • 1912-1923

This series contains two operational files from the Vancouver Forest District. The first file, coded MTS X4, is a Timber Management file from 1912-1917. The contents refer to Timber Sale X4 to Young and Scott of Point Grey, B.C. covering lands within the municipality of Point Grey, bounded, in part, by Sixteenth Avenue and the Musqueam Indian Reserve. The second file, which is uncoded, concerns the transfer of records to Victoria from the Supervisor of Scaler's office.

British Columbia. Vancouver Forest District

Provincial Police daily diary

  • GR-1657
  • Series
  • 1913-1924

This series contains a daily diary from the Mission Provincial Police Force covering the period May 6, 1913 to Jan. 3, 1924.

British Columbia. Provincial Police Force (Mission)

Denys Nelson papers re British Columbia Indians

Denys Nelson was a pharmacist in Vancouver, B.C. Records consist of newspaper clippings, correspondence, field notes, photographs re the British Columbia Indians including art, stone carvings, totem poles, houses, canoes, funerals, graves, obituaries of chiefs, weddings, potlatches, fishing, trapping, social life, political affairs, land claims, and missionaries; "The life and work of Father Coccola as related to Denys Nelson," 103 pages, typescript, 1924; "Place Names of the Delta of the Fraser," by Denys Nelson, typescript, 1927; notes on places and buildings in Vancouver, and the Fraser Valley; notes from an address by Harlan I. Smith, Dominion Archaeologist, to the Women's Canadian Club, Vancouver, 1925.

Nelson, Denys, 1876-1929

Hulbert family correspondence

Thirty-five letters inward from Charles Edward Searle (tutor, Pembroke College, Cambridge University, England) to Thomas George Askew; nine letter books, 1884-1928, of Henry and John Hulbert, Sardis; 14 ledgers of Hulbert family farm, Sardis. (John Hulbert was the grandson of T.G. Askew, who built the first lumber mill at Chemainus.)

Presented from the estate of John Hulbert, Koksilah by David R. Williams, Duncan, 1975.

Finding aid: file list.

Sumas Dyking District Relief Commission

  • GR-1089
  • Series
  • 1929

This series contains the record of proceedings in the matter of the Sumas Dyking District Relief Act, 1928; evidence taken, March 31, 1929 to April 23, 1929. The Sumas Dyking District Relief Commission was established to investigate the reduction of dyke construction taxes, to recommend adjustments of tax assessments and to evaluate damages caused by the Sumas Reclamation Project in the vicinity of Sumas and Chilliwack.

British Columbia. Sumas Dyking District Relief Commission

Dominion regulations

  • GR-0937
  • Series
  • 1887-1930

This series consists of Dominion regulations regarding land, water, forests mineral resources, public roads and soldier settlement in the Railway Belt and Peace River Block of British Columbia. Consists of Dominion Orders-in-Council , 1887-1927, arranged chronologically (Box 1) and copies of legislation, published regulations and handbooks, 1922-1930 (Box 2).

Canada. Dominion Lands Branch

New Westminster District appraisals of reverted land

  • GR-2619
  • Series
  • 1931-1932

The series consists of appraisal reports of reverted lands from the New Westminster land district, 1931 to 1932. These reports are in two volumes and are divided into arbitrary land areas labeled "F", "E", "G", and "H". Reports are arranged numerically by report number. Information may include assessment district, land registry office, legal description, date of forfeiture, plan number, acreage, suitability, improvements, soil, water supply, irrigation or diking, accessibility, nearest settlement or Post Office, nearest school, topography, and assessed and appraised value. The report usually includes a coloured sketch map of the property. The information is indexed by District Lot number to report number.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

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