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Fraser Valley district (B.C.)
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11 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Report of the commissioner in the matter of a tree-farm licence and in the matter of Empire Mills Ltd.
Report of the commissioner in the matter of a tree-farm licence and in the matter of Empire Mills Ltd.
Kenneth Kiernan interview
Kenneth Kiernan interview
Trenna Hunter interview
Trenna Hunter interview
Living memory : Sumas Lake
Living memory : Sumas Lake
Cancelled cheques relating to purchases of supplies for the Sumas dyke project
Cancelled cheques relating to purchases of supplies for the Sumas dyke project
Dominion regulations
Dominion regulations
Okay Angler's fishing maps
Okay Angler's fishing maps
New Westminster Land District forfeiture certificates
New Westminster Land District forfeiture certificates
New Westminster District appraisals of reverted land
New Westminster District appraisals of reverted land
The settlement of the Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia / Robert Henry Kitto
The settlement of the Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia / Robert Henry Kitto
Sumas land application declarations
Sumas land application declarations
New Westminster township register
New Westminster township register
New Westminster Land Commissioner record books
New Westminster Land Commissioner record books
New Westminster Land Commissioner files
New Westminster Land Commissioner files
Land settlement records for Railway Belt and Peace River Block
Land settlement records for Railway Belt and Peace River Block
"Col. R.D. Davies, Messrs. Sinclair and Munro of the Land Settlement Board at Sumas"
"Col. R.D. Davies, Messrs. Sinclair and Munro of the Land Settlement Board at Sumas"
Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works correspondence inward
Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works correspondence inward
Crown lands records
Crown lands records
[British Columbia Indians, ca. 1941]
[British Columbia Indians, ca. 1941]
Chilliwack County Court cash book and debt attachment book
Chilliwack County Court cash book and debt attachment book
Library Services Branch records
Library Services Branch records
Records of Premier John H. Turner
Records of Premier John H. Turner
West Nicomen Dyking District tax rolls
West Nicomen Dyking District tax rolls
Diary and other material
Diary and other material
Indigenous petitions for Reserves sent to Governor Musgrave
Indigenous petitions for Reserves sent to Governor Musgrave
Inspector of Dykes records
Inspector of Dykes records
Greater Vancouver-Squamish-Lower Fraser Valley region / Province of British Columbia, Outdoor Recreation Council of British Columbia
Greater Vancouver-Squamish-Lower Fraser Valley region / Province of British Columbia, Outdoor Recreation Council of British Columbia
Chilliwack Supreme Court adoption case files
Chilliwack Supreme Court adoption case files
Chillwack County Court letters probate
Chillwack County Court letters probate
Chilliwack County Court letters of administration
Chilliwack County Court letters of administration
Results 1 to 30 of 274