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Fraser Valley district (B.C.) Series
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Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works correspondence inward

  • GR-1180
  • Series
  • 1859

This series contains the correspondence inward to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, Colonel R.C. Moody. The records consists largely of letters from Governor James Douglas and the Colonial Secretary pertaining to town lots, other lands, trails and roads, and other public works in the vicinity of New Westminster. The series includes letters on the Harrison River road and pack trail.

British Columbia (Colony). Lands and Works Dept.

Chilliwack County Court cash book and debt attachment book

  • GR-2374
  • Series
  • 1892-1959

Most of this volume is a cash book for the sale of law stamps, 1951-1959 (p.34-219). It is also the Debt Attachment book (indexed), 1892-1895 (p.1-15) & 1910 (p.28-29). Records relating to expenses and results from the "1900 Provincial Election for the Riding of Chilliwack" (p.17-20) and expenses of the "Provincial Election - Chilliwack Electoral District, 1907" (p. 21-24).

British Columbia. County Court (Chilliwack)

Chilliwack Small Debts Court cause books

  • GR-1641
  • Series
  • 1914-1951

This series contains cause books from Chilliwack Small Debts Court covering the periods 1914-1925 and 1929-1951. The series also consists of one index volume to records from 1914 to 1937. The index is arranged alphabetically by both plaintiff and defendant.

British Columbia. Small Debts Court (Chilliwack)

Chilliwack Supreme Court civil case files

  • GR-2339
  • Series
  • 1939-1949

Civil case files, 4/1939; 1/1942 - 46/1949 with the exception of probate, divorce and adoption files which have been removed from this series and are filed separately.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Chilliwack)


  • GR-0955
  • Series
  • 1927-1973

This series consists of circular letters from District Forester to field staff pertaining to forest protection, forest management, etc. Includes some circular letters from Chief Forester to District Foresters.

British Columbia. Vancouver Forest District

Correspondence and reports from Department of Provincial Secretary

  • GR-1665
  • Series
  • 1887-1953

This series contains miscellaneous correspondence and reports. These records were originally a part of the Provincial Secretary's central registry but, for reasons unknown, became separated from the department's main files. A wide variety of subjects are addressed in these records.

Many of the records in this unit concern investigations carried out under the authority of the Departmental Inquiries Act and the Public Inquiries Act. Many relate to conditions in public institutions and activities of government employees. Many inquiries relate to hospitals and schools in the province, including Vernon Mental Hospital, Tranquille Sanatorium, the Canadian National Institute for the Blind and Provincial Mental Hospital at Essondale. Other inquiries and Commissions include bribery of the Liquor Control Board, the Beban Mine disaster, Royal Commission on Dominion Provincial Relations, Inquiry into the death of John Meredith Sweeney and the state and management of the Quartermaster Stores of the Provincial Police Force.

The records also relate to child welfare programs, including the general management of the Provincial Industrial School for Boys and to the Girls' Industrial School, ca. 1930-1945. Additional documents in this collection relate to subjects such as squatters' claims at the Granville Townsite [Vancouver (1887)], to the Fraser River Flood Relief programme (1894), applications for seed, the Victoria Consolidated Hydraulic Mining Co., government perquisites, legislation, estates, and to proposed sites for the University of British Columbia (1910). "Anti-Oriental" petitions and voting returns of the 1924 beer-by-the-glass plebiscite also included.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Provincial Secretary

Correspondence inward

  • GR-1124
  • Series
  • 1890

The series contains correspondence inward relating to roads and road construction. These letters have notation that they were referred to J. Sprott, road superintendent, New Westminster district, for consideration.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Crown lands records

  • GR-0039
  • Series
  • 1874-1944

The series consists of records relating to the pre-emption, sale, and registration of land in New Westminster, Sayward, and Coast (Range 1-5) Land Districts, created by the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works and Vancouver District Land Commissioners, pursuant to the Land Act.

The records include pre-emption applications, 1887-1911 (11 vols.); certificates of pre-emption, 1884-1938 (57 vols.); certificates of purchase, 1874-1944 (95 vols.); registers of sales of unsurveyed lands, 1884-1911 (4 vols.); lot register, City of Vancouver, 1886-1892 (3 vols.) and a register of lot owners, Town of Granville, 1874-1884.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Denys Nelson papers re British Columbia Indians

Denys Nelson was a pharmacist in Vancouver, B.C. Records consist of newspaper clippings, correspondence, field notes, photographs re the British Columbia Indians including art, stone carvings, totem poles, houses, canoes, funerals, graves, obituaries of chiefs, weddings, potlatches, fishing, trapping, social life, political affairs, land claims, and missionaries; "The life and work of Father Coccola as related to Denys Nelson," 103 pages, typescript, 1924; "Place Names of the Delta of the Fraser," by Denys Nelson, typescript, 1927; notes on places and buildings in Vancouver, and the Fraser Valley; notes from an address by Harlan I. Smith, Dominion Archaeologist, to the Women's Canadian Club, Vancouver, 1925.

Nelson, Denys, 1876-1929

Diaries and other material

Series consists of diaries (7 vol.) 1872, 1874-1883, 1897-1932, reminiscences (typescript) 1852-1933, account book and correspondence of Rev. Charles Montgomery Tate; diary and transcript of Caroline Sarah Tate, wife of C.M. Tate.


Diary of Canadian Pacific Railway surveys, Port Moody and Fraser Valley.

Diary and other material

Diary, 1874-1880 [typescript available]; letter from his brother, Tottenham, England, 1879, containing family and local news; I.O.O.F. receipts, 1871 and 1872; pay book, 1861-1863 and discharge certificate, 1863, Royal Engineers; specification for piers at Hastings sawmill, bridge at Matsqui, house at Sapperton.

Dominion regulations

  • GR-0937
  • Series
  • 1887-1930

This series consists of Dominion regulations regarding land, water, forests mineral resources, public roads and soldier settlement in the Railway Belt and Peace River Block of British Columbia. Consists of Dominion Orders-in-Council , 1887-1927, arranged chronologically (Box 1) and copies of legislation, published regulations and handbooks, 1922-1930 (Box 2).

Canada. Dominion Lands Branch

Duty Officer's radio log during the fire season

  • GR-1234
  • Series
  • 1967-1970

This series contains Duty Officer's log of radio messages received during the fire season. The majority of the messages refer to the Vancouver Forest District, but there are a significant number which concern other Districts.

British Columbia. Vancouver Forest District

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