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Fraser Valley district (B.C.)
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Kenneth Kiernan interview

The item is an audio recording of an interview with Kenneth Kiernan.

T2665:0001 track 1: Born in 1916 in the Peace River country of Alberta. Details about Kiernan's family and homesteading. Father killed in WW I; mother remarries and they continue to farm. Left Peace River country in 1927. After several stops, settled on a farm at Sumas Prairie. More details about Kiernan's family. Tough economic conditions in the Peace River district. Kiernan's education and work history to 1935. Ends formal education after grade 8. Reading habits as a young man.
Track 2: Took correspondence courses from the Canadian Legion. Leisure activities as a youth: Trail Rangers and basketball. Delivered newspapers in Chilliwack area. "Rode the rods" to the Prairies in 1935. Economic struggles of Alberta and Saskatchewan, 1935-37. Returned to B.C. on the rods in October 1937. Anecdotes about riding the rods.

T2665:0002 track 1: Continuation of anecdote about riding the rods, 1935-37. Marginal economic circumstances of the Kiernan family during the Depression. Worked in Fraser Valley mills. Contracted pneumonia. Worked for Eddy's Nurseries, 1937-40. Joined the New Westminster Regiment, 1940. Interested in Social Credit in Alberta, 1935-37, but not a member. Read works of Marx but rejected them in the 1930s. Critique of Marx and of Canadian economic system in the 1930s.
Track 2: Kiernan in motorized corps in Canada, 1940-46. Eventually became a Warrant Officer II. Not able to go overseas because of previous pneumonia. Comments on military discipline. Kiernan into business as a garage operator near Chilliwack, 1946. Flooded out in 1948.

T2665:0003 track 1: Kiernan describes his experiences in being flooded out during the 1948 flood of Fraser River. Description of his return to the flooded home and service station. Becomes president of local PTA in 1950. Joined Social Credit in 1951. Comments on the Coalition government. Comments on Coalition/Liberal Premier Boss Johnson and Conservative leader Herbert Anscomb.
Track 2: Kiernan becomes very active as a Social Credit organizer, 1951-52. Kiernan takes 1952 Social Credit nomination. Organizational details about Social Credit in Chilliwack. Early meetings emphasized monetary reform. The "Christian image" of Social Credit. The importance of individualism in Social Credit. General discussion of political philosophy. Liberals and Conservatives unaware of the upsurge of Social Credit in Chilliwack. Circumstances under which Kiernan took 1952 nomination. Defeated sitting Conservative Leslie Eyres. Key roles of Alberta Socreds in 1952 election.

T2665:0004 tracj 1: The importance of W.A.C. Bennett in the 1952 election. Kiernan says Alberta influence was minimal ca. 1952. 1952 Social Credit convention. Ernest Hansell as 1952 campaign leader. Bennett disillusioned with Conservatives. Kiernan sometimes "scared" by the vision of W.A.C. Bennett in things such as the two-river policy. Kiernan gives a sample of his 1952 election style.
Track 2: Kiernan's experiences as a public speaker. The hard work of political campaigning. Description of Social Credit cabinet meetings. Kiernan's recollections of election night in 1952. Kiernan went to visit Bennett in Kelowna shortly after 1952 election. The decision is made to have W.A.C. Bennett as political leader, July 1952.

T2665:0005 track 1: Kiernan is selected to be Agriculture Minister in the first Social Credit government. Anecdotes about becoming government. Comments on the Bennett style of leadership. The formation of the first cabinet. Kiernan speculates on the reasons for his selection as Minister of Agriculture. Comments on communist scare tactics used against the C.C.F. Socialist economic planning inappropriate for B.C. Problems with the dairy industry were the first big problems faced by Kiernan in the Agriculture portfolio.
Track 2: The transition to power: early cabinet meetings, help from senior civil servants. Cabinet procedures. The selection of Robert Bonner and Einar Gunderson. Rev. H.D. Francis and Orr Newton resign in order to provide seats. Kiernan downplays the notion that the senior civil service opposed the new government. The firing of Percy Richards. Hospital insurance reforms after the 1952 election. Alternatives to hospital insurance proposed.

T2665:0006 track 1: Facing the problem of hospital insurance after the 1952 election. Building the cabinet team, 1952-53. Discussion of the 1953 session of the Legislature. Socreds maneuvering for defeat? Bennett sure of dissolution? The legislative defeat of Social Credit and the unusual passage of bills prior to dissolution. The "atmosphere" in the House at the time of the 1953 defeat. The resignation of Harold Winch as C.C.F. leader. The 1953 election.
Track 2: Discussion of the 1953 election continued. The defeat of Tilly Rolston and Einar Gunderson. Their importance as cabinet ministers. Gunderson as a member of the Treasury Board. The election of John Perdue as president of the Social Credit League. Issues within the Department of Agriculture: brucellosis control, irrigation, hay shortages. Comments on W.H. Robertson and William McGillivray as Kiernan's deputy ministers.

T2665:0007 Track 1: Kiernan gives background to the Sommers affair. Comments on Gordon Gibson Sr. The "money talks" speech, February 1955. Gibson's charges not substantiated by the Lord Commission. Gibson's charges treated with great skepticism. Kiernan did not see the RCMP report to the Attorney-General's Department. The government has private investigator investigate the charges against Sommers. Sommers a known gambler to Kiernan.
Track 2: More on Sommers' gambling. No pressure from ministers on Bennett to fire Sommers. Sommers called on to account for the allegations by cabinet and caucus. Sommers consistent in his denials. Circumstances surrounding the resignation of Bonner. Kiernan becomes Minister of Mines.

T2665:0008 track 1: Death of Tilly Rolston, 1953. Discussion of Sommers case, continued. Opposition to Forest Management Licences. Sommers' resignation and Kiernan takes over the Mines portfolio, 1956. Robert Bonner and delays in the case. Comments on Mel Bryan who crossed the floor on the Sommers case. More on the delays. Sommers case harms Social Credit government. Kiernan expresses doubts about the guilt and illegal intentions of Sommers. Case did not affect timing of 1956 election. Not aware of Sommers' cabinet contact.
Track 2: No suggestion of impropriety by Sommers in the Mines portfolio. Gifts to cabinet ministers. Sommers investigated by private detective. Kiernan's general observations on the Sommers case. "Politics is war". Kiernan Minister of Mines and Petroleum Resources, 1956-64. The challenge of taking over a new portfolio. Comments on Deputy Ministers of Mines: John Walker, P.J. Mulcahy. The framing of new petroleum legislation. Comments on the B.C. petroleum and gas industry.

T2665:0009 track 1: The development of oil and natural gas leasing systems. Development of the Peace River region. The building of Westcoast Transmission pipeline. Description of Frank McMahon. Comments on foreign ownership of petroleum and natural gas resources. Description of the auction of oil and natural gas leases.
Track 2: The auction system continued. Frank McMahon in the 1960 election. Anecdotes about some B.C. mining executives: Ozzie McDonald, Spud Huestis, Mel O'Brien. The opening of Bethlehem Copper Corporation mine in the Highland Valley. Changes in mining taxation and land tenure systems, c. 1957. Problems of establishing an iron and steel industry in B.C. Vehement industry opposition to changes in mining legislation.

T2665:0010 track 1: Major problems faced as mines minister: taxation legislation, departmental expansion, mine safety. Dispute with federal government over offshore mineral rights. "Political" decision by the Supreme Court of Canada on this issue. The reclamation of mining sites. Kiernan expresses his opposition to the idea of company towns. Taxation on profits vs. royalties in the mining industry. Kiernan concerned about "penny mines" on the Vancouver Stock Exchange. Track 2: The formation of the Department of Recreation and Conservation, 1957. Kiernan becomes Minister of Recreation and Conservation, 1963. Anomalies in the classification of provincial parks. Mineral claims and timber leases in provincial parks. The case of Western Mines in Strathcona Park. The role of pressure groups in the Buttle Lake controversy. Preparation for his new portfolio of Recreation and Conservation. General comments on park development in B.C.

T2665:0011 Track 1: Skepticism about the idea of wilderness preservation. The illogic of some park boundaries. The changing of the boundary of Manning Park to facilitate mining. Kiernan's ideas on the multiple use concept. Kiernan's impressions of the B.C. Wildlife Federation, SPEC, Sierra Club. The role of the Sierra Club in the boundary determinations for Pacific Rim National Park.
Track 2: More on the Sierra Club of B.C. W.A.C. Bennett's attitudes on park matters. Public access on forestry roads. The formation of the Environment and Land Use Committee (ELUC) in 1969. Comments on the operation of ELUC and the Secretariat. ELUC originally a problem-solver rather than policy-maker. Comments on a few specific issues dealt with by ELUC. Kiernan not convinced of the concept of a single Minister of the Environment. Williston as chairman of ELUC. Land use questions more practical than moral or ethical. "Nature the adversary". The evolution of environmental attitudes in B.C. The minister as an arbitrator of attitudes.

T2665:0012 track 1: Kiernan's efforts to curb the excesses of the "throw-away" society. The Anti-Litter Act. The recycling of derelict automobiles. Deputy Ministers of Recreation and Conservation: Dave Turner, H.G. McWilliams, Lloyd Brooks. Comments on the proposed flooding of the Skagit River Valley. Opposition by the fishing lobby. Benefits of flood control on the Fraser River.
Track 2: Flood control on the Fraser River continued. More comments on the fishing lobby. The benefits of fish versus the benefits of hydro power and flood control. Short term as Minister of Commercial Transport, 1963-64. Minister of Travel Industry, 1967-1972. The formation of the department, 1967. Ron Worley as Deputy Minister of the Travel Industry department. British Columbia tourist promotions. Comments on "The Wonderful World of W.A.C. Bennett". Kiernan's comments on our political society. Comments on the role of socialism in B.C. B.C. still in the frontier stage. General comments on the NDP caucus prior to 1972. Analysis of the B.C. economy. The need for new hydro electric power developments in B.C.

Trenna Hunter interview

CALL NUMBER: T2004:0001 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Public health nurse; response to change PERIOD COVERED: 1925-1955 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1976-01-27 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Miss Hunter sketches her education and decision to enter VGH nursing school in 1936 with a description of the courses, emphasis and class size when she graduated in 1939; in 1940 she was on the staff of the Metropolitan Health Committee of Greater Vancouver and in 1941 spent some time instructing at the Normal School until 1942, when she was assigned to Hastings Park; a lengthy description of conditions, problems, attitudes, numbers, and babies in Japanese relocation camps. In the fall of 1942, Miss Hunter took an administration course at McGill, and in 1943 was student advisor in the health department; in 1944 she became director of nursing and remained so until her retirement in 1966. TRACK 2: A discussion of responding to community needs with examples of pre-natal clinics and the polio epidemic in 1946; the relationship between the health department and social agencies; the role of the public health nurse and how activities were chosen; changes and programs; how the role changed in the control of TB; changes that occurred in the nurses role in VD clinics; time study statistics on the division of a nurse's work; trends in the role of a public health nurse; shift to mental health, nutrition, counseling; introduction of more specialists. CALL NUMBER: T2004:0002 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Public health nurse; response to change PERIOD COVERED: 1940-1976 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1976-01-27 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Miss Hunter provides a day-in-the-life account, describing duties and responsibilities of the Director of Nursing; a description of responses to emergencies; the Fraser Valley flood of 1948; blood clinics; satisfactions of administration; struggles to get transportation; disposal equipment; traveling and activities with the Canadian Public Health Organisation and Canadian Nurses Association; the idea of public health and the issue of whom to serve; Miss Hunter relates the mystery story about the acceptance of the public health nurse. [TRACK 2: blank?]

Living memory : Sumas Lake

SUMMARY: "Sumas Lake", the eleventh episode, recounts the story of land reclamation. The 1894 Fraser Valley flood, and the drainage of Sumas Lake to reclaim land for farming, are recalled by Joy Starr, John Fraser, Fred Sinclair, and Fred Toop.

The recording is incomplete.

Dominion regulations

  • GR-0937
  • Series
  • 1887-1930

This series consists of Dominion regulations regarding land, water, forests mineral resources, public roads and soldier settlement in the Railway Belt and Peace River Block of British Columbia. Consists of Dominion Orders-in-Council , 1887-1927, arranged chronologically (Box 1) and copies of legislation, published regulations and handbooks, 1922-1930 (Box 2).

Canada. Dominion Lands Branch

Okay Angler's fishing maps

File consists of three guide maps for fishing in British Columbia published in 1987 by Okay Angler's. They include information on fishing and businesses related to sport fishing in British Columbia. The maps cover the following regions:
Vancouver Fraser Valley
Kamloops area includes Shuswap Lake

New Westminster Land District forfeiture certificates

  • GR-2617
  • Series
  • 1915-1957

This series consists of New Westminster Land District forfeiture certificates of lands reverted to the Crown from 1915-1957. Records relate to the Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows and Matsqui Dyking Districts. The certificates are arranged chronologically without regard to Dyking District. Information may include the legal description of the land, the plan number, the date it was subject to forfeiture, the date of the end of the period of grace, and the date of forfeiture. Certificates are indexed alphabetically by owners name, and numerically by plan to folio numbers.

Coquitlam Dyking District lies within the limits of the City of Port Coquitlam, and the Municipality of Coquitlam.

Pitt Meadows No.2 Dyking District lies within the defined boundaries of the Municipality of Pitt Meadows, and is situated 1 1/2 miles north of the Dewdney Trunk Road at the confluence of the Pitt and Alouette Rivers.

Maple RIdge Dyking District lies within the boundaries of the Municipalities of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows, including the Townsite of Hammond.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

New Westminster District appraisals of reverted land

  • GR-2619
  • Series
  • 1931-1932

The series consists of appraisal reports of reverted lands from the New Westminster land district, 1931 to 1932. These reports are in two volumes and are divided into arbitrary land areas labeled "F", "E", "G", and "H". Reports are arranged numerically by report number. Information may include assessment district, land registry office, legal description, date of forfeiture, plan number, acreage, suitability, improvements, soil, water supply, irrigation or diking, accessibility, nearest settlement or Post Office, nearest school, topography, and assessed and appraised value. The report usually includes a coloured sketch map of the property. The information is indexed by District Lot number to report number.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Sumas land application declarations

  • GR-0312
  • Series
  • 1887-1888

This series consists of declarations in support of applications for land formerly within the limits reserved for purposes of the "Sumas Dyking Act, 1878", for the years 1887-1888. Each declaration is related to one individual. Declarations would have been submitted as part of the process of applying to pre-empt land in the Sumas area.

British Columbia. Lands Branch

New Westminster township register

  • GR-1699
  • Series
  • [ca. 1873]-1908

This series contains a township register of New Westminster district. The register is arranged by section number and township. It shows the date of registration, name of landholder, acreage, crown grant number, date of crown grant, and status with regard to royalty.

British Columbia. Lands Branch

New Westminster Land Commissioner record books

  • GR-4122
  • Series
  • 1859-1980

This series consists of a variety of bound volumes related to the administration, management and alienation of land in the New Westminster land district from 1858-1980. The records were primarily created by the provincial Government Agent and the Dominion Land Agent stationed in New Westminster. The records have been arranged into the following subseries:

  1. Indexes and maps.

The indexes cover many of the homestead files in GR-4121, by file number and alphabetically by name of the homesteader or licensee. There are two volumes of reference maps for various municipalities, sub-divisions, right-of-ways and townships.

  1. BC government land registers : district lot system

Variations of this system of surveying land were used from 1859 onwards. All of these volumes appear to have been created and maintained by the BC government. The registers list the lots in numerical order and record the alienation of land from the Crown by purchase, pre-emption, lease, mineral claims, timber use, etc. Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. There is an alphabetical name index in most volumes. The registers cover range 1 Coast District, range 4 Coast District, Yale Division Yale District (YDYD) country lands, Texada Island District, Point Grey townsite, Powell River townsite, Hastings townsite, and New Westminster District group 1, group 2 and 3 group 3.

  1. BC government land registers : township system

Variations of this survey system were used from 1873 to approximately 1912. All of these volumes appear to have been created and maintained by the BC government. The land entered in the majority of the volumes was surveyed and made available for settlement in 1873 and 1874. The registers list land in numerical order by Sections within Townships and record the alienation of land from the Crown by purchase, pre-emption, lease, etc. Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. There is an alphabetical name index in most volumes. The registers cover New Westminster District townships 1 to 50 with some townships missing.

  1. Dominion government : general land registers

These volumes were likely created by the Dominion Land Agent. It appears that at least some records were copied from provincial records to determine what land had been alienated before the transfer of the Railway Belt and what Crown land still needed to be managed by the dominion government. The registers, arranged by legal description, indicate the nature of the grant, the number, date of entry, file number, patent approval date, and name of grantee. The registers cover various townships in the New Westminster District and various lots throughout the Hope district, Yale district, Kamloops district, town of Hope, town of Yale, and Boston Bar.

  1. Lease registers

These volumes were created in the New Westminster government agent's office. They record leases for a variety of purposes including: quarry, campsite, booming ground, agriculture, foreshore, forestry, and grazing. Many volumes are indexed and may include file numbers linking to GR-4121.

  1. Pre-emption records

These records were created by the BC government. Pre-emption was a system of obtaining title to unsurveyed land (similar to the Dominion "homesteading" system) which occurred until 1970. Individuals could purchase land which had not been fully surveyed. However, grants to these lands were not issued until the applicant had made specified improvements, passed inspections, satisfied residency requirements, and had the lands fully surveyed. Records include certificates of improvement for the Vancouver Divisions of the New Westminster District and Coast District; certificates of pre-emption for the New Westminster District and Vancouver Division; and registers of pre-emption records.

  1. Land purchase records

These records were created by the BC government. Once land was surveyed, it could be purchased outright instead of being pre-empted. These records include certificates of purchase for the New Westminster District.

  1. Mining records

The majority of these records were created by BC Government Agents, Gold Commissioners or Mining Recorders. Records include mineral claim minute books, records of conveyances, bills of sale, applications for mineral lands and petroleum and natural gas leases, and coal applications. Records are from the New Westminster District, Hope and Yale. Most volumes include an alphabetical index and some may include references to file numbers in GR-4121.

  1. Range and timber records

These records were created by the dominion and BC governments. Records include range leases, grazing leases and information on timber berths.

  1. Water licence applications

These records are water licence applications created by the BC government.

  1. Cancellation records

Cancellation registers created by the BC and Dominion governments. Some volumes include alphabetical indexes and have file numbers related to GR-4121.

  1. Financial records

Various financial records created by the Dominion government and BC Government Agents. Records include Dominion crown timber financial statements; form J (cash books) created by Government Agents documenting their expenses and fee collection, such as the sale of marriage licences; and a land revenue return of payments from the central Victoria land office.

  1. Other land administration records

Includes dominion created applications for patents and homestead inspectors instructions, as well as BC Government Agent books recording lands resumed under Soldier’s Homestead Act, Crown granted mineral claims which have reverted to the Crown for non-payment of taxes, and surveyed lands open for use.

British Columbia. Government Agent (New Westminster)

New Westminster Land Commissioner files

  • GR-4121
  • Series
  • 1882-1978

This series consists of records related to the administration, management and alienation of land in the New Westminster land district from 1882-1978. The records were primarily created by the provincial Government Agent and the Dominion Land Agent stationed in New Westminster. The majority of these records are homestead files created by the dominion government. These files contain information about homesteaders, their applications and the process of obtaining title to land.

Record types and subject matter include, but are not limited to: land alienation through pre-emption or purchase from the provincial government and homesteading or purchase from the federal government; a variety of leases of Crown land; other general subject files; and records regarding Indigenous Peoples or Indian Reserves.

Records related to land alienation include: applications for pre-emption, purchase or lease; land classification reports; forms completed by land inspectors of the Department of Lands Inspection Branch; declarations of occupation and permanent improvement on pre-emption claims; applications for homestead entry, cancellation, and abandonment; homestead Inspector’s reports; affidavits in support of an Application for Entry; land sales records; correspondence with settlers and other government officials; patents; Crown Grants; certificates; forms; maps and plans; financial records including receipts and cheques; court records, such as probates; survey records; notices of sale or cancellation; and sale agreements.

Records related to leases and other uses of Crown land include: grazing leases; foreshore leases; dredging leases; special use permits; timber permits; timber berths; water licenses; applications for dyking schemes; campsite leases; oyster bed leases; right-of-ways (ROWs) through land for railways, roads, powerlines or pipelines; petroleum and natural gas leases; quarry leases; bar leases; coal leases; mining leases; and mineral claims. Other uses include government reserves, the establishment of parks, and the reservation of land for school sites or other public uses.

Other more general subject files include: inquiries about land availability; preliminary plans and correspondence for the survey and sale of townsites; Soldier Settlement Board records including forms, correspondence and records of soldier land grants; correspondence files on specific topics such as canal construction, the reclamation of Hatzic Lake, the draining of Sumas Lake and the establishment of fish culture and fish hatcheries; and business records of the office, including inter-department correspondence, circulars, and memorandum related to matters of land administration.

Files also exist for specific Indian Reserves, and can include correspondence; water records; surveys; and inspection reports created in the process of allotting new, and canceling or amending existing Indian Reserves. Some files document instances of overlapping land use and conflict between settlers and Indigenous peoples on specific parcels of land.

Files are generally either correspondence files on a particular subject, or a variety of records related to a particular piece of land. Many files cover a wide time period and may be associated with multiple individuals or companies, as land rights were often transferred to others or cancelled and reapplied for.

Only the name of the first individual listed on the file is included in the file list. This means there may be additional names associated with files not included on the file list. The file list may also only include part of the legal description of land in cases where the description was exceptionally long, or included many different pieces of land. Single individuals may also have multiple files for each piece of land they are associated with.

The series also includes some files related to land in the Yale Division and Kamloops Division of the Yale Land District; as well as the Lillooet Land District. These records were created in the offices of the Kamloops and Clinton Government Agents, but at some point became intermingled with the New Westminster records.

Maps, plans and sketches indicating the parcels of land relevant to the file are commonly found throughout the records.

British Columbia. Government Agent (New Westminster)

Land settlement records for Railway Belt and Peace River Block

  • GR-0436
  • Series
  • 1885-1949

This series consists of correspondence, applications for homestead entry, application for patents, and registers relating to land settlement in the Railway Belt and the Peace River Block.

GR-0436 is arranged into three series:
Series 1, BC Lands Files
Series 2, Index Maps and Township General Registers
Series 3, Homestead Grant Registers

Canada. Department of the Interior

Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works correspondence inward

  • GR-1180
  • Series
  • 1859

This series contains the correspondence inward to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, Colonel R.C. Moody. The records consists largely of letters from Governor James Douglas and the Colonial Secretary pertaining to town lots, other lands, trails and roads, and other public works in the vicinity of New Westminster. The series includes letters on the Harrison River road and pack trail.

British Columbia (Colony). Lands and Works Dept.

Crown lands records

  • GR-0039
  • Series
  • 1874-1944

The series consists of records relating to the pre-emption, sale, and registration of land in New Westminster, Sayward, and Coast (Range 1-5) Land Districts, created by the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works and Vancouver District Land Commissioners, pursuant to the Land Act.

The records include pre-emption applications, 1887-1911 (11 vols.); certificates of pre-emption, 1884-1938 (57 vols.); certificates of purchase, 1874-1944 (95 vols.); registers of sales of unsurveyed lands, 1884-1911 (4 vols.); lot register, City of Vancouver, 1886-1892 (3 vols.) and a register of lot owners, Town of Granville, 1874-1884.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

[British Columbia Indians, ca. 1941]

Amateur film. Miscellaneous footage taken during the time that Miss Gerry worked as a nurse for the federal Dept. of Indian and Northern Affairs. Includes footage of Indian reserves and villages, celebrations and school children; a First Communion procession at St. Paul's Indian Catholic Church in North Vancouver; hospital and clinic scenes; residential schools and Coqualeetza Indian School and Hospital; Cariboo highway and scenery; Williams Lake Stampede; etc. Also includes OUR CARIBOO NEIGHBORS, a discrete two-reel film that depicts a 1941 automobile journey to visit Indian reserves and missions in the Cariboo. For a detailed content summary of OUR CARIBOO NEIGHBORS, see item description AAAA5215.

Chilliwack County Court cash book and debt attachment book

  • GR-2374
  • Series
  • 1892-1959

Most of this volume is a cash book for the sale of law stamps, 1951-1959 (p.34-219). It is also the Debt Attachment book (indexed), 1892-1895 (p.1-15) & 1910 (p.28-29). Records relating to expenses and results from the "1900 Provincial Election for the Riding of Chilliwack" (p.17-20) and expenses of the "Provincial Election - Chilliwack Electoral District, 1907" (p. 21-24).

British Columbia. County Court (Chilliwack)

Library Services Branch records

  • GR-1387
  • Series
  • 1919-1979

This series contains correspondence, statistical returns, and reports of the Public Library Commission (PLC) and its successors, the Library Development Commission and the Library Services Branch. The series includes files of PLC pioneers Helen Gordon Stewart, H.N. Lidster, and C.K. Morison, plus records of PLC members at Provincial Library and Archives. The records also contain documents relating to regional libraries in Fraser Valley, Okanagan district, and Vancouver Island, along with correspondence pertaining to provincial library schools and associations.

British Columbia. Library Services Branch

Records of Premier John H. Turner

  • GR-1197
  • Series
  • 1893-1897

This series contains official correspondence, reports, and related papers of Premier John H. Turner. Records include correspondence pertaining to provincial railway charters (1893-1897), agriculture, and mining; also includes B.C. Agent-General's Report (1895), applications for employment, and miscellaneous letters.

Papers in this series are those of the Honourable John Herbert Turner (1833-1923), premier of British Columbia from 4 March 1895 to 8 August 1898. Since Turner's administration was characterized by rapid industrial development (notably in railways, mining, and agriculture), and by no little political controversy, his official papers are especially valuable.

Most of the reports and correspondence in GR-1197 originated while Turner was the province's chief minister and, as such, they have been included in the archive's collection of Premier's Papers. As will be seen, though, some of the papers pertain to Turner's tenure as Minister of Finance and Agriculture, a portfolio he held from 1887 to 1898.

GR-1197 may be regarded as a supplement to GR-0441 (British Columbia - Premier: 1883-1933), Series II, volumes 2-13, which also contains official correspondence of Premier Turner. Researchers may find that Volume 354 of GR-0441 (Index to Official Correspondence, 1895-1897) will assist them in locating other related records.

British Columbia. Premier

West Nicomen Dyking District tax rolls

  • GR-2618
  • Series
  • 1914-1917

This series consists of New Westminster Land District tax rolls for West Nicomen Dyking District from 1914-1917. Information may include the names and address of the registered owner and applicant to register, the legal description of the land, acreage, amounts payable and payment records. Auditors' reports are also included.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Diary and other material

Diary, 1874-1880 [typescript available]; letter from his brother, Tottenham, England, 1879, containing family and local news; I.O.O.F. receipts, 1871 and 1872; pay book, 1861-1863 and discharge certificate, 1863, Royal Engineers; specification for piers at Hastings sawmill, bridge at Matsqui, house at Sapperton.

Indigenous petitions for Reserves sent to Governor Musgrave

  • GR-4213
  • Series
  • 1870

This series consists of several letters and petitions from various First Nations to Governor Musgrave requesting Reserves be formally set aside and surveyed to protect their village sites and cultivated fields from being stolen by settlers. The information on the petitions was recorded by Revered P. Durien in 1870, who then sent them to the Governor. Each petition records each Chief's name and mark.

Each petition includes annotations and comments added by the Governor and other government representatives, as well as draft responses approving the survey of Reserves.

The petitions relate to the following First Nations and village sites in the Fraser Canyon and Harrison River areas: Fort Yale, Tsenes, Tsiam, Stectelen, Showamel, Twaous, Fort Yale, Choualp, Katlatle, Skokem, Skazir, Boston Bar, Spuzzum, Fort Hope, Burrard Inlet, Shely and Larawe [all names have been transcribed exactly from the records].

British Columbia (Colony). Governor (1869-1871 : Musgrave)

Inspector of Dykes records

  • GR-1011
  • Series
  • 1895-1974

Correspondence, general files and accounts files relating to dyking and drainage districts, improvement districts, flood control and agricultural development in the Fraser Valley, 1917-1974. Minute books of dyking districts; Pitt Meadows, 1895; Nicomen, 1912-1930; South Westminster Dyking District, 1920, 1923, 1928.

British Columbia. Office of the Inspector of Dykes

Results 1 to 30 of 274