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Thompson River (B.C.) Series
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  • GR-0747
  • Series
  • 1907

Letter to Provincial Archivist E.O.S. Scholefield from Anthropologist James A. Teit regarding Simon Fraser's identifications of the Shuswap, Chilcotin and Thompson River Indians.

British Columbia. Legislative Library

Correspondence and other material, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works

  • GR-1381
  • Series
  • 1863-1896

This series contains miscellaneous records of the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. The records consist of correspondence, receipts, accounts, petitions relating to pre-emptions, ferries, roads, public works, leases, and tax assessments. Includes (1) Metchosin District assessment roll, 1863; (2) pre-emption correspondence with William G. Cox and Peter O'Reilly, 1865, 1869; (3) receipt book for rental of crown lands, including waterfrontage and timber cutting, 1868-1869; (4) indenture for ferry charter at Omineca, 1872; (5) accounts relating to roads and bridges 1872-1873; (6) an 1880 petition re the graving dock; (7) report on Thompson River Bridge, 1876, 1882; (8) an 1892 pre-emption of Allison, Carefoot and Cameron in Yale District; (9) copy of a letter re road to Montgomery Landing, Kootenay District, 1896.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Floodplain mapping : Thompson and South Thompson Rivers

  • GR-3569
  • Series
  • 1970-1975

Series consists of floodplain maps that of the Thompson and South Thompson Rivers between Kamloops and Chase. The Water Investigations Branch created these maps between 1973 and 1975 to document areas that were susceptible to flooding.

The maps were bound in a volume and were numbered sequentially. There is an index at the front of the volume. Each map is also stamped with the Surveys and Mapping Branch of the BC Lands Service since the floodplain information was overlaid on maps that were originally maps were originally created in 1970 and 1973. All maps are 65 x 92 cm.

There are two groupings of maps. The first 33 maps show the Kamloops area from 1973-1974. These have a 1:2500 scale. These maps are stamped with the project number 73-81-0 and the file number 161673.

The second grouping consists of 27 maps of the South Thompson River from Kamloops to Chase. These have a 1:5000 scale. The project number of these maps is 74-109t-0.

British Columbia. Water Investigations Branch

Thompson River Basin pre-planning study records

  • GR-3993
  • Series
  • 1975-1981

This series consists of reports, correspondence and other records related to the Thompson River Basin pre-planning study from 1975-1981. Most records were created or used by the Water Management Branch and Water Investigations Branch.

The records relate to a federal-provincial agreement to conduct a pre-planning study of water in the Thompson River Basin. The study was intended to describe the basin’s water resources, and identify existing and potential water resource problems related to water quality and quantity. The study was to begin looking at solutions to these problems and the value of a longer-term planning study. Records document the creation and implementation of the study which involved multiple ministries from both the provincial and federal governments. The study involved scientific studies and public consultation to gain an understanding of water management issues in the area, and their associated land use and economic activity.

Records include correspondence, draft studies, reports used as reference material, minutes, maps, photographs and newspaper clippings.

Records were selected for permanent retention under one time schedule number 890487.

British Columbia. Water Management Branch

Canadian Pacific Railway (C.P.R.) photographs

Series consists of 545 photographs of the Canadian Pacific Railway (C.P.R.), thought to be taken by Richard or Hannah Maynard. In 1880-1881, Richard Maynard was hired to document the construction of the C.P.R. but photos within this series may have been taken at later dates or by other photographers. Images depict trains ("rolling stock"); views of locations along the construction route, including rivers, bridges, and mountains; tracks and construction in progress; wrecks following accidents; snowsheds; and portraits of workers.

Maynard (family)