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British Columbia. Water Management Branch Thompson River (B.C.) Series Water pollution--British Columbia
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Thompson River Basin pre-planning study records

  • GR-3993
  • Series
  • 1975-1981

This series consists of reports, correspondence and other records related to the Thompson River Basin pre-planning study from 1975-1981. Most records were created or used by the Water Management Branch and Water Investigations Branch.

The records relate to a federal-provincial agreement to conduct a pre-planning study of water in the Thompson River Basin. The study was intended to describe the basin’s water resources, and identify existing and potential water resource problems related to water quality and quantity. The study was to begin looking at solutions to these problems and the value of a longer-term planning study. Records document the creation and implementation of the study which involved multiple ministries from both the provincial and federal governments. The study involved scientific studies and public consultation to gain an understanding of water management issues in the area, and their associated land use and economic activity.

Records include correspondence, draft studies, reports used as reference material, minutes, maps, photographs and newspaper clippings.

Records were selected for permanent retention under one time schedule number 890487.

British Columbia. Water Management Branch