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Administrative records

  • GR-1207
  • Series
  • 1900-1902

This series contains an application for a mill site on the Upper Kootenay River by L.A. Campbell of Rossland, filed under the provisions of the Mineral Act. It includes a plan of the site and example of cloth poster.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Applications, decisions and correspondence

  • GR-2789
  • Series
  • 1943

Applications, decisions and correspondence with Judge W.A. Nisbet of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board Rentals Administration concerning suites in two apartment blocks on McKenzie Avenue in Revelstoke. (2 files)

British Columbia. County Court (Revelstoke)

Assize record book

  • GR-2304
  • Series
  • 1885

Proceedings of the assize of 23 June - 14 July 1885 as kept by J.C. Hughes, Deputy Registrar of the Supreme Court at Farwell, West Crossing of the Columbia River; it also contains jury lists.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Farwell)

Bench books

  • GR-2191
  • Series
  • 1927-1947

Bench books of the Revelstoke District Police Court and the Revelstoke Police Court in the hand of W. Maxwell (Stipendiary Magistrate) [with entries by J. Lee (Stipendiary Magistrate) in July 1929 and July 1930 and in 1947 there is a Juvenile Court note in an unknown hand]. There are also entries from Magistrate's Court (Malakwa), 1927; Police Court at Malakwa, 1927, Police Court at Sicamous, 1928, Police Court at Arrowhead, 1928 and 1931 and Juvenile Court, 1934, 1938-1941, and 1947.

British Columbia. Police Court (Revelstoke)

Case files from appeals

  • GR-2774
  • Series
  • 1920-1947

Case files from appeals: 11/20 Rosa Boutry; 16/20 Donald M. Stuart; 40/25 George Laforme; 121/31 Frederick Barrett; 26/32 Stefen Dmuchowski; 14/47 Isacco Colussi; 5/47 Steve Harnjoik (Hornyk).

British Columbia. County Court (Revelstoke)

Case files from appeals of criminal convictions

  • GR-2773
  • Series
  • 1923-1931

Case files from appeals of criminal convictions: 10/23 Hiskias Heinanen; 16/23 Elsie Simmons and Harry Greenwood: 3/31 Phillip Moase.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Revelstoke)

Cause book

  • GR-2207
  • Series
  • 1923-1932

Cause book.

British Columbia. Small Debts Court (Natal)

Certificates of improvement

  • GR-2079
  • Series
  • 1895-1908

Kootenay land district. Certificates of Improvement, numbers 1-95, with duplicate numbers 17, 36, 75, 77-79, at the front, for the West Kootenay District showing statement of, and witnesses to, the required improvements being completed, prior to the issuance of a Crown Grant. Information includes the names of the occupier and the witnesses, the number of the pre-emption claim, legal description and geographical location of the land, and the dates of the pre-emption claim and the completion of Improvements. An alphabetical index is included in this volume.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Certificates of work and record of mineral claims and transfers

  • GR-0222
  • Series
  • 1891-1930

The series consists of records created by the Revelstoke Gold Commissioner between 1891 and 1930. It includes certificates of work and records of mineral claims and transfers.

British Columbia. Gold Commissioner (Revelstoke)

Columbia Forest District timber tenures

  • GR-4068
  • Series
  • 1931-1998

This series consists of a variety of records related to timber tenures predominantly created from 1975-1998 by the Columbia Forest District, a division of the Nelson Forest Region. The series also includes records from the Revelstoke Forest District, Golden Forest District, Kootenay Lake Forest District, and Mica Creek Forest Station. All files were managed as part of the Columbia Forest District when the files were closed.

The series includes the following types of timber tenures: forest licences, timber licences, timber sale licences, timber sale harvesting licences, cash timber sale licences, licences to cut, timber marks, timber berths, woodlot licences, special use permits and road permits. There are also records related to tree farm licences (TFL) 23, 55 and 56. The majority of files relate to cutting permits. Licensees were required to apply for a forest licence or similar tenure and cutting permits in order to harvest timber. Records regard the issuance, evaluation, administration, monitoring, planning, replacement, cancellation, deletion and extension of these timber tenures.

The records include legal documents, operations information, correspondence, forms, reports, maps, photos, licences, permits, permit amendment or renewal documentation, applications, logging plans, reports, silviculture prescriptions, major licensee silviculture audits, stumpage adjustment, salvage information, and financial records.

Additional types of records include: subject files on weather, mining and oil exploration, tree seeds, resource analysis program, and forest road planning; a timber tenures ledger; files regarding audits of licensees to ensure compliance with guidelines for managing and preserving fish habitat; and a few silviculture opening files.

The ministries responsible for creating these records, and the years that they were responsible, are:
Ministry of Forests (1976-1986)
Ministry of Forests and Lands (1986-1988)
Ministry of Forests (1988-2005)

The records were classified as 18765-20, 18750-20, 19500-45, 19540-25, 19565-25, 19570-25, 19580-45, 19600-45, 19620-25, 19700-45, 19720-20 and 19910-20 in the Forest Operational Records Classification System (ORCS).

British Columbia. Columbia Forest District

Commission on the Nakusp and Slocan Railway, 1894

  • GR-0483
  • Series
  • 1894

This series consists of records of the Royal Commission on the Nakusp and Slocan Railway, 1894, including: report, exhibits and transcripts of evidence.

British Columbia. Royal Commission on the Nakusp and Slocan Railway [1894]

Commission to Investigate Claims of Squatters on Crown Lands in the District of Kootenay (1908)

  • GR-0743
  • Series
  • 1908

This series consists of the records of the Commission to Investigate Claims of Squatters on Crown Lands in the District of Kootenay, 1908. Records include letters patent appointing the Commissioner, report and evidence presented at the hearing in Creston.

British Columbia. Commission to Investigate Claims of Squatters on Crown Lands in the District of Kootenay (1908)

Conditional sales register

  • GR-2931
  • Series
  • 1928-1939

Conditional sales register (listed alphabetically by both buyer and by seller).

British Columbia. County Court (Golden)

Correspondence and other material

  • GR-1227
  • Series
  • 1972-1976

This series contains files from the Public Information and Education Division. The records consist of correspondence of the Minister of Lands, Forests and Water Resources on controversial matters including: multiple use in the Nitinat Triangle (1972) and Fry Creek (1972-1973) areas, and the Eden Fire (1973-1975). This series also contains the report of the Committee for Ranger District Organization (1976) which was appointed as a result of the Eden Fire controversy.

British Columbia. Forest Service. Public Information and Education Division

Correspondence and other material, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works

  • GR-1381
  • Series
  • 1863-1896

This series contains miscellaneous records of the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. The records consist of correspondence, receipts, accounts, petitions relating to pre-emptions, ferries, roads, public works, leases, and tax assessments. Includes (1) Metchosin District assessment roll, 1863; (2) pre-emption correspondence with William G. Cox and Peter O'Reilly, 1865, 1869; (3) receipt book for rental of crown lands, including waterfrontage and timber cutting, 1868-1869; (4) indenture for ferry charter at Omineca, 1872; (5) accounts relating to roads and bridges 1872-1873; (6) an 1880 petition re the graving dock; (7) report on Thompson River Bridge, 1876, 1882; (8) an 1892 pre-emption of Allison, Carefoot and Cameron in Yale District; (9) copy of a letter re road to Montgomery Landing, Kootenay District, 1896.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Correspondence inward to Police Superintendent Hussey

  • GR-0353
  • Series
  • 1899-1900

Letters to Superintendent Hussey from the Chief Constable, Nelson, the constable at New Denver, and the constable sent to Sandon, regarding the miners' strike in the Slocan Valley, Nov. 1899 - Jan. 1900. Includes copies of letters from the secretary of the Sandon Miners' Union, the Silver-Lead Mines Association of B.C., and the manager of the Payne mine.

British Columbia. Superintendent of Police

Correspondence relating to petroleum leases

  • GR-1325
  • Series
  • 1929-1962

This series contains correspondence relating to petroleum leases. The records consists of enquiries relating to oil lands in British Columbia (1940-1943), a general file on oil lands (1940-1956), and correspondence files on petroleum leases in Block 4593, Kootenay District, held by Borden Oil Company.

British Columbia. Petroleum Resources Division

Court Rules on petitions

  • GR-2771
  • Series
  • 1887

Court Rules on petitions signed by GMS - GC [Gilbert Malcolm Sproat, Gold Commissioner].

British Columbia. Mining Court (North Kootenay)

Cranbrook County Court letters of administration

  • GR-2248
  • Series
  • 1900-1924

Letters of administration from Fort Steele, 1900-1905 (with 2 entries from the Supreme Court) and from Cranbrook, 1906-1924.

British Columbia. County Court (Cranbrook)

Cranbrook County Court letters probate

  • GR-3199
  • Series
  • 1924-1958

Cranbrook letters probate (Forms 161 & 162). For letters probate from 1916-1924 see GR-2248 [B11349(5)].

British Columbia. County Court (Cranbrook)

Cranbrook County Court naturalization index

  • GR-1803
  • Series
  • 1897-1924

Series consists of one 1897-1924 index for Cranbrook County Court naturalization applications found in GR-1616 (1905-1923). Naturalization is the process through which immigrants acquire Canadian citizenship.

British Columbia. County Court (Cranbrook)

Cranbrook County Court plaint and procedure books

  • GR-1832
  • Series
  • 1913-1968

This series consists of plaint and procedure books from the Cranbrook County Court for cases between 1913-1968. Plaint and procedure books are the basic record book for actions at the County Court level. They provide the skeletal framework for County Court civil action proceedings and may include the names of parties, the dates when proceedings occurred, and can be used to determine a volume and folio number for locating final orders.

The records are arranged by case number, which can be found by using the indexes included in some of the plaint and procedure books or in series GR-2512 for 1913-1945. The records were scheduled for retention under Court Services ORCS (schedule 100152) 53200-20.

British Columbia. County Court (Cranbrook)

Cranbrook court registry and Attorney General correspondence

  • GR-1625
  • Series
  • 1907-1914

Series consists of Cranbrook court registry correspondence with the Dept. of the Attorney-General for 1907-1914. Series also includes some magistrate and police court records.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

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