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Kootenay district (B.C.)
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87 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Yoho National Park.

"A history of Yoho National Park, Field, B.C."

Loaned for copying by F.M. Woodward, Special Collections, University of British Columbia, 1976.

Yoho National Park

British Columbia Southern Railway Co.

Draft of general instructions to the Chief of party on British Columbia Southern Railway Company explorations and surveys, issued by the Chief Timber Ranger. Typescript with amendments handwritten in red ink.

Donated to BC Forest Service Museum in 1953 by A.J. Ross, BCFS Ranger at Creston; received by Provincial Archives of British COlumbia [now B.C. Archives] from Project 87 in 1982.

British Columbia Southern Railway Co.


Diaries, 1903 and 1905; log of his yacht "Toketie," 1926, 1927, 1929, 1931-1940; diaries of summer cruises, 1933, 1934-1936, 1938-1940, 1941; archaeological catalogue. Mr. Barrow emigrated to Canada at the turn of the century, and looked for land in the Kootenays and lived on the Gulf Islands (initially on Brethour Island) before settling near Sidney. He and his wife spent many summers cruising the coast and his diaries contain notes on people they met, Indian villages, pictographs, petroglyphs, and many photographs. A selection of the photographs has been copied by Historic Photographs.

Barrow, Francis, 1876-1944

Memoirs of Milton Kunst

The series includes biographical essays written by Milton Kunst. The collection also includes clippings and cards re Boswell and the Kunst family and friends.

Hotel registers, account books and other material

Hotel registers, 1912-1939, 1949-1950 (13 vols.); dining room and bar account book, 1912-1917, 1917-1930 (contains accounts for St. James hotel dining room and bar, 1917-1930); bar ledger (New Market Hotel?), 1912-1915.

New Market Hotel (New Denver, B.C.)

O.K. Gold Mining Co., Inc. 1895.

Share certificate books containing certificates 1-250, 251-500, 502-750, issued 1895-1897 and register of certificates; journals, ledgers and bank book, 1895-1897; shipments of ore and amount milled, 1896-1899; 2 letters, 1895, re ore shipments, Victoria and Nelson Telephone Company message form, weekly stock quotation; Richard Plewman, mining and stock broker, Rossland.

O.K. Gold Mining Company

Queens Hotel, Golden.

Hotel register, August 19, 1894 to October 17, 1898. John Charles Greene, proprietor.

Presented by H.G. Lockwood, Golden, 1929.

Queen's Hotel (Golden, B.C.)

Cause book

  • GR-2207
  • Series
  • 1923-1932

Cause book.

British Columbia. Small Debts Court (Natal)

Revelstoke Supreme Court civil case files

  • GR-2251
  • Series
  • 1900-1952

Civil case files with the exception of probate, divorce and adoption files which have been removed from this series and are filed separately.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Revelstoke)

Registrar's quarterly returns and other material

  • GR-2510
  • Series
  • 1919-1931

Registrar's quarterly returns, 1919-1930; returns of probate and succession duties, 1923-1930; and correspondence and circulars regarding estimates 1929-1931.

British Columbia. County Court (Fernie)

Mechanics' liens

  • GR-2511
  • Series
  • 1904-1960

Mechanics' liens.

British Columbia. County Court (Fernie)

Results 1 to 30 of 406