RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964-09-15 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Joseph Killough remembers Castlegar and Kinnard. He came to Castlegar in 1913 with his family. He offers his first impressions; school; the importance of the CPR in Castlegar history; Castlegar as it was in 1913; more about the railroad to 1917; the Edgewood Lumber Mill; more about trains; Kinnard in 1913; his father Captain Joseph Arthur Killough; a logging camp at Kinnard; marketing meat; an incident while swimming as a child; the wheat harvest and Doukhobors at Brilliant. TRACK 2: Mr. Killough continues with more on the Doukhobors as seen by an outsider; school; the population increase in 1918; mining and milling economy; the arrival of traction engine for one of the mills; other families; Peter "Lordly" Verigin; the Doukhobor ferry at Waterloo; the route from Castlega;r to Nelson by road; Jimmy Davidson and the Castlegar ferry; Waterloo as a mining community; and the name "Castlegar".
This series contains reports by the Assistant Timber Inspector at Nelson on timber cut and royalties payable by the Canadian Pacific Railway and the Doukhobor Society.
This series contains files from the Public Information and Education Division. The records consist of correspondence of the Minister of Lands, Forests and Water Resources on controversial matters including: multiple use in the Nitinat Triangle (1972) and Fry Creek (1972-1973) areas, and the Eden Fire (1973-1975). This series also contains the report of the Committee for Ranger District Organization (1976) which was appointed as a result of the Eden Fire controversy.
British Columbia. Forest Service. Public Information and Education Division
This series contains a carbon-copy of "The Problem of Slash Disposal in the Western White Pine Stands of North Idaho, 1921", a report to the U.S. Forest Service, District One, Missoula, Montana, by Forest Examiners J.A. Larsen and W.C. Lowdermilk.
British Columbia. Nelson Forest District (1913-1978)
This series contains project files from the Mitchell River Bridge, Invermere Ranger District, Project 196. Types of records includes photographs and brief construction history.
British Columbia. Nelson Forest District (1913-1978)
Registrar's record book of the Revelstoke County Court from 1939-1967. Primarily it is in the hand of the Registrar of the County Court/Clerk of the Court. It includes civil, chambers and two appeals, one in 1948 and one in 1959. There is one entry from the Revelstoke District Police Court in 1941. In mid-1963, Judge Eric P. Dawson has used-this volume as a bench book, signing his name at the end of each case. There are occasional Supreme Court entries from 1941-1952; some are stroked out with the notation : "Notes transferred to assize notebook" [GR-2194].
Series consists of a Nelson County Court list of naturalizations for 5 March 1900. Naturalization is the process through which immigrants acquire Canadian citizenship.
Writs of Summons served on 11 November 1885 on McKenzie and Co. and McKenzie and Meagher from plaintiffs in Farwell, New Westminster and Similkameen Mines.
This series consists of the records of the Commission to Investigate Claims of Squatters on Crown Lands in the District of Kootenay, 1908. Records include letters patent appointing the Commissioner, report and evidence presented at the hearing in Creston.
British Columbia. Commission to Investigate Claims of Squatters on Crown Lands in the District of Kootenay (1908)
Orders with the exception of probate orders which are filed separately (GR-1429 and GR-2253). There is a handwritten file list in the first file of box 1.
The series consists of files created by Judge William Evans dealing with disposal of crown lands to members of the Sons of Freedom sect of Doukhobors. The records cover the period 1959 to 1975 and contain correspondence, maps, registers, and accounting material. The maps were transferred to the Archives Map Division (see photocopy of map accession slips attached to print finding aid).
Cheques on the Exchange National Bank of Spokane, 16 July 1894 - 29 January 1895 and the old National Bank of Spokane, 12 February 1895 - 1 March 1897; and a deposit book with the Traders National Bank of Spokane, 19 August - 28 October 1894. Also time check sheets nos. 1-48 detailing wages paid, 13 May - 27 September 1895.
The series consists of orders created by the Grand Forks Supreme Court registry between 1900-1949. Between 1900 and 1922, the orders relate to a variety of civil matters such as loans and mortgages, debts, guardianship of minors, and estate matters, including probates. Beginning June 1922, records are probate orders only.
Records are arranged chronologically and were assigned file, volume, and folio numbers by the court registry. An alphabetical index by last name is included within both bound volumes of records.
Case files from appeals: 11/20 Rosa Boutry; 16/20 Donald M. Stuart; 40/25 George Laforme; 121/31 Frederick Barrett; 26/32 Stefen Dmuchowski; 14/47 Isacco Colussi; 5/47 Steve Harnjoik (Hornyk).
Applications, decisions and correspondence with Judge W.A. Nisbet of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board Rentals Administration concerning suites in two apartment blocks on McKenzie Avenue in Revelstoke. (2 files)
This series consists of grants of letters probate (Form A) from the Creston Supreme Court, from 1952-1984. Forms from 1982-1984 include a praecipe and copy of will. Letters are organized by file number.