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British Columbia. Gold Commissioner (Cariboo) Cariboo Region (B.C.)
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Cariboo Government Agent correspondence and other material

  • GR-0216
  • Series
  • 1860-1938

The series consists of records created by the Government Agent and the Gold Commissioner of the Cariboo District, between 1860 and 1938. It includes correspondence inward and outward; court, mining, land, financial and administrative records.

British Columbia. Gold Commissioner (Cariboo)

Cariboo Gold Commissioner correspondence and indentures

  • GR-0262
  • Series
  • 1863-1868

The series consists of records created by the Cariboo Gold Commissioner between 1863 and 1868. It contains correspondence and indentures re mining companies and notes re court cases.

British Columbia. Gold Commissioner (Cariboo)

Cariboo Gold Commissioner correspondence inward

  • GR-0762
  • Series
  • 1860-1868

This series consists of correspondence inward of the Cariboo Gold Commissioner regarding mining leases, indentures, partnerships and leaves of absence, mainly dated 1864. Records are filed alphabetically by the name of the individual or the company.

British Columbia. Gold Commissioner (Cariboo)

Records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Cariboo District

  • GR-0824
  • Series
  • 1863-1893

This series consists of 11 volumes of records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Cariboo District, 1863-1893. Records include certificates of pre-emption, certificates of improvement, lot register of Group 1, Cariboo District, sale of town lots of Richfield, Barkerville, Cameronton, and Quesnellemouth, and certificates of purchase. Also contains water rights recorded for irrigation purposes and an accounts book.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Water rights record book

  • GR-1123
  • Series
  • 1897-1918

Record book of grants of water rights pursuant to the Mining Act (1896), issued in 1897. Many grants carry notes of cancellation by the Board of Investigation, dated 1918. Includes a nominal index.

British Columbia. Gold Commissioner (Cariboo)

Register of grants of water rights for mining purposes

  • GR-1138
  • Series
  • 1882-1907

This series contains a register of grants of water rights for mining purposes in Cariboo district, arranged chronologically with a nominal index.

British Columbia. Gold Commissioner (Barkerville)

Pre-emption records

  • GR-1182
  • Series
  • 1860-1874, 1884

This series contains records relating to pre-emptions in the Cariboo, Lillooet, Lytton and Kootenay Districts recorded by various Gold Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners of Lands and Works. The records consist of correspondence, notices of claim, sketches and affidavits and pertains largely to records in the vicinities of Quesnel, Alexandria, Williams Lake, Lytton and Cache Creek. The series also includes a detailed account of town lot sales at Quesnellemouth held on 13 October 1863 as well as an application for wages due, correspondence on various land disputes, several water records, and proposed leases of government reserves.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Cariboo district land records

  • GR-1374
  • Series
  • 1861-1972

This series contains the records of the Gold Commissioner, Government Agent, and Assistant Land Commissioner, Cariboo District (Quesnel). The records consist of lot registers, certificates of purchase, certificates of pre-emption, registers of pre-emptions (canceled and allowed), registers of land applications and lands purchased, register of leaves of absence granted pre-emption on active service, minute books containing lot register of lands along the route of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway, and registers of hay and pasture land leases. The series also includes townsite registers for Quesnel, Barkerville, and Wells and lot registers for some townships in the Peace River Block. Volumes 89-98 and 153-158 are oversize.

British Columbia. Cariboo Land District

Cariboo Government Agency financial records

  • GR-3052
  • Series
  • 1860-1948

This series consists of a variety of financial records created by the Cariboo Government Agent and its successors from 1860-1948. Records are related to locations throughout the Cariboo and Chilcotin region, including, Quesnel (Quesnelle Forks or Quesnelmouth), Lightening Creek, Barkerville and Richfield. Records include collectorate cash books, waste books, records of payments of pre-emptions, assay office expenses, a mineral tax register, liquor sale records, a Bank of British Columbia bank book, a company stock journal, a tax assessment book, handwritten notes and invoices, and a list of arms borrowed from the Government Agent at Quesnelmouth. There is also a record book documenting supplies, equipment, memoranda's, and some records from the Lightening Creek Gold Commissioner's Court.

Collectorate books record the collection of various fees by the government agent. Such as trade licences, liquor licences, marriage licences, pre-emption records, water records, mining records, fines such as “Indian fines”, deposits and rent.

British Columbia. Government Agent (Cariboo District)

Cariboo government office records

  • GR-4063
  • Series
  • 1864-1915

This series consists of a wide variety of records received or created by government officials in the Cariboo region from 1868 to 1915. Most of the records are addressed to government officials or were created by courts in the following places: Richfield, Barkerville, Quesnelle Forks and other locations in the Cariboo district. Over the years, the government offices responsible for the entire Cariboo district were located in each of these towns. The majority of the records appear to have been received by the Government Office, Richfield.

At this time government offices held a very wide range of responsibilities which could be done by as few as one person. The records relate to several government officials: the Gold Commissioner, Government Agent, Magistrate, County Court judge and Supreme Court judge.

The majority of the records are related to leasing, purchasing or gaining access to water for mining claims. This includes some records from the Gold Commissioner court.

There are also many county court and supreme court records. These records include summons; wills; probate and other estate records; search warrants; assizes; court transcripts; evidence; coroner inquest records; assize court calendars; sheriff records; and notes of the Board of Liquor Licence Commissioners approving renewal of liquor licences.

Other types of records include general correspondence from settlers; census data; voters lists; voter registration forms from Keithley Creek; criminal statistics; Land Ordinances; pre-emption records and other records related to the Land Act; naturalization oaths; indentures; receipts and financial records; maps; petitions for liquor licences; a BC Savings Bank (Cariboo Branch) depositors book; and a register of letters inward and outward for 1910-1915.

British Columbia. Gold Commissioner (Cariboo)