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Greater Vancouver (B.C.) With digital objects
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0-6-0  No. 202 Switcher, 3/4 Right. Closeup. Good Detail. Slope-Back Tender Lettered Vancouver Ha...
0-6-0 No. 202 Switcher, 3/4 Right. Closeup. Good Detail. Slope-Back Tender Lettered Vancouver Harbour Commissioners Terminal Railway. On Vancouver Waterfront In Front Of Harbour
0-6-0  No. 204 Switcher, Vertical Format. Full Front. Semi-Closeup. Good Detail. Semaphore Shows....
0-6-0 No. 204 Switcher, Vertical Format. Full Front. Semi-Closeup. Good Detail. Semaphore Shows. Vancouver Waterfront.
0-6-0 Esquimalt and Nanaimo [E & N] No. 6049 Switcher 3/4 right. Closeup. Lettered for Canadi...
0-6-0 Esquimalt and Nanaimo [E & N] No. 6049 Switcher 3/4 right. Closeup. Lettered for Canadian Pacific Railway. Off the [E & N] at Vancouver to be scrapped. Slope-back tender s
0-6-0 Esquimalt and Nanaimo [E & N] No. 6049 Switcher, 3/4 left. Closeup. Lettered for Canadi...
0-6-0 Esquimalt and Nanaimo [E & N] No. 6049 Switcher, 3/4 left. Closeup. Lettered for Canadian Pacific Railway Off the [E & N] at Vancouver to be scrapped. Slope-back tender su
0-6-0 National Harbours Board Switcher 202
0-6-0 National Harbours Board Switcher 202
0-6-0 No. 204 Switcher, Vancouver waterfront
0-6-0 No. 204 Switcher, Vancouver waterfront
0-6-0 No. 206 Switcher, Vancouver.
0-6-0 No. 206 Switcher, Vancouver.
0-6-0, National Harbours Board Switcher No. 202.
0-6-0, National Harbours Board Switcher No. 202.
0-6-0, No. 202 Switcher; taking cars from CN yard to Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 202 Switcher; taking cars from CN yard to Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6038, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6038, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6038, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6038, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6038, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6038, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6038, Switcher; Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6038, Switcher; Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6103, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6103, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6103, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6103, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6103, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6103, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6103, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6103, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6103, Switcher; Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6103, Switcher; Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6151, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6151, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6174, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6174, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6174, Switcher, Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6174, Switcher, Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6174, Switcher, Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6174, Switcher, Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6193, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6193, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6197, Switcher; Ogden Yard, Calgary, Alberta
0-6-0, No. 6197, Switcher; Ogden Yard, Calgary, Alberta
0-6-0, No. 6200; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6200; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6252, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6252, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6255, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6255, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6262, Switcher.
0-6-0, No. 6262, Switcher.
0-6-0, No. 6262, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6262, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6262, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
0-6-0, No. 6262, Switcher; Drake Street yard, Vancouver.
Results 1 to 30 of 6203