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Only top-level descriptions British Columbia. Hospital Programs British Columbia. Hospital Programs Health facilities--British Columbia
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Hospital Programs records

  • GR-3994
  • Series
  • 1959 - 1987

The series consists of records documenting the operations and administration of hospitals in BC from 1959-1987. The records cover programs within individual hospitals, finance and construction, personnel, medical staff bylaws, rules and regulations, equipment and other topics. They also include accreditation surveys and results, hospital reviews, and reports by Ministry of Health staff on topics such as medical records. The records include policy precedents, lists of staff and administrators, and information on financial proceedings and grants. The records were created under the Hospital Act (RSBC 1979, c.176), the Hospital District Act (RSBC 1979, c.178), and the Hospital Insurance Act (RSBC, 1979, c. 180). They were created by the BC Hospital Programs Division and its predecessor, BC Hospital Insurance Service, both under the Ministry of Health.

The series is arranged by hospital or topic, then by date. The records include correspondence, reports, financial records, bylaws, project files, strategic plans, and policy documents. The records are classified under the one-time Hospital Programs operational files (schedule 880238).

British Columbia. Hospital Programs

Hospital programs photographs

  • GR-3422
  • Series
  • 1929-1977

The series consists of photographs created by the British Columbia Hospital Programs and its predecessor body, the British Columbia Hospital Insurance Service, between 1949 and 1975 and including photographs back to 1929. The photographs are mostly black and white prints but there are also negatives and some colour prints. The photographs are in no particular order and document proposals, construction, ceremonies and openings of provincial hospitals. There are also press photos of senior staff, ministers, MLA's and branch staff. Occasionally a piece of correspondence relating to the photograph is included in the file.

British Columbia. Hospital Programs

Hospital Programs executive records

  • GR-3998
  • Series
  • 1974 - 1989

The series consists of correspondence and other records of the executive director’s office, Hospital Programs, Ministry of Health. The correspondence is between members of the Health Programs executive team (executive director, regional directors, Assistant Deputy Minister, Deputy Minister, and Minister of Health) and regional hospitals or health care facilities in British Columbia. The correspondence documents routine business activities relating to hospital reviews, hospital programs, staffing levels, hospital expansion, hospital expenditures, operating budgets and other financial/funding issues, hospital complaint files, hospital annual reports, and regional hospital district matters. The records were created by the Ministry of Health’s Hospital Programs division and Hospital Insurance Service between 1974-1989. These records were created under the Hospital Act (RSBC 1996, c. 200), Health Act (RSBC 1979, c. 161), and Health District Act (RSBC 1996, c. 202).

The records are arranged alphabetically by hospital or facility name and by ministry file code. They consist of incoming and outgoing executive correspondence, accompanying reports, hospital publications, data and statistics, memoranda, briefing notes, agendas and minutes, and annual reports. The records are covered by the Executive Records schedule (schedule 102906).

British Columbia. Hospital Programs