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Only top-level descriptions British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works
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Account records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works

  • GR-1042
  • Series
  • 1859-1863

Series contains account records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works Lytton. Account of H.M. Ball with Lands and Works Department, 1862-1863; list of horses purchased for the Lytton district by the government, 1860; list of permanent stores of the Lytton department, 1859-1860.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Accounts ledger

  • GR-1171
  • Series
  • 1865-1866

This series contains one volume of an accounts ledger, receipts and payments. It also includes a ledger of expenditures for road construction, surveys and explorations, salaries, supplies, etc.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Accounts payable ledger

  • GR-1083
  • Series
  • 1863

This series contains an accounts payable ledger from 1863, relating to wages paid and construction costs of the Cariboo road. Includes an alphabetical index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Administrative records

  • GR-1207
  • Series
  • 1900-1902

This series contains an application for a mill site on the Upper Kootenay River by L.A. Campbell of Rossland, filed under the provisions of the Mineral Act. It includes a plan of the site and example of cloth poster.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Administrative records relating to Government House

  • GR-1051
  • Series
  • 1876-1906

This series contains records relating to Government House. Inventories of household goods, furniture, and effects, 1881-1882, 1899-1900, 1903; lists of goods damaged in the Government House fire, May 18, 1899; one letter regarding Government House fire insurance, July 7, 1899; Government House Insurance Policies, 1876-1906.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Allowed applications to purchase unsurveyed land

  • GR-4265
  • Series
  • 1910-1913

This series consists of one register documenting applications to purchase unsurveyed Crown land. Information includes the date a notice was posted in the government gazette, the name of the applicant, the amount of acreage applied for, the district, location of the acreage, and a remarks column documenting whether or not the application was successful and any Dept. of Lands correspondence numbers relevant to the application. The register covers all areas of the province. There is an applicant name index in each register. Note that the volume also includes cancelled or disallowed entries.

This item is volume 2 and covers 1910-1913. Volume 1 is item GR-1069.II.136 and covers 1906-1910.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Appeal book and judgements

  • GR-1208
  • Series
  • 1906

This series contains an appeal book and judgements of the British Columbia Supreme Court in the case of James S. Emerson, timber dealer v. Robert T. Skinner, Provincial Timber Inspector, regarding the seizure of three booms of cedar under the Timber Manufacturing Act, 1906.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Applications to purchase and lease lands in the Bulkley Valley

  • GR-1139
  • Series
  • 1907

This series includes applications to purchase and lease lands in the Bulkley Valley, Skeena district. Includes affidavits and a list of applicants indicating lot numbers, acreage, and purchase price.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Bills and other material

  • GR-1157
  • Series
  • 1859-1889

This series contains miscellaneous bills, paid and unpaid, and a statement of personal expenses for liquor and alcohol, by John Boles Gaggin of Quesnellemouth (modern day Quesnel).

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Certificates of improvement

  • GR-0765
  • Series
  • 1863-1878

This series consists of certificates of improvement nos. 1-276, Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Missing certificates are listed.

Certificates from before 1868 are created by the Colony of Vancouver Island Office of the Surveyor General.
Certificate from 1869-1871 are created by the Colony of British Columbia Department of Lands and Works. Certificates created after 1871 are created by the Province of British Columbia Department of Lands and Works.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Certificates of purchase

  • GR-1521
  • Series
  • 1859-1944

This series contains acknowledgements of moneys received by the Lands Department pursuant to the pre-emption or sale of crown land. These certificates of purchase include district, legal description of land, acreage, date and terms of payment, name of payer, pre-emption record number, certificate of improvement number, crown grant number and departmental file numbers. The certificates are divided into four series.

SERIES 1. CERTIFICATES OF PURCHASE BY LAND DISTRICT, 1859-1913. Volumes have alphabetical indexes.
SERIES 3. CERTIFICATES OF PURCHASE, SERIES 4. CERTIFICATES OF PURCHASE, 1907-1944. Vancouver Island certificate books.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Certificates of title of country lands

  • GR-1398
  • Series
  • 1860-1861

This series contains certificates of title of country lands in B.C. (2 vols.) Volume 1 contains nos. 1-35 (1860-1861). Volume 2 contains nos. 36-39 (1861). The records are counterfoil books containing name of purchaser, acreage and description of lands.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works correspondence inward

  • GR-0868
  • Series
  • 1871-1883

This series consists of letters inward to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, 1871-1883. Letters are arranged by file number. These letters were selected for transfer to the archives in 1937 and therefore do not appear on the microfilms of Lands letters inward that were made later.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works correspondence outward

  • GR-0898
  • Series
  • 1903-1904, 1906-1907

This series consists of semi-official correspondence outward of the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, 1903-1904 (vol. 1) and 1906-1907 (vol. 4). Each volume has a nominal index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Comiaken Land District land register

  • GR-2626
  • Series
  • 1859-1885

This series consists of a Comiaken Land District land register for Range 1, Section 1 to Range 3, Section 19 on Vancouver Island. The volume date 1859-1885.

The register is arranged numerically by Range and Section and records the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, etc.). Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments and reference numbers to correspondence and field books. The volume includes an alphabetical name index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Commission of Lands correspondence

  • GR-1039
  • Series
  • 1871-1872

This series contains correspondence inward to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works relating to various public works, buildings, bridges and roads, surveys, government reserves, and general land matters. Includes memoranda, minutes, telegraphs, and sketches. Files W2/71 to W218/72, 29 December 1871 to 29 July 1872.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works


  • GR-1055
  • Series
  • 1883-1885

This series includes notes on various inward letters in Lands Dept. vaults, 1883-1885. Contains a brief synopsis of contents of selected letters.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Correspondence and memoranda

  • GR-1132
  • Series
  • 1895-1903

This series contains correspondence and memoranda of the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works with the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Nelson, regarding land disputes. File 1 contains correspondence relating to the disputed pre-emption claim of E.P. Dunn at Slocan City, 1895-1897. File 2 deals with a three-sided dispute over lands at Bonnington Falls between the City of Nelson; L.A. Campbell's application for a mill site (under the Mineral Act), and the West Kootenay Power and Light Company.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Correspondence and other material

  • GR-0830
  • Series
  • 1900-1913; 1957

This series consists of correspondence and other records from the Department of Lands and Works, and its successor, the Department of Public Works. Records include correspondence inward and tenders for Victoria Court House, 1900-1904, Government House, 1900-1904, and Parliament Buildings, 1900; specifications for Victoria Graving Dock; specifications and agreement for Lytton highway bridge, 1913; and weekly building progress reports, Government House, 1957 (reports 30-75 only).

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Correspondence and other material

  • GR-1178
  • Series
  • 1890

This series contains a three page letter to the Surveyor General, William S. Gore, regarding a logging road in the Vancouver area. Letter/file number 1322/90. Includes sketch map.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Correspondence and other material, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works

  • GR-1381
  • Series
  • 1863-1896

This series contains miscellaneous records of the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. The records consist of correspondence, receipts, accounts, petitions relating to pre-emptions, ferries, roads, public works, leases, and tax assessments. Includes (1) Metchosin District assessment roll, 1863; (2) pre-emption correspondence with William G. Cox and Peter O'Reilly, 1865, 1869; (3) receipt book for rental of crown lands, including waterfrontage and timber cutting, 1868-1869; (4) indenture for ferry charter at Omineca, 1872; (5) accounts relating to roads and bridges 1872-1873; (6) an 1880 petition re the graving dock; (7) report on Thompson River Bridge, 1876, 1882; (8) an 1892 pre-emption of Allison, Carefoot and Cameron in Yale District; (9) copy of a letter re road to Montgomery Landing, Kootenay District, 1896.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Correspondence inward

  • GR-1124
  • Series
  • 1890

The series contains correspondence inward relating to roads and road construction. These letters have notation that they were referred to J. Sprott, road superintendent, New Westminster district, for consideration.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Correspondence regarding steam boiler inspections

  • GR-4096
  • Series
  • 1907-1909

This series consists of one volume of correspondence outward related to steam boiler inspectors and contraventions of the Steam Boiler Inspection Act, from 1907-1909. The majority of the correspondence is from the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. The volume is labelled volume number two and is indexed alphabetically by name of addressee.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Correspondence relating to roads in Victoria district

  • GR-1153
  • Series
  • 1900

This series contains correspondence relating to roads in the Victoria district. It includes a request for new road construction from the Victoria Driving Club and the Victoria Tourist Association, and correspondence about cows wandering at large in Oak Bay. Also includes a small sketch. Reverse of sketch not on microfilm.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Correspondence relating to safes and locks at the Parliament Buildings

  • GR-1155
  • Series
  • 1874-1894

This series contains miscellaneous correspondence relating to safes and locks at the Parliament Buildings. It includes a letter to F.M. Rattenbury from M.W. Waitt regarding vault door combinations.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Correspondence subject index

  • GR-1164
  • Series
  • 1901-1903

This series contains a specialized volume that pertains only to correspondence relating to applications for Burnaby lots (folio 12), the Vancouver Island Settlers' Rights Act, 1903 (folio 138), and the South African War Land Grant Act, 1901 (folio 158). They includes name of correspondent and letter or file number.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Day book of expenditures and correspondence

  • GR-1029
  • Series
  • 1862-1865

This series consists of a day book of expenditures of road and bridge construction, surveys and transport, 1862-1864; goods received from grocers, Hope, B.C., 1865; correspondence and specifications relating to the construction of the Burrard Inlet road, 1864-1865.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Department of Lands correspondence inward

  • GR-0897
  • Series
  • 1901-1910

This series consists of Semi-official correspondence inward received by the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works (1901-1908) and the Chief Commissioner of Lands (1908-1910). Arranged alphabetically.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

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