- GR-2770
- Series
- 1885
Writs of Summons served on 11 November 1885 on McKenzie and Co. and McKenzie and Meagher from plaintiffs in Farwell, New Westminster and Similkameen Mines.
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Farwell)
Writs of Summons served on 11 November 1885 on McKenzie and Co. and McKenzie and Meagher from plaintiffs in Farwell, New Westminster and Similkameen Mines.
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Farwell)
Windermere Small Debts Court record book
Record book, 1950-1955. Part of file 90/59 removed from GR-0419.
British Columbia. Small Debts Court (Windermere)
Wilmer Small Debts Court record book
Record book, 1925-1954. Part of file 90/59 removed from GR-0419.
British Columbia. Small Debts Court (Wilmer)
Wild Horse Creek district manual of record and record of conveyance
The series consists of a manual of conveyance for the Wild Horse Creek district, created by the Kootenay Gold Commissioner between 1865 and 1972.
British Columbia. Gold Commissioner (Kootenay)
Western Exploration Company fonds
The fonds consists of correspondence files, financial records and general files.
Western Exploration Company
Warrants of commitment, correspondence outward from warden and warden's daily record book
The series consists of records from the Nelson Gaol, 1989-1961. Volume one includes warrants of commitment to Nelson Gaol, 1898-1899; volume 2 includes correspondence outward from warden, 1898-1905; and volume 3 includes the warden's daily record book, 1956-1961.
British Columbia. Provincial Gaol (Nelson)
Trail Supreme Court appearance book
Appearance book (indexed). The volume gives the date, Style of Cause, "For Whom" and 'By Whom".
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Trail)
Trail Police Court record books
Record books, 1901-1950.
British Columbia. Police Court (Trail)
Trail District Police Court record books
Provincial Police Court record books showing name of prosecutor, name of defendant, nature of the charge, costs, name of arresting officer, name of gaol or lockup, order or conviction, amount of fine, name of presiding magistrate or justice and "remarks".
British Columbia. Police Court (Trail)
This series consists of three volumes of reports and indexes of timber cruises and logging conditions created around 1922-1929. The volumes were created by Ryan McIntosh of Hibberson Blair Timber Company Ltd. for the BC Forest Branch. The majority of the cruises were conducted on Vancouver Island and the Kootenay region. This includes timber in the following land districts: Alberni, Comox, Cowichan, Nanaimo, Prince Rupert, Vancouver, Victoria, Fort Steele, Golden, Kettle River, Revelstoke, and Slocan.
The reports document the quantity, quality and financial value of timber available for harvest in a given area. This includes the character of the timber, stumpage values, assessment information, logging conditions, grades of logs, map reference numbers, statistics, and other comments.
British Columbia. Forest Branch
Suitor's fund cash book from Peterborough, 1901 and from Wilmer 1902-1928; 1939.
British Columbia. County Court (Wilmer)
Series contains a sales book, lands in Kootenay District. Arranged by lot number. Includes owner, acreage, improvements, and assessed values in 1911-1912.
British Columbia. Dept. of Lands
Royal Commission on Doukhobor Affairs (1947)
This series consists of the records of the Royal Commission on Doukhobor Affairs, 1946-1947. Records include correspondence, transcripts, exhibits (indexed), and an interim report. No final report was issued.
Royal Commission on Doukhobor Affairs (1947)
This series consists of records of the Royal Commission Investigating the Fruit Industry (and interrelated conditions) of the Districts Territorially Known as the Okanagan, Kootenay, and Kettle River of the Province of British Columbia, 1929-1930. Commission records consist of correspondence and the report.
Royal Commission Investigating the Fruit Industry (and interrelated conditions) of the Districts Territorially Known as the Okanagan, Kootenay, and Kettle River of the Province of British Columbia
Rossland Supreme court probate cause books
Probate cause books (indexed).
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Rossland)
Orders with the exception of probate orders which are filed separately (GR-1429 and GR-2253). There is a handwritten file list in the first file of box 1.
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Rossland)
Rossland Supreme Court divorce case file
Divorce case file (Chester Frederick Buchanan v Margaret Elise Buchanan and William Przybylskie aka William Watson).
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Rossland)
Rossland Supreme Court civil case files
Selected Rossland Supreme Court civil case files.
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Rossland)
Rossland Police Court record books
Provincial Police Court record books showing name of prosecutor, name of defendant, nature of the charge, costs, name of arresting officer, name of gaol or lockup, order or conviction, amount of fine, name of presiding magistrate or justice and "remarks", 1919-1935; 1937-1950.
British Columbia. Police Court (Rossland)
Rossland government agent financial records
This series consists of 6 volumes of financial records created by the government office in Rossland from 1906-1914 and 1936-1943. The records are cash books used to record receipts and payments by the government agent and tax collector. Records record the collection of various taxes from Rossland and nearby towns. There is also one volume recording Rossland government agency deposits and bank remittances.
British Columbia. Government Agent (Rossland)
Rossland government agent correspondence
This series consists of correspondence created and received by the government office in Rossland from 1893-1910. Records may have been sent to the Government Agent, Gold Commissioner, Mining Recorder, tax Assessor and Collector, Registrar of Voters or other positions that were based in the Rossland office. May of these positions were likely held by one individual who acted in multiple roles.
Records include correspondence, forms, receipts, statistics, court records and financial records. They relate to a variety of subjects, including mining records, mineral claims, voter registration, maintenance of voter lists, court records, police matters, office administration, office expenses, land purchase, land pre-emption, and leases. The majority of the records relate to tax assessment and collection, particularly for businesses. The series also includes some records related to appeal courts and the court of revision related to property, mineral, income and business tax assessments.
Records cover the area immediately around Rossland and other towns in the west Kootenay region, such as Nelson, Phoenix, Greenwood, Grand Forks. Midway, and Trail, or Trail Creek.
British Columbia. Government Agent (Rossland)
Rossland County Court probate cause books
Probate cause books (indexed).
British Columbia. County Court (Rossland)
Rossland County Court judgements
Judgements. Box 1, file 1 contains a handwritten list giving plaint numbers, the style of cause (up to 50/30), and the documents retained as well as the plaint numbers for files which were approved for destruction.
The series also consists of a judgment in the case of Elizabeth Graham v. A. Folden and Elizabeth Folden (82/1919) that was signed and filed in 1926.
British Columbia. County Court (Rossland)
Rossland County Court appeals case files
Case files of appeals from criminal convictions; many are from a contravention of the Wartime Prices and Trade regulations.
British Columbia. County Court (Rossland)
Rocky Mountain Forest District timber tenures
This series consists of timber tenures from the Rocky Mountain Forest District for the years 1946-2008. This series may also include records created by the Cranbrook, Invermere and Kootenay Lake Forest Districts, as well as the Nelson and Southern Interior Forest Regions. Note that the names and boundaries of districts and regions varied over the years.
Timber tenures include replaceable forest licences, licences to cut, replaceable timber sale licences, non-replaceable timber sale licences, woodlot licences, special use permits and Christmas tree permits. There are also records regarding tree farm licence (TFL) 13, TFL 14, TFL 26, TFL 36 and TFL 37.
Files contain cutting permits, legal documents, operations information, charts, applications, development plans, annual reports, management plans, an “A” number bid deposit register, correspondence, maps, reports, amendments, logging inspection reports, logging plans, licences, policy, procedures, and a variety of other documents.
The series also includes some records related to silviculture. These include silviculture openings, obligations, as well as silviculture experiment (SX) files regard trials completed under the jurisdiction of the silviculture program. Includes records detailing silviculture trials conducted, working plans, results, evaluations, reports, models, maps and data. Silviculture obligations may relate to major licensees, woodlot licences or the small business program.
The ministries responsible for the Forest and Range Districts, and the years that they were responsible, are:
British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Forests (1945-1962)
British Columbia. Dept. of Lands, Forests and Water (1962-1975)
British Columbia. Dept. of Forests (1975-1976)
British Columbia. Ministry of Forests (1976-1986)
British Columbia. Ministry of Forests and Lands (1986-1988)
British Columbia. Ministry of Forests (1988-2005)
British Columbia. Ministry of Forests and Range (2005-2010)
Records in this series are classified under ORCS numbers 18750-20, 18765-20, 18765-25, 18765-30, 18990-20, 19440-25, 19500-20, 19500-45, 19500-60, 19540-25, 19570-25, 19600-30, 19600-45, 19620-25, 19620-45, 19680-20, 19700-25, 19700-45, 19700-60, 19710-20, 19710-30, 19720-20 and 19720-45 of the Ministry of Forests schedule (881261).
British Columbia. Rocky Mountain Forest District
Rocky Mountain Forest District resource management records
This series consists of resource management and other operational records from the Rocky Mountain Forest District for the years 1944-2005. This series may also include records created by the Cranbrook, Kootenay Lake and Invermere Forest Districts, as well as the Nelson and Southern Interior Forest Regions. Note that the names and boundaries of districts and regions varied over the years.
This series includes a wide variety of types of records and subjects. Each record type has been assigned an ORCS number of the Ministry of Forests records schedule (number 881261). The ORCS number is included at the beginning of each file code in the finding aid. These are the file numbers used by the creator. In order to search for a particular file type, try searching for all or part of the ORCS number in the file list.
The following types of records are included in this series:
Integrated resource planning guidelines. They include specific guidelines, and records used in their development, for particular geographic areas or watersheds. Records include photos, maps, aerial photos, lake classification information, lake characteristics and uses, lake management guidelines and correspondence. ORCS 12210-30.
Other resource management records relate to the development of Integrated Resource Use Plans which are designed to resolve resource use conflicts in specific areas at the local level. Includes records relating to data concerning a specific area - usually a watershed or other distinct resource management unit. Types of Local Integrated Resource Use Plans include: Local Resource Use Plans (LRUP) and Coordinated Resource Management Plans (CRMP), coordinated access management plans, and integrated watershed management plans. Files address issues such as the construction of infrastructure, land management and various kinds of land use in the areas, particularly managing grazing land. Records include maps, correspondence, range improvement records, range inspection reports, range management plans, meeting minutes, final plans, and the review of plans. Plans cover various areas in the Kootenay and Rocky Mountain area, including the Libby Dam. ORCS 12600-20, 12600-25, 12600-30, 12600-40, and 12600-60.
Forest planning public meeting files relate to public involvement in the process of planning for the future uses of Provincial Forest resources. ORCS 12080-20.
Range program management records relating to co-operation and liaison with other ministries in the BC Government and with the federal government; most regarding the 1977 agriculture and rural development subsidiary agreement. ORCS 15120-25 and 15120-55.
There are also files on a variety of miscellaneous topics, most of which only contain one or two files. These include: Forest Service projects with old trail improvement progress reports, damages to roads, district program management files, regional resource planning files, Integrated Watershed Management Plans (WMP), integrated weed plan, riparian guidelines recreation system plans, water survey of Canada, recreation maps, a forest planning study related to the Rocky Mountain trench, a research study on range use interactions between livestock and wildlife, information on guide outfitters, archaeological sites maps, and other local resource plans. ORCS 10740-50, 11200-08, 12090-20, 12210-30, 12380-25, 12380-30, 12430-20, 15380-03, 15600-06, 16350-40, 16400-20, 16660-20, 16700-05 and 17340-40.
The series also includes the following administrative records: approved legislation, ombudsman investigations related to range use complaints, and compliance and enforcement year end reports. Transferred under schedule 100001, ARCS numbers 00140-60, 00155-20 and 00400-02.
There are also policy and procedure files regarding a variety of additional topics and issues.
The ministries responsible for the Forest and Range Districts, and the years that they were responsible, are:
British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Forests (1945-1962)
British Columbia. Dept. of Lands, Forests and Water (1962-1975)
British Columbia. Dept. of Forests (1975-1976)
British Columbia. Ministry of Forests (1976-1986)
British Columbia. Ministry of Forests and Lands (1986-1988)
British Columbia. Ministry of Forests (1988-2005)
British Columbia. Ministry of Forests and Range (2005-2010)
British Columbia. Rocky Mountain Forest District
Revelstoke Supreme Court probate/estate files
Probate/estate files.
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Revelstoke)
Revelstoke Supreme Court criminal case files
Criminal case files
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Revelstoke)
Revelstoke Supreme Court civil case files
Civil case files with the exception of probate, divorce and adoption files which have been removed from this series and are filed separately.
British Columbia. Supreme Court (Revelstoke)