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7 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate fonds
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate fonds
Sisters of St. Ann, St. Joseph's Province fonds
Sisters of St. Ann, St. Joseph's Province fonds
Royal Jubilee Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association fonds
Royal Jubilee Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association fonds
Victoria Sewage Treatment Alliance fonds
Victoria Sewage Treatment Alliance fonds
Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau fonds
Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau fonds
Emily Sartain fonds
Emily Sartain fonds
Destrubé Photography Ltd. fonds
Destrubé Photography Ltd. fonds
André & Associates Interpretation & Design fonds
André & Associates Interpretation & Design fonds
James Bay Athletic Association fonds
James Bay Athletic Association fonds
Guichon family fonds
Guichon family fonds
Gerald Smedley Andrews fonds
Gerald Smedley Andrews fonds
Mathew Sherwood Hedley fonds
Mathew Sherwood Hedley fonds
John Mar fonds
John Mar fonds
British Columbia Historical Federation fonds
British Columbia Historical Federation fonds
Yorke Edwards fonds
Yorke Edwards fonds
Freeman Tovell fonds
Freeman Tovell fonds
Western Council of Arts in Education Associations fonds
Western Council of Arts in Education Associations fonds
Donald MacLachlan fonds
Donald MacLachlan fonds
Phillip Borsos fonds
Phillip Borsos fonds
Watt family fonds
Watt family fonds
Nora Mary Baldwin fonds
Nora Mary Baldwin fonds
Archives Association of British Columbia fonds
Archives Association of British Columbia fonds
British Columbia Museums Association fonds
British Columbia Museums Association fonds
Sharon Rempel fonds
Sharon Rempel fonds
Canadian Federation of University Women BC Council fonds
Canadian Federation of University Women BC Council fonds
Bella Coola Colony fonds
Bella Coola Colony fonds
Raymond Murray Patterson fonds
Raymond Murray Patterson fonds
Western Pulp Ltd. Partnership fonds
Western Pulp Ltd. Partnership fonds
Provincial Council of Women of British Columbia fonds
Provincial Council of Women of British Columbia fonds
David Flaherty fonds
David Flaherty fonds
Results 1 to 30 of 2048