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Water-supply--British Columbia
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Records relating to water projects

  • GR-1131
  • Series
  • 1911

Series contains lists relating to water projects. List of Certificates of Approval for water works, diversions, dams, spillways, etc. issued between 1898 and 1911; includes grantee, date of approval, purpose and nature of grant. List of power, light and water companies, registered or licenced in the province of British Columbia, including those under statute, those with grants of water rights, and those with Certificates of Approval pursuant to the Water Clauses Consolidation Act (1897) and the Water Act (1909).

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Public Health Officer correspondence

  • GR-0132
  • Series
  • 1898-1957

The series consists of correspondence of the Provincial Health Officer, subsequently the Deputy Minister of Health, and the Director of the Division of Public Health Engineering relating to water supplies and sewer systems for municipalities in British Columbia. The records cover the period 1898 to 1957. The series also includes correspondence with the Minister of Finance, H. Anscomb (1948-1950) in box 11, files 3-18.

British Columbia. Dept. of Health and Welfare

Index of water resources recordings

  • GR-0779
  • Series
  • 1911-1962

This series consists of an index of water resources recordings from the Water Rights Branch, 1911-1962. Contains graphic representation of water discharge by drainage basin.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Robert Carson interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1965-10-03 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Robert Henry Carson remembers the Carson Ranch at Pavilion. He discusses his grandfather, Hugh Magee, who settled on the Fraser River; his father Robert Carson, born 1841, died 1911, came from Scotland and settled in Pavilion in 1864; a cattle drive to Vancouver in 1887 with Robert Carson, Richard Hoey and Pecullah Kosta; the dispute over water rights; his father taking up land on the lower benches; a new style of ranching; school; the family home; stories about Richard McBride, Pauline Johnson and John Oliver; anecdotes; and water rights legislation.

TRACK 2: The story of water rights is continued as well as Indian ranch hands; selling surplus hay in Clinton; childhood memories of the stage between Clinton and Lillooet; parents; how he left the ranch in 1909; worked on a survey crew; worked in real estate in Vancouver from 1910 to 1914; colourful characters back at the ranch, such as Dave Williams and Cataline.


The item consists of an educational film about the development of Vancouver's water supply from the North Shore, and was produced for the Greater Vancouver Water Board. Footage shows Coquitlam Lake, Seymour Dam and Cleveland Dam, construction, water testing, snow profile testing, pumping systems, and malfunction correction.

Public Utilities Commission Engineering Dept. records

  • GR-1160
  • Series
  • 1943-1972

This series contains the records of the Engineering Department. Included are correspondence, memoranda, reports, appraisals and investigations of the Chief Engineer and the Investigations Auditor. The records relate to applications for public utilities (water, gas, and electric) and their construction, expansion and operation, including applications for rate revisions, extension of natural gas and electric distribution lines, and improvements in sub-station transmission systems and municipal water supplies. There is a 1943 report on rates and service of the B.C. Electric Railway Company and miscellaneous files on cemeteries. This unit includes records relating to the application of B.C. Hydro and Power Authority, Gulf of Georgia Transmission Co., and others for a natural gas pipeline to Vancouver Island and Powell River, consisting of correspondence, briefs and exhibits presented at the 1972 hearings, and supplementary data.

British Columbia. Public Utilities Commission

Agriculture today : reel 20, part 2

The item consists of a reel of 16 mm film which includes the following:
Measuring depth and weight of snow for water resource estimates. Use of measuring equipment. Taking stream-flow measurements from a bridge. A wooden flume system; escaping water. Building a new asbestos-cement pipeline. Opening a dam. Testing water from a hand pump. Checking outdoor instruments. Man climbing down a manhole.

Water Rights records

  • GR-1017
  • Series
  • 1858-1974

Registers of water record and water licence grants and applications; index of water reserves, 1908-1929; list of localities operating hydro-electric plants, 1918; alphabetical index of creek surveys, 1910-1911, measuring stream flows.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Water : life to a city

The item is a promotional film about the development of the Greater Victoria Water District, and the concern about the future supply of clean water to its users, is presented. The case is made for preservation and enlargement of the Water District. The natural beauty of the land and water is captured by local filmmaker Wilf Gray.

Henry Bryson interview

CALL NUMBER: T2014:0001 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Inspection services : public health watchdog PERIOD COVERED: 1937-1965 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1976-02-17 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: A brief personal introduction and a description of the Ontario Veterinary College and courses from 1937 to 1941; the flexibility of the OVC education; practical experience; decision to study public health in 1946; a description of the U of T School of Hygiene; the connection of public health and veterinary medicine and the popularity of the course; experience in the federal government meat control program; tests, standards and diseases; the provincial government of Saskatchewan, milk supply and the issue of pasteurization; joining the city health department in Vancouver, 1948, and duties and services as Director of Environmental Sanitation; involvement in food handling, housing, sewage disposal; rodent control; school inspections; communicable disease control, including some information on placarding and the role of the health inspector; lodging house by-law and aspects of food and safety; the Vancouver water supply. TRACK 2: Sources of water; additives; pollution and cooperation with other agencies; growth in department and response to community growth, housing and industry; urban trends in the 1950s due to sociology, politics and inter-provincial migration; socio-ecological changes; problems of assessment; political input; planning department; issues such as pasteurization and ethnic community adaptation; permits and licences department; joined in 1965 as an agent of enforcement and coordination; decision of the department in licensing, control and morality.; CALL NUMBER: T2014:0002 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Inspection services : public health watchdog PERIOD COVERED: 1965-1975 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1976-02-17 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Discussion of the process in licensing, using plumbing as an example, emphasizing the inter-relationship of all functions including the morality factor; summary of continued involvement in health care in its broadest context. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Angus Mackie interview

SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Angus MacKie discusses public health inspection PERIOD COVERED: 1947-1975 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1976 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Starting with the City Health Department; location, staff, duties, etc.; sections of mental hygiene division; becoming public health inspector, duties, public relations; quarantine division 1947, duties, facilities, ambulance, public relations, incidents; changes, functions, attitudes; change to specialist section functions; duties with specialist section; functions. TRACK 2: Duties with specialist section; regulations; marina; rats; pollution; beaches etc.; public relations; changes 1973 to 1975; facilities; standards; salmonella; watershed; water quality control.

The Hornby collection : Water

CALL NUMBER: T4303:0243 SUMMARY: "The Hornby Collection" is an anthology of plays, documentaries, interviews and selected fiction for radio -- all written, prepared and produced in British Columbia. A sound feature by Ann Pollock en;titled "Water".;

CALL NUMBER: T4303:0248 SUMMARY: As above.;

The Hornby collection : Water

SUMMARY: "The Hornby Collection" is an anthology of plays, documentaries, interviews and selected fiction for radio -- all written, prepared and produced in British Columbia. A sound documentary about water.;

Utilities regulation files and staff reports of the Public Utilities Commission (1929-1972)

  • GR-1390
  • Series
  • 1929 - 1979

This series contains utilities regulation files and staff reports of the Public Utilities Commission (1929-1972) pertaining to the regulation of private and municipal gas, water, and electric utilities pursuant to the Public Utilities Act. Includes petroleum regulation subject files of the B.C. Energy Commission, Westcoast Transmission Company's rate hearings and pipeline applications (1977-1979), Kitimat pipeline application (1976), records relating to natural gas pipeline applications (1959-1968) and to water power development projects on the Columbia and Peace Rivers (1953-1963), and records of the Puntledge River inquiry (1962).

British Columbia. Public Utilities Commission

Lower Mainland water rights correspondence

  • GR-0953
  • Series
  • 1958-1980

This series consists of correspondence files relating to water management, water utilities, and water rights applications. Includes correspondence with Dewdney-Alouette Regional District, 1972-1978, and Minutes Of Dewdney-Alouette Technical Planning Committee, File 4987; Sunshine Coast Regional District, 1967-1978, File 3787; and Squamish-Lillooet Regional District, 1969-1976, regarding water supply.

British Columbia. Ministry of the Environment

Correspondence index

  • GR-1024
  • Series
  • 1918-1981

Series consists of subject index cards to W files and O series correspondence relating to water rights and water resources development. Includes file references to irrigation districts, dams, rivers and streams, improvement districts, water users' committees, dyking districts, fire protection districts, flood control, and drainage.

British Columbia. Surveys and Land Records Branch

Water volume runoff forecasting files

  • GR-4241
  • Series
  • 1919-1983

This series consists of water volume runoff forecasting files created by the Water Rights Branch and its successor, the Water Management Branch. Data in the files on water flow and water volume was collected from 1919-1983, but the majority of the records were created from around 1936-1977. Records relate to forecasting river flows and water levels during floods or times of drought. They cover major rivers, reservoirs and lakes from around the province. Records include reports, studies, data, charts, histograms, working notes, and information on the equations and procedures used to create forecasts.

The records are primarily arranged by file code, which correspondence to a particular geographical location and/or study. Records without file codes are arranged alphabetically by the name of the body of water.

These records can be scheduled under Environment ORCS 35250-70.

British Columbia. Water Management Branch