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  • GR-1306
  • Series
  • 1881

This series contains correspondence between Amor De Cosmos, as Special Agent to London, and others, respecting the Petition of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, to the Queen, on the subject of the Canadian Pacific Railway from March 22nd 1881 to August 31st 1881. The series includes a printed copy of B.C. legislature's petition to the Queen, along with a manuscript copy of the Canadian Pacific Railway memorandum on "Vancouver Island Railway," December 1881. De Cosmos' map showing CPR terminus at Port Moody, alienated railway land on Vancouver Island, proposed ferry routes, etc. were transferred to PABC Library & Maps Division under accession M889117.

British Columbia. Lieutenant Governor

William Law Ogilby fonds

  • PR-2208
  • Fonds
  • 1892

The fonds consists of an illustrated diary written in a school exercise book of William Law Ogilby's experience as a chainman on a survey of a portion of the western boundary of the Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway Belt on Vancouver Island. A photograph, presumed to have been taken on the survey, depicts Ogilby and two other men at their camp at an unidentified location.

Ogilby, William Law

Correspondence subject index

  • GR-1164
  • Series
  • 1901-1903

This series contains a specialized volume that pertains only to correspondence relating to applications for Burnaby lots (folio 12), the Vancouver Island Settlers' Rights Act, 1903 (folio 138), and the South African War Land Grant Act, 1901 (folio 158). They includes name of correspondent and letter or file number.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway belt land conveyance register

  • GR-4090
  • Series
  • 1886-1907

This series consists of one volume recording land use and alienation in the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway belt (E&N Railway) from 1886-1907. This area of land was transferred to the Railway from the Canadian government. After the completion of the railway in 1886 some land was conveyed or sold off to settlers. The volume documents patents issued by the Dominion government, preemption conveyances issued by the E&N Railway Co., conveyances of land not pre-empted. Some records also relate to the conveyance of mineral or subsurface rights.

The records related to land in the entire railway belt which covered most of south eastern Vancouver Island, including the following land districts: Alberni, Cedar, Chemainus, Comiaken, Comox, Cranberry, Cowichan, Ladysmith, Mountain, Nanoose, Newcastle, Oyster, Quamichan, Shawnigan, Somenos, Wellington and others.

The creator of this volume is unclear, but estimated to be the Department of Lands and Works.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Records relating to the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Belt and the Canadian Pacific Railway terminus at Burrard Inlet

  • GR-1404
  • Series
  • 1860-1912

This series contains records relating to the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Belt and the Canadian Pacific Railway terminus at Burrard Inlet. The records consist of correspondence, memoranda and other records from the Lands Department. Central files are extracted and filed separately (see f.1 for a list of the Esquimalt and Nanaimo files). These includes correspondence and plans of government reserves at Burrard Inlet and indenture of grant to British Columbia and Vancouver Island Spar Lumber and Sawmill Co., 1860-1866; these materials were filed separately as they pertained to lands comprising the Canadian Pacific Railway terminus at Coal Harbour.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Records with regard to Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway belt lands

  • GR-0791
  • Series
  • 1916

This series consists of the records of the Commission of Inquiry Into Certain Claims Respecting Lands Situated Within the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Land Belt, 1916. This commission was also known as Settlers' Rights Commission. Commission records include correspondence, claims submitted by settlers to the Commission and other miscellaneous records. No report has been found.

British Columbia. Commission of Inquiry Into Certain Claims Respecting Lands Situated Within the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Land Belt [1916]

Records relating to the Vancouver Island Settlers' Rights Acts, 1903 and 1904

  • GR-1090
  • Series
  • 1882-1918

Contains land records file relating to the Vancouver Island Settlers' Rights Acts, 1903 and 1904. Includes correspondence, memoranda, reports, legal briefs and sketches pertaining to land disputes between settlers and the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Company. File 145321/12, 1912 Series.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Correspondence and other material

  • GR-1411
  • Series
  • 1917-1922

This series contains departmental general correspondence files, 1917-1922, pertaining to Songhees land in Victoria. Files, which had been alienated from the Railway Dept. filing system (also see GR-0817) and transferred to the Dept. of Lands, include Railway file 53.3 "Songhees industrial leases", 53.4 "Foundation Company--Imperial Munitions Board" and parts of 53.5 "Johnson Street Bridge". The series also contains two agreements (1917, 1919) involving the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway.

British Columbia. Railway Dept.

William Parlby fonds

  • PR-0401
  • Fonds
  • 1910-1928

The fonds consists of miscellaneous correspondence, forms, notes and circulars.

Parlby, William Marshall, 1887-1962

Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Company fonds

  • PR-0948
  • Fonds
  • 1881-1889, 1912, 1930

The fonds consists of terms of construction, articles of agreement (signed by Robert Dunsmuir), progress estimates, and bills of guarantees. Fonds includes a locomotive fuel book (1930) and miscellaneous notes of the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Company.

Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Company

Daniel Lawrence McMullan fonds

  • PR-2337
  • Fonds
  • 1928-1946

The fonds consists of three photograph albums created by Donald Lawrence McMullan between 1928 and 1946. The photographs document his work on forest survey teams for both the provincial and federal governments, as well as surveys conducted by logging and railroad companies.

The first two albums contain photographs from several survey jobs, arranged chronologically. They are divided into sections with an introductory page and a cartographic drawing showing where the particular survey took place. The photographs are usually dated with captions and are as follows:
Album 1 (1928-1933)
Amiskwi and Beaverfoot survey, 1928, Forest Service, Dept. of the Interior, Canada
P.G.E. resources survey, 1929, Forest Resources Branch, British Columbia
Preliminary survey of a proposed logging railroad, 1930, Bloedel, Stewart & Welch Ltd. logging company
Elk Forest survey, 1930, British Columbia Forest Service
North Kamloops Survey, 1931, British Columbia Survey Branch
Railway belt survey, 1932, British Columbia Forest Service
Railroad logging operation, 1933, Industrial Timber Mills Ltd.
Album 2 (1934-1939):
Surveys for logging railroads, 1934-1935, UBO Industrial Timber Mills Ltd.
Kettle Forest Survey, 1935, British Columbia Forest Service
E&N Survey, 1936-1937
Harrison Survey, 1939

The third album, created between 1940 and 1946, contains photographs from McMullan's later career and show general forestry activities on Vancouver Island, mainland British Columbia, Yukon and Alaska. Captions and dates are inconsistently applied.

The fonds also includes a copy of McMullan's thesis entitled "The Work of the Surveys Division: British Columbia Forest Service" written in 1932 during McMullan's studies at the University of British Columbia. This thesis is illustrated with five b&w prints and an annotated map. Also included in the fonds is a notice of permanent appointment to the British Columbia civil service dated March 25, 1937 with attached salary schedule and a letter to McMullan dated January 20, 1938 regarding a new classification grading system for Foresters.

McMullan, Daniel Lawrence

Railway Department records

  • GR-0877
  • Series
  • 1904-1952

This series consists of records of the Railway Department, 1904-1952. Records include agreements regarding running rights over Fraser River bridge at New Westminster; certificate regarding the amalgamation of the Howe Sound and Northern Railway and the Pacific Great Eastern Railway; contract for PGER locomotives; and leases for land and equipment.

British Columbia. Railway Dept.

Railway Department correspondence files

  • GR-0817
  • Series
  • 1912-1953

This series consists of incoming and outgoing general correspondence files, 1912-1953, concerning railways operating in British Columbia. Includes extensive correspondence files on the Westminster Bridge (the Fraser River railway bridge at New Westminster); the British Columbia Electric Railway; correspondence relating to common carriers and industrial railroads; legislation affecting the Railway Department, etc. Box 14, Files 1 to 28 are Minister of Railways: general [correspondence] and Box 14, Files 29 to 38 are miscellany.

British Columbia. Railway Dept.

Ira Barr fonds

  • PR-1091
  • Fonds
  • 1883-1960

The fonds consists of a scrapbook containing photographs, correspondence and clippings regarding the railway on Vancouver Island. Fonds includes Barr's correspondence pertaining to his research into locomotives in British Columbia.

Barr, Ira Eugene, 1884-1965

Bordertown Publishing collection

  • PR-2282
  • Collection
  • 1886-1966 ; predominant 1920s-1950s

The collection consists of photographic negatives that mainly depict railway operations in western Canada, particularly British Columbia, from 1886 to 1966. The collection was accumulated from photographs shot or collected by Albert Paull, Roy Jennings and P.H. "Spike" Brown, as well as some other private collectors. These photographs document the history, equipment and operations of the Canadian Pacific Railway, Canadian National Railways, Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway, and Pacific Great Eastern Railway. A wide range of subjects is depicted, including locomotives (steam, electric and diesel), rolling stock, snow plows, stations, water towers, trestles, bridges, right-of-way scenes, and interior views. In addition, there is a small group of industrial subjects, including images relating to the National Harbours Board, various collieries, the Victoria and Sidney Railway, and a number of lumber companies on Vancouver Island. The negatives are organized in five alpha-numeric series, using prefixes that indicate the subject railways -- CP, CN, EN, and PGE -- and IND (for industrial and miscellaneous subjects). The collection also contain a small amount of textual material, including two copies of Bordertown's published "Catalog No. 1" and two typescript copies of the complete Bordertown collection index, prepared in 1979. (See "Finding Aids", below.)

Bordertown Publishing

Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Belt land tax ledgers

  • GR-2189
  • Series
  • 1950-1979

The series consists of various tax ledgers created by the Property Taxation Branch between 1950 and 1979. The ledgers were all created to manage taxation of alienated railway lands under An Act to Provide for Taxation of the Railway Belt Lands of the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Company, SBC 1950, chap. 70 (repealed by the Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2014, SBC 2014, c. 14, s. 54).

Records include a tax roll for 1950; tax instalment rolls, notices and calculations, 1950 to 1979; paid in full ledgers, 1950 to 1969 and summary ledgers, 1950 to 1979.

British Columbia. Property Taxation Branch

Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Belt land tax files

  • GR-3892
  • Series
  • 1918-1984

The series consists of Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Belt land tax files created by the Property Taxation Branch and its predecessor, the Surveyor of Taxes, between 1918 and 1984. These files were created to manage taxation of alienated railway lands under An Act to Provide for Taxation of the Railway Belt Lands of the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Company, SBC 1950, chap. 70 (repealed by the Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 2014, SBC 2014, c. 14, s. 54).

The files are arranged roughly by subject. Files contain correspondence and memos regarding appeals, alienations and tax return relating to provincial taxation issues for the E&N Railway Belt land. There are also some general files regarding land sales and leases and ones for specific timber companies.

British Columbia. Property Taxation Branch

William M. Sloan fonds

  • PR-2376
  • Fonds
  • 1883-1994

The fonds consists primarily of the professional records of Bill Sloan, and document his career in the forestry industry—especially as it related to land management for Canadian Pacific and the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway. Many of the records appear to have been collected by Sloan either because of his personal interest in the topic or for his professional work, and as such, many of the records fall outside of the time frame of Sloan’s professional career.

The records have been described in two series: MS-3341, Professional papers; and MS-3342, Photographs.

Sloan, William McDougal , 1919-2010

Donald MacLachlan fonds

  • PR-2303
  • Fonds
  • 1886-2011

The fonds consists of records documenting the professional and personal life of Donald MacLachlan. The predominant theme of the records is MacLachlan's involvement in the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway, its history, operations, and advocacy when threatened with closure. The records contain textual material, photographs and plans, maps and drawings both created and collected by MacLachlan.

MacLachlan, Donald F.

Stan Humphrey fonds

  • PR-2322
  • Fonds
  • 1905-1973

The fonds consists of records documenting the professional career of Stan Humphrey. As a train dispatcher for the E&N Railroad, the records relate to his work as an employee for the E&N and primarily his union work for the Order of Railroad Telegraphers. The records include minutes, correspondence, timetables, constitutions, and human resources records as well as 8 black and white prints. In addition, there is an sound recording of the last morse code messages via telegraph dispatched by Humphrey at the Esquimalt Station on July 12, 1973.
There are also some historic E&N records that Humphrey collected that date from 1905.

Humphrey, Stanley Norman