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Correspondence subject index

  • GR-1164
  • Series
  • 1901-1903

This series contains a specialized volume that pertains only to correspondence relating to applications for Burnaby lots (folio 12), the Vancouver Island Settlers' Rights Act, 1903 (folio 138), and the South African War Land Grant Act, 1901 (folio 158). They includes name of correspondent and letter or file number.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

New Westminster District auction sale records

  • GR-2615
  • Series
  • 1906-1908

This series consists of duplicate auctioneers records for auction sales of Crown land in the New Westminster Land District. Sales include: Hastings townsite District lot 540, 1906; North Vancouver, District Lot 2027 in Group 1, 1906; and in 1908, a further sale of lands in North Vancouver. Information may include date of sale, name and address of highest bidder and amount bid, deposit, and terms of sale. Also included is a copy of the brochure detailing the forthcoming sale and a summary of receipts for the 1906 sale.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Registers of auction land sales held at Vancouver

  • GR-1406
  • Series
  • 1901-1908

This series contains registers of auction land sales held at Vancouver. Volume 1 contains information from an auction sale that took place November 20-23, 1901. Volume 2 contains information from an auction sale that took place September 29, 1908. The registers include information such as lot number, name of purchaser and sale prices.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Notebooks, artesian well investigation, Fraser River Flats

  • GR-0850
  • Series
  • 1914

This series consists of two notebooks containing information collected during artesian well investigation, Fraser River Flats. See the Water Rights Branch, interim report for 1914 (BC Sessional Papers 1915, v.1, p. H-18) for report.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Ernest Baynes Cale fonds

  • PR-2226
  • Fonds
  • 1891-1935; predominantly 1911-1935

The fonds consists of records generated by Ernest Baynes Cale in Burnaby from 1911-1935 in the course of his activities as a breeder and exhibitor of poultry, as manager and editor of the magazine Successful Poultryman, as a member of the BC Poultry Association and as an employee of the firm McLellan and McCarter, Ltd. The fonds includes contest lists, draft advertisements, graphic designs (some by Frank Eastman), correspondence, certificates, a list of ingredients and a nutritional analysis of animal feed, chick records, invoices, blank stationery for Successful Poultryman, certified copies of poultry pedigrees, a booklet by McLellan & McCarter Ltd., an invitation, two “BC Poultry Association Egg Record and Account Books” and a photograph of the “Yesterlaid” poultry ranch in Nanaimo.

The fonds also includes 13 drawings of poultry drawn in 1914 by Frank Eastman as illustrations for Successful Poultryman. Also included are plans to accompany “An open-air poultry home” by Dale R. Van Horn of Milton, Wisconsin; 2 maps of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta (1917); 1 map of Northern Alberta (1917); 1 map of Burnaby Municipality [19--]; 1 map of the BC Railway Belt (1907) and 1 map of a portion of Osoyoos District (1891).

Cale, Ernest Baynes

Burnaby Small Debts Court case files

  • GR-1911
  • Series
  • 1915-1948

Case files including summons, statements, correspondence and indexes, 1915-1933; 1939-1941. Box 1, file 1 contains correspondence 1942-1948 regarding the transfer of these case files.

British Columbia. Small Debts Court (Burnaby)

New Haven Provincial Boys’ Training Home records

  • GR-3618
  • Series
  • 1937-1956

The series consists of correspondence, reports, and various administrative and operational records created between 1937 and 1956 by the New Haven Provincial Boys’ Training Home.

The series consists of correspondence regarding the establishment of the Home, and includes several letters related to a “name-the-institution” contest. The series consists of reports to the New Haven Advisory Board, as well as records defining admission criteria, vocational and academic training programs, and proposed recreational activities. The records provide details of correspondence courses and educational plans, the treatment of inmates, details of the buildings and grounds, and the logistics of establishing the school and hiring staff. The series also consists of warrants of commitment from 1937 to 1940.

The series is covered by ORCS 59840-20 of the Corrections Branch ORC (schedule 891849).

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Oakalla prison files

  • GR-3616
  • Series
  • 1941-1972

The series consists of punishment ledgers, correspondence, memos, and guidelines created at Oakalla Prison between 1941 and 1972. The records relate to the performance of both inmates and staff and the series includes several reference or review letters for prison employees. The punishment ledgers include the date of punishment, inmate name and number, age of inmate, number of previous infractions, nature of offense, by whom offense reported, sentence, date of sentence and any other remarks made by prison staff. The ledgers are arranged by date of infraction.

The series also consists of a number of memos and correspondence, some of which were written by inmates to the prison warden. The series also includes letters from the Inspector of Gaols to the Oakalla warden. This correspondence includes reports of incidents, escapes, hospitalizations, and conditions in the compound. The series also consists of one file detailing wartime conditions and blackout restrictions.

Records in the series are covered by ORCS 46020-08, 46020-20 and 59840-20 of the Corrections Branch records schedule (schedule 891849).

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Rosemary Brown fonds

  • PR-2328
  • Fonds
  • 1969-1986; predominant 1977-1986

The fonds consists of the records of Rosemary Brown, and were created in her capacity as a member of the British Columbia legislative assembly (MLA), and as a member of the New Democratic Party. A large number of the records reflect Rosemary Brown’s activities on legislative committees and her caucus critic responsibilities.

The records, in smaller numbers, were also created in her capacity as a public speaker, columnist, and university instructor, activities which were not directly related to her job as MLA, but which were carried on at the same time she was an MLA. The fonds also consists of a relatively small number of personal records which were intermingled with records relating to her MLA work.

The records were created by Rosemary Brown at the B.C. legislature, although whether they were created by her, immediate staff, or caucus research staff, is not always clear. Records were also presumably created in Brown’s constituency office.

Records reflect events in the two constituencies she served, although most reflect the time period after she left Vancouver-Burrard to serve as MLA for Burnaby-Edmonds, from 1979 to 1986. Although the majority of her correspondence was with people in the greater Vancouver area, the geographic scope of the records includes all of the province of British Columbia as she was concerned with province-wide issues, and also received letters from citizens throughout the province. In addition to concerning B.C. affairs there are reports and letters from outside B.C. and concerning issues of national and international relevance.

The records date predominantly from 1977 to 1986.There are virtually no records from the periods of Brown’s life prior to becoming an MLA in 1972 or after her retirement from B.C. politics in 1986. There are almost no records from her first years as MLA, from 1972 to 1975, when she was on the government side of the house.

The subject matter of the files includes all aspects of British Columbia politics and public policy. However there is a particular emphasis on records related to the subjects of her caucus critic responsibilities and legislative committees, and areas of her personal interest and activism. Her critic or spokesperson areas, reflected in the files, include the Human Resources ministry (and related areas of Health), feminism and the status of women, human rights and minority groups, Attorney General, and Consumer and Corporate Affairs. The files also reflect her interest in municipal affairs, education, environmental issues, labour rights, civil rights, minorities and each of these in an international context.

A large amount of the correspondence is from members of the public who expressed their opinions on political and social issues. Correspondence also includes “case work” (requests from the public for assistance with personal issues and problems). As Brown was a well-known public figure, the correspondence comes from various parts of the province and is not restricted to her constituents. There are also a significant number of records related to the policies and political activities of the New Democratic Party both in B.C. and across Canada.

The fonds consists of the following documentary forms: correspondence; memos; briefs on legislation and issues from government, organizations and non-governmental bodies; research information; copies of Hansard and government bills and budget documents; reports; newsletters; pamphlets; petitions; position papers; press releases; reports; petitions; studies; election campaign literature and voter lists.

The fonds also consists of a large amount of collected resource or reference material; these subject files include clippings, newsletters, magazines, pamphlets and photocopied articles. There are a small number of Brown’s speeches and articles written by Brown. Some records appear to have been given to Brown by research staff, with their suggestions that she use the information for her questions in the legislature or for speeches. There are also what appear to be Brown’s handwritten notes on issues.

A small number of files consist of personal correspondence (friends and acquaintances) and personal business records, (financial, real estate purchases, mortgage, MLA remuneration), and collected ephemera. These were intermingled with the records relating to her MLA work.

There are no photographs in the fonds.

The correspondence files are arranged as they were by the creator of the records, in chronological and alphabetical order.

The files were found to have no numbered classification system. They were usually well-labeled by the creator of the files, and organized by the creator according to subjects falling under the responsibility of a government ministry (i.e. the Human Resources ministry, Health, the Attorney General, and Consumer and Corporate Affairs, etc.). However, many appeared to be out of the order of their original filing system, so it was sometimes necessary for the archivist to reorganize the files to return them to this original subject arrangement, grouping files according to the subject matter as it appears in the title of the folder.

The archivist determined that distinct series could not be distinguished; the fonds therefore consists of only one series.

Brown, Rosemary (Wedderburn), 1930-

Royal Commission of Inquiry into the escape of prisoners from the Lower Mainland Regional Correction Centre, 1988

  • GR-2134
  • Series
  • 1988

The series consists of records created by the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the escape of prisoners from the Lower Mainland Regional Correctional Centre in 1988.

Records include Commissioner's (Honourable Judge Ian L. Drost) report, lists of exhibits, witnesses, days of sitting, counsel appearing and the minutes of proceedings. In addition there are 70 exhibits, which include Commission administrative records such as a certified Order in Council appointing Drost as Commissioner, his oath, notice of public hearings and Gazette notices as well evidence presented to the Commission such as statements, policy and procedure and training books, photographs and drawings of the grounds, cells and individuals involved in the event, two videotapes of previous prison riots and three brass rods.

The series also contains 67 volumes of the transcript of proceedings which took place from January 29 to June 28, 1988.

British Columbia. Royal Commission of Inquiry into the escape of prisoners from the Lower Mainland Regional Correctional Centre, 1988