The collection consists of sound recordings compiled by Jean B. Wilton while researching her book "May I Talk to John Howard?: The Story of J.D. Hobden, a Friend to Prisoners" (1973).
The fonds consists of correspondence regarding news of the fur trade and documents of ships engaged in the triangle trade between Boston, the West Coast and China.
The fonds consists of correspondence and narrative of Archibald McDonald, Chief Trader and later (1842) Chief Factor of Fort Colvile, created between 1834 and 1842.
The fonds consists of Muir's diary starting in December 1848 as he prepared to leave Scotland for Vancouver Island and continuing until June 5th, 1850. Diary provides details of his voyage to and experiences on Vancouver Island.
This series consists of an original and transcript of the instrument establishing Executive Council of Vancouver Island, 27 August 1851 signed by Governor Richard Blanshard naming James Cooper, James Douglas and John Todd as councilors of Government for Vancouver Island and its dependencies.
The fonds consists of a photocopy of the private letterbook of James Anderson while Chief Factor of Fort Chipewyan. It also includes a single page from a 1829 journal documenting a journey from Fort Chipewyan to Slave Lake.
This series contains a letterbook copy of despatches from Governor Douglas to Colonial Secretary, Duke of Newcastle, 8 June 1853, concerning expedition of HM Steam Sloop Virago to Queen Charlotte Islands. There is also a draft despatch, 26 July 1853, concerning the capture of vessel Susan Sturgis by Indians of Queen Charlotte Islands and Fort Simpson.
Vancouver Island (Colony). Governor (1851-1864 : Douglas)
Series consists of one bench book for Colony of Vancouver Island Supreme Court of Civil Justice civil and criminal cases heard by Judge David Cameron at Fort Victoria from November 1853 to January 1856 and one criminal case at Nanaimo in May 1854. It also includes civil cases heard at Victoria in the Inferior Court of Civil Justice in 1856. The volume additionally served as a criminal record book for 1853, a cause book for 1856, and a Registrar's record book for 1853. It opens with a notation that Judge Cameron's commission was read and that he took his seat on 6 October 1853. The Registrar also notes that he received the court seal from Judge Cameron.
Schedule of Forms to the Rules of Practice in the Inferior or Summary Court of Civil Justice under the Order of the Supreme Court of Civil Justice. 64 forms.