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Water-rights--British Columbia
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Correspondence files ("O" series) with regard to Crown lands

  • GR-1441
  • Series
  • 1918-1985

This series contains microfilmed copies of O series correspondence files relating to the administration, management, conservation and development of Crown Lands and natural resources.

These correspondence files were microfilmed by the Lands Branch in 3 stages between 1955-1958, 1970-1975
and 1982-1986 resulting in 9 sets, or runs, of files. Many files are missing and researchers should go directly to the Ministry at for access to the originals when they are looking for specific complex issue files or those that may not have been microfilmed.

Many of the microfilm reels contain amendments or updates to previously filmed correspondence files. These amendments are usually found at the beginning of the reel and, except for the last three files on reel B10989, are not noted on the file list.

Summarized within the finding aid are the three microfilming projects. For reels between B10918 and B10989 that were microfilmed in 1986, the lowest file number beginning a sequence may represent the start of a new range of file numbers, an amendment or update, or a file filmed out of numeric order. Check these last 72 reels carefully because many files were filmed out of numeric order.

British Columbia. Lands Branch

Correspondence index

  • GR-1024
  • Series
  • 1918-1981

Series consists of subject index cards to W files and O series correspondence relating to water rights and water resources development. Includes file references to irrigation districts, dams, rivers and streams, improvement districts, water users' committees, dyking districts, fire protection districts, flood control, and drainage.

British Columbia. Surveys and Land Records Branch

Lower Mainland water rights correspondence

  • GR-0953
  • Series
  • 1958-1980

This series consists of correspondence files relating to water management, water utilities, and water rights applications. Includes correspondence with Dewdney-Alouette Regional District, 1972-1978, and Minutes Of Dewdney-Alouette Technical Planning Committee, File 4987; Sunshine Coast Regional District, 1967-1978, File 3787; and Squamish-Lillooet Regional District, 1969-1976, regarding water supply.

British Columbia. Ministry of the Environment

ELUC Administrative records and subject files

  • GR-1002
  • Series
  • 1972-1980

This series contains administrative and subject files relating to natural resource development and environmental policies. Includes correspondence, memoranda, reports, briefs, etc. The records were created by the Environment and Land Use Committee Secretariat, the administrative and support staff assigned to the Committee. The records were created from 1972-1980 and relate to all aspects of business conducted by the Committee, including land use decisions across the province.

British Columbia. Environment and Land Use Committee. Secretariat

Fish and wildlife records

  • GR-1027
  • Series
  • 1920-1977

The series consists of records created by the Game Commission (1920-1957), the Fish and Game Branch (1957-1966), and the Fish and Wildlife Branch (1966-1977) relating to game, wildlife and fisheries management and conservation; environmental protection and habitat improvement; the administration of fish, trapping, and game laws; ecological and scientific investigations; water license applications and stream obstruction reports; flood control, pollution and protection of stream and river habitat; predator and rodent control; hunting, sports fisheries, outdoor recreation, and parks; Branch policy and administration.

The files contain correspondence, annual reports, manuals, memoranda and special reports and include correspondence with conservation and environmental groups, fish and game clubs, professional organizations of conservation officers, and other agencies of government.

The series also includes a subject file index (see box 2) and an index of orders-in-council relating to game enforcement, 1885-1968; hatchery records of the Cultus Lake, Smith Falls, and Lloyds Creek hatcheries of the Fish Culture Service, administered by the Canada Dept. of Marine and Fisheries (1920-1938) and the B.C. Came Commission (1938-1949).

British Columbia. Game Commission

Water Rights application registers

  • GR-1764
  • Series
  • 1947-1961

Application registers, vol. 3, 1947-1954, and vol. 4, 1955-1961. The names of the applicants for water rights are arranged by water district, and then chronologically within each district. The registers show file number, name of applicant, source of supply, place of user, purpose, quantity, priority date, conditional licence number, and final licence number. GR-1017 includes earlier volumes in this series.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Water rights conditional licence process registers

  • GR-1767
  • Series
  • 1944-1959

Conditional licence process registers tracking W.R.B. activities in carrying the C.L. applications to completion. The registers show file number, applicant, district, C.L. number or other decision, and other information.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Brand registers and office diaries

  • GR-4296
  • Series
  • 1861-1956

The series consists of two record books containing brand registers for Kamloops and Clinton districts 1873-1914, with additional records from other agencies; and six office diaries kept by Brand Recorder Thomas Moore, 1948-1956.
Folder 1: Record book, Kamloops : Cattle brands, 1873-1910: This volume started as a cash book for the Gold Commissioner at Yale, 1861. Pages 2 to 49 detail the monies received for various mining and trading licences. It was then reused by the Brand Recorder at Kamloops to register cattle brands from 1873 to 1910 and is arranged chronologically with the name of the rancher, their district, and a drawing of the brand. There is some associated correspondence in the volume. It also includes a nominal index at the back of the book.
Folder 2: Copy of brand records, Clinton B.C. 1877-1914: This volume is an incomplete register containing several types of records. Pages 120-143 list entries of cattle and horse brands registered in the Clinton district between 1908 and 1914; pages 147-148 contain entries for cattle farmed on shares, 1885-1904; pages 149-199 record cattle and horse brands from 1877 to 1906; pages 200-209 list mining claim water rights for individuals, 1877 to 1879; and pages 210-216 list cattle and horse brands from 1906 to 1908.

Also included in the series are six volumes of office diaries, 1948, 1951-1953, 1955-1956, used by Thomas Moore, Recorder of brands. These diaries sporadically record phone calls, meetings, trips made by Moore, the weather and general office matters.
Folders 3-6: Daily journals 1948, 1951-1953, 1955, 1956.

British Columbia. Recorder of Brands

Water rights conditional licence registers

  • GR-1765
  • Series
  • 1912-1955

Conditional licence registers: vol. 1, CLs 1-5250, 1912-ca. 1924; vol. 2, CLs 5251-15259, ca. 1924- ca. 1941; vol. 3, CLs 15260-22538, ca. 1941-1955. The data is arranged by CL no., which is roughly chronological. The registers show status, conditional licence number, date works completed, fixed licence number, priority date, file number, name of applicant, streams, W. R. map numbers purpose, quantity, dominant land, district, P/C works filed. Vol. 1 also contains data arranged by authorization number 1-1075.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Water licence register

  • GR-1766
  • Series
  • 1909-1955

Water licence register, ca. 1909-1955, arranged by final licence number, 1-15922. The register shows status, conditional licence number, final licence number, priority, file number, name, stream, WR map number, purpose, quantity, dominant land, district.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Water rights registers of correspondence inward

  • GR-3082
  • Series
  • 1912-1953

This series contains a nominal index of incoming letters relating to water rights management. Use in conjunction with GR-1088, GR-1440, GR-1441, GR-1443.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Water Rights Branch files

  • GR-1443
  • Series
  • 1912-1953

This series contains files mainly pertaining to water licenses and fishways. Files are numbered from 38W through to 45251W. The front of each file folder is filmed giving the file number ["W" indicates a water rights file], the geographical district, the name of the applicant, name of the stream, file numbers of related files, licence number, date of the application and names indexed [GR-3082]. The files contain various forms related to applying for a water licence, correspondence, maps, notices, proof of completion, cancellation, etc.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Minute book of the Board of Investigation

  • GR-0775
  • Series
  • 1914-1926

This series consists of a minute book of the Board of Investigation pursuant to the Water Act, 1914-1926.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Water rights records

  • GR-0835
  • Series
  • 1902-1925

This series consists of letters inward to the Chief Commissioner of Lands, the Deputy Commissioner of Lands and the Minister of Lands regarding water rights generally, 1902-1912. These letters were transferred to Water Rights Branch files from Lands files and do not appear on the microfilm of Lands letters inward. Letters are arranged chronologically.

The series also includes a page regarding the disposition of Indian water rights by Board of Investigation from 1921-1925.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Water rights record book

  • GR-1123
  • Series
  • 1897-1918

Record book of grants of water rights pursuant to the Mining Act (1896), issued in 1897. Many grants carry notes of cancellation by the Board of Investigation, dated 1918. Includes a nominal index.

British Columbia. Gold Commissioner (Cariboo)

Correspondence files with regard to Crown lands

  • GR-1440
  • Series
  • 1872-1918

This series contains correspondence files relating to the administration, management, conservation, and development of Crown Lands and natural resources.

British Columbia. Lands Branch

Water notices and other material

  • GR-1377
  • Series
  • 1909-1914

This series contains water licences issued for Victoria Water District, 1909-1912, by W.S. Drewry, Chief Water Commissioner, pursuant to the Water Act, 1909. The records include water notices and approval of plans. This volume was also used by the Board of Investigation to make water rights determinations, ca. 1913-1914.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Chief Hydrographer correspondence

  • GR-0836
  • Series
  • 1911-1912

This series consists of letterbook copies of correspondence outward from the Chief Hydrographer regarding water surveys, irrigation projects, dams, etc. Includes nominal index.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Mining Records Register Book

  • GR-1121
  • Series
  • 1864-1911

This series contains a Mining Records Register Book. This volume is a register of various land grants, mineral claims, mining records, and water rights. Included are a record book of all claims and water privileges recorded in the Leech and Sooke River districts commenced December 1864 (1864-1878), and a register of all mining records and mineral claims recorded at Victoria, B.C., by the Chief Gold Commissioner, 1873-1911. Areas covered include the Queen Charlotte Islands, Cassiar district, and portions of Vancouver Island and the adjacent coast of British Columbia. Also included in this volume are the following items relating to the Royal Engineers in British Columbia: (1) List of men of Royal Engineers who purchased their discharge in British Columbia or Vancouver Island on the return of the North American Boundary Commission to England, 26 Sept. 1863. (2) Schedule of Crown Grants issued to Royal Engineers who served in the Colony of British Columbia under Colonel Moody.

British Columbia. Gold Commissioner

Letters inward to John Clapperton, Government Agent, Nicola

  • GR-0369
  • Series
  • 1885

Letter inward to John Clapperton, Government Agent, Nicola, from William Smithe, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, 15 September 1885, concerning a water dispute between Messrs. Palmer and Scott.

British Columbia. Government Agent (Nicola)

Records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Lillooet District

  • GR-0827
  • Series
  • 1860-1874

This series consists of records of the Assistant Commissioner of Lands and Works, Lillooet District. Records include four volumes of pre-emption records. Volume 1, Records of Pre-empted Lands in the Lillooet District, nos. 1-330 (1860-1869); includes notices of water records nos. 1-114 (1865-1869) and later notices of cancellations and Crown grants. Volume 2, pre-emption claim certificates, nos. 331-418 (1870-1874, 1881). Volume 3, pre-emption claims, nos. 89-128 (1862-1863) consisting of sketches pasted into ledger of cash collected for road tolls, 1862-1865. Volume 4, preemption claims, nos. 20-88 (1861-1862), no. 120 (1863) and nos. 187-200 (1865-1866), including sketches.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works