The item is a volume titled land office blotter. Blotters were used to record detailed trading activity. Only one page has been used. The page describes two financial transactions with the Hudson's Bay Company.
The first transaction relates to 200 pound sterling received from James Cooper, Master of the Hudson's Bay Company ship Columbia, as a deposit on a land purchase in September 1849.
The next relates to the trade of 535 blankets on the 6th of May, 1850. The blankets were paid to several Indigenous groups "for purchase of their lands as per details in Register of Land Purchases", also known as the Douglas Treaties. The names, transcribed directly from the blotter, are: Tee-chamitsa, Kosampsom, Swenghung, Chilcowitch, Whyomilth, Checonein, Kakyaakan, Chewhaytsun, and Soak.
This record was likely created by James Douglas, as it appears to be written in his handwriting [see Wilson Duff, "The Fort Victoria Treaties", BC Studies No. 3 (Fall 1969): 8].