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Fraser Valley district (B.C.) Series
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Provincial Police Veterans' Association records

This collection contains both British Columbia Provincial Police Veteran's Association (BCPPVA) records and British Columbia Provincial Police (BCPP) records which were collected by the BCPPVA. The BCPPVA records consist of minutes (1978-1985) bulletins and correspondence (1964-1983); membership lists; correspondence re BCPP exhibits at museums; a scrapbook, 1905-1988 compiled by the BCPPVA on microfilm reel A01724(3); and "Off Patrol", the magazine of the BCPPVA, 1980-1984. BCPP records include General Orders; C.I.B. special circulars; seniority lists; nominal rolls; police pocket diaries, including those kept by Constable Tom Scales on Highway Patrol in the Fraser Canyon, Fraser Valley and New Westminster areas; Air Raid Precaution training lectures and pamphlets; and the daily diary of the Savona Detachment.

Photographs have been transferred to Visual Records as accession 199009-004. The map has been registered with the map collection as registration number 24332A.

Meeting minutes

Minutes of meetings of a committee consisting of federal, provincial, municipal and private relief agency representatives relating to the 1948 Fraser River flood emergency.

British Columbia Flood Relief Committee

Denys Nelson papers re British Columbia Indians

Denys Nelson was a pharmacist in Vancouver, B.C. Records consist of newspaper clippings, correspondence, field notes, photographs re the British Columbia Indians including art, stone carvings, totem poles, houses, canoes, funerals, graves, obituaries of chiefs, weddings, potlatches, fishing, trapping, social life, political affairs, land claims, and missionaries; "The life and work of Father Coccola as related to Denys Nelson," 103 pages, typescript, 1924; "Place Names of the Delta of the Fraser," by Denys Nelson, typescript, 1927; notes on places and buildings in Vancouver, and the Fraser Valley; notes from an address by Harlan I. Smith, Dominion Archaeologist, to the Women's Canadian Club, Vancouver, 1925.

Nelson, Denys, 1876-1929

William Hartley papers as MLA and cabinet minister

Correspondence, memoranda, reports and diverse material connected with Mr. Hartley's activities as M.L.A. (Yale-Lillooet) and Minister of Public Works.

William L. Hartley was born in 1916. He served as a member of the Legislative Assembly and held the position of Minister of Public Works.

Records include correspondence, memoranda, reports and diverse material connected with Mr. Hartley's activities as MLA (Yale-Lillooet) and Minister of Public Works.


Diary of Canadian Pacific Railway surveys, Port Moody and Fraser Valley.


Series consists of a notebook containing diary entries, Feb. 1 to June 25 [1897?], notes and addresses. Diary entries document the author's experiences teaching in a rural and assisted school at Kensington, near Cloverdale in the Fraser Valley. The notes consist mainly of pointers re teaching, classroom order, etc.

A letter from Mrs. Williams daughter, Mrs. L. MacIntosh, has been microfilmed with the diary.

Diary and other material

Diary, 1874-1880 [typescript available]; letter from his brother, Tottenham, England, 1879, containing family and local news; I.O.O.F. receipts, 1871 and 1872; pay book, 1861-1863 and discharge certificate, 1863, Royal Engineers; specification for piers at Hastings sawmill, bridge at Matsqui, house at Sapperton.

Diaries and other material

Series consists of diaries (7 vol.) 1872, 1874-1883, 1897-1932, reminiscences (typescript) 1852-1933, account book and correspondence of Rev. Charles Montgomery Tate; diary and transcript of Caroline Sarah Tate, wife of C.M. Tate.

Hulbert family correspondence

Thirty-five letters inward from Charles Edward Searle (tutor, Pembroke College, Cambridge University, England) to Thomas George Askew; nine letter books, 1884-1928, of Henry and John Hulbert, Sardis; 14 ledgers of Hulbert family farm, Sardis. (John Hulbert was the grandson of T.G. Askew, who built the first lumber mill at Chemainus.)

Presented from the estate of John Hulbert, Koksilah by David R. Williams, Duncan, 1975.

Finding aid: file list.

Indigenous petitions for Reserves sent to Governor Musgrave

  • GR-4213
  • Series
  • 1870

This series consists of several letters and petitions from various First Nations to Governor Musgrave requesting Reserves be formally set aside and surveyed to protect their village sites and cultivated fields from being stolen by settlers. The information on the petitions was recorded by Revered P. Durien in 1870, who then sent them to the Governor. Each petition records each Chief's name and mark.

Each petition includes annotations and comments added by the Governor and other government representatives, as well as draft responses approving the survey of Reserves.

The petitions relate to the following First Nations and village sites in the Fraser Canyon and Harrison River areas: Fort Yale, Tsenes, Tsiam, Stectelen, Showamel, Twaous, Fort Yale, Choualp, Katlatle, Skokem, Skazir, Boston Bar, Spuzzum, Fort Hope, Burrard Inlet, Shely and Larawe [all names have been transcribed exactly from the records].

British Columbia (Colony). Governor (1869-1871 : Musgrave)

New Westminster Land Commissioner record books

  • GR-4122
  • Series
  • 1859-1980

This series consists of a variety of bound volumes related to the administration, management and alienation of land in the New Westminster land district from 1858-1980. The records were primarily created by the provincial Government Agent and the Dominion Land Agent stationed in New Westminster. The records have been arranged into the following subseries:

  1. Indexes and maps.

The indexes cover many of the homestead files in GR-4121, by file number and alphabetically by name of the homesteader or licensee. There are two volumes of reference maps for various municipalities, sub-divisions, right-of-ways and townships.

  1. BC government land registers : district lot system

Variations of this system of surveying land were used from 1859 onwards. All of these volumes appear to have been created and maintained by the BC government. The registers list the lots in numerical order and record the alienation of land from the Crown by purchase, pre-emption, lease, mineral claims, timber use, etc. Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. There is an alphabetical name index in most volumes. The registers cover range 1 Coast District, range 4 Coast District, Yale Division Yale District (YDYD) country lands, Texada Island District, Point Grey townsite, Powell River townsite, Hastings townsite, and New Westminster District group 1, group 2 and 3 group 3.

  1. BC government land registers : township system

Variations of this survey system were used from 1873 to approximately 1912. All of these volumes appear to have been created and maintained by the BC government. The land entered in the majority of the volumes was surveyed and made available for settlement in 1873 and 1874. The registers list land in numerical order by Sections within Townships and record the alienation of land from the Crown by purchase, pre-emption, lease, etc. Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. There is an alphabetical name index in most volumes. The registers cover New Westminster District townships 1 to 50 with some townships missing.

  1. Dominion government : general land registers

These volumes were likely created by the Dominion Land Agent. It appears that at least some records were copied from provincial records to determine what land had been alienated before the transfer of the Railway Belt and what Crown land still needed to be managed by the dominion government. The registers, arranged by legal description, indicate the nature of the grant, the number, date of entry, file number, patent approval date, and name of grantee. The registers cover various townships in the New Westminster District and various lots throughout the Hope district, Yale district, Kamloops district, town of Hope, town of Yale, and Boston Bar.

  1. Lease registers

These volumes were created in the New Westminster government agent's office. They record leases for a variety of purposes including: quarry, campsite, booming ground, agriculture, foreshore, forestry, and grazing. Many volumes are indexed and may include file numbers linking to GR-4121.

  1. Pre-emption records

These records were created by the BC government. Pre-emption was a system of obtaining title to unsurveyed land (similar to the Dominion "homesteading" system) which occurred until 1970. Individuals could purchase land which had not been fully surveyed. However, grants to these lands were not issued until the applicant had made specified improvements, passed inspections, satisfied residency requirements, and had the lands fully surveyed. Records include certificates of improvement for the Vancouver Divisions of the New Westminster District and Coast District; certificates of pre-emption for the New Westminster District and Vancouver Division; and registers of pre-emption records.

  1. Land purchase records

These records were created by the BC government. Once land was surveyed, it could be purchased outright instead of being pre-empted. These records include certificates of purchase for the New Westminster District.

  1. Mining records

The majority of these records were created by BC Government Agents, Gold Commissioners or Mining Recorders. Records include mineral claim minute books, records of conveyances, bills of sale, applications for mineral lands and petroleum and natural gas leases, and coal applications. Records are from the New Westminster District, Hope and Yale. Most volumes include an alphabetical index and some may include references to file numbers in GR-4121.

  1. Range and timber records

These records were created by the dominion and BC governments. Records include range leases, grazing leases and information on timber berths.

  1. Water licence applications

These records are water licence applications created by the BC government.

  1. Cancellation records

Cancellation registers created by the BC and Dominion governments. Some volumes include alphabetical indexes and have file numbers related to GR-4121.

  1. Financial records

Various financial records created by the Dominion government and BC Government Agents. Records include Dominion crown timber financial statements; form J (cash books) created by Government Agents documenting their expenses and fee collection, such as the sale of marriage licences; and a land revenue return of payments from the central Victoria land office.

  1. Other land administration records

Includes dominion created applications for patents and homestead inspectors instructions, as well as BC Government Agent books recording lands resumed under Soldier’s Homestead Act, Crown granted mineral claims which have reverted to the Crown for non-payment of taxes, and surveyed lands open for use.

British Columbia. Government Agent (New Westminster)

New Westminster Land Commissioner files

  • GR-4121
  • Series
  • 1882-1978

This series consists of records related to the administration, management and alienation of land in the New Westminster land district from 1882-1978. The records were primarily created by the provincial Government Agent and the Dominion Land Agent stationed in New Westminster. The majority of these records are homestead files created by the dominion government. These files contain information about homesteaders, their applications and the process of obtaining title to land.

Record types and subject matter include, but are not limited to: land alienation through pre-emption or purchase from the provincial government and homesteading or purchase from the federal government; a variety of leases of Crown land; other general subject files; and records regarding Indigenous Peoples or Indian Reserves.

Records related to land alienation include: applications for pre-emption, purchase or lease; land classification reports; forms completed by land inspectors of the Department of Lands Inspection Branch; declarations of occupation and permanent improvement on pre-emption claims; applications for homestead entry, cancellation, and abandonment; homestead Inspector’s reports; affidavits in support of an Application for Entry; land sales records; correspondence with settlers and other government officials; patents; Crown Grants; certificates; forms; maps and plans; financial records including receipts and cheques; court records, such as probates; survey records; notices of sale or cancellation; and sale agreements.

Records related to leases and other uses of Crown land include: grazing leases; foreshore leases; dredging leases; special use permits; timber permits; timber berths; water licenses; applications for dyking schemes; campsite leases; oyster bed leases; right-of-ways (ROWs) through land for railways, roads, powerlines or pipelines; petroleum and natural gas leases; quarry leases; bar leases; coal leases; mining leases; and mineral claims. Other uses include government reserves, the establishment of parks, and the reservation of land for school sites or other public uses.

Other more general subject files include: inquiries about land availability; preliminary plans and correspondence for the survey and sale of townsites; Soldier Settlement Board records including forms, correspondence and records of soldier land grants; correspondence files on specific topics such as canal construction, the reclamation of Hatzic Lake, the draining of Sumas Lake and the establishment of fish culture and fish hatcheries; and business records of the office, including inter-department correspondence, circulars, and memorandum related to matters of land administration.

Files also exist for specific Indian Reserves, and can include correspondence; water records; surveys; and inspection reports created in the process of allotting new, and canceling or amending existing Indian Reserves. Some files document instances of overlapping land use and conflict between settlers and Indigenous peoples on specific parcels of land.

Files are generally either correspondence files on a particular subject, or a variety of records related to a particular piece of land. Many files cover a wide time period and may be associated with multiple individuals or companies, as land rights were often transferred to others or cancelled and reapplied for.

Only the name of the first individual listed on the file is included in the file list. This means there may be additional names associated with files not included on the file list. The file list may also only include part of the legal description of land in cases where the description was exceptionally long, or included many different pieces of land. Single individuals may also have multiple files for each piece of land they are associated with.

The series also includes some files related to land in the Yale Division and Kamloops Division of the Yale Land District; as well as the Lillooet Land District. These records were created in the offices of the Kamloops and Clinton Government Agents, but at some point became intermingled with the New Westminster records.

Maps, plans and sketches indicating the parcels of land relevant to the file are commonly found throughout the records.

British Columbia. Government Agent (New Westminster)

Fraser River Board records

  • GR-4075
  • Series
  • 1912-1979

This series consists of the administrative and operational records of the Fraser River Board. The records were created by the Fraser River Board, as well as its predecessor, the Joint Dominion-Provincial Board, Fraser River; and the Fraser River Board’s successor, the Fraser River Joint Advisory Board. The majority of records were created from 1948-1970.

The records were maintained in order to document studies of various lakes and rivers with emphasis on determining the most effective ways to reduce the flooding potential of the Fraser River. The primary methods of investigation were to increase storage of water in the upper Fraser River through construction of hydro-electric dams, and to expand and improve the dyke system in the Fraser Valley. Also included are studies of economic value of lakes and rivers. Other topics addressed include agriculture, power generation, dyke construction, geography, geology, hydrology, transmission lines, meteorology, navigation, oceanography, pollution, sedimentation or erosion, and fish and wildlife in BC.

The records are arranged into the following subseries:

  1. Paper files. These records were the contents of filing cabinets and contain a variety of operational records. Most files are either project files related to the creation of reports in GR-4074, and raw data or statistics used in the creation of reports. Other records include memorandums, meeting agendas, minutes, and correspondence of Board staff. There are also some subject files of reference material on various topics, such as the history of the Fraser River. Records include draft reports, correspondence, maps, plans, technical drawings, photos, and graphs.

  2. Survey field books. Field books of survey and technical studies conducted along the Fraser River and its tributaries. Some of this information was likely used in later reports. Records relate to Clearwater River, McGregor River and other locations.

  3. Data. Raw data, graphs, charts, diagrams, maps, tables and some aerial photos with information used to create reports. Most information relates to water volumes and potential for power generation.

  4. Outgoing mail and reports. Outgoing correspondence, memorandums, completed reports, meeting minutes and meeting agendas filed chronologically from 1951 to 1964.

  5. Photos and negatives. Images document field work, scenery and location of work. Many images were used in later reports. Some aerial photos, including documentation of the 1948 flood in the Fraser Valley.

These records were transferred under one time schedule number 890395.

Joint Dominion-Provincial Board, Fraser River Basin (Canada)

Fraser River Board library

  • GR-4074
  • Series
  • 1916-1987

This series consists of the contents of the Fraser River Board library. The majority of records date from 1950-1970. The library consists of reference material used by Board staff, as well as reports and records created by staff and contractors in the course of their work for the Board. Most of the studies were completed by the Fraser River Board, as well as its predecessor, the Joint Dominion-Provincial Board, Fraser River. Some records were also created by the Fraser River Board’s successor, the Fraser River Joint Advisory Board.

The records were maintained in order to document studies of various lakes and rivers with emphasis on determining the most effective ways to reduce the flooding potential of the Fraser River. The primary methods of investigation were to increase storage of water in the upper Fraser River through construction of hydro-electric dams, and to expand and improve the dyke systems in the Fraser Valley. Also included are studies of the economic value of lakes and rivers. Other topics addressed include agriculture, power generation, dyke construction, geography, geology, hydrology, transmission lines, meteorology, navigation, oceanography, pollution, sedimentation or erosion, and fish and wildlife in BC.

The library is arranged in four sections:

Section 1 relates to studies of specific sites on the Fraser River, by the Board. Many of these reports contain survey information, technical data, charts, photos and maps relates to the geology or hydrology at a site to determine stability and volumes of water flowage. Many of these reports were created through field work in an attempt to determine potential sites for the construction of dams or water diversion on the Fraser and its tributaries to improve flood control. Other records include: soil samples; technical drawings and design calculations of structures such as dams; studies of watersheds; studies on potential generation and transmission of hydro-electric power; aerial photos; project cost estimates and financial information; assessments of impacts on agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, particularly salmon habitats; as well as oceanography and tidal studies.

Section 2 relates to the Fraser River generally. Much of this material was created by the Board or the Government of BC. Subject matter is similar to section 1, though it includes fewer drafts, technical reports and field note data.

Section 3 contains more general reference material, much of it published, but still relates to places and topics in BC. Some records are created by other government bodies, such as the Canadian government.

Section 4 contains “miscellaneous” library material, much of it was not catalogued. This section includes the final, preliminary, annual and interim reports of the Board and its successors. The section also includes some records about other major dam construction projects in BC, particularly the Columbia River dam. There is also annotated copies of the library index.

Each book or report has a three part call number. The first number is a topical category, such as agriculture or geology (the numbers may vary by section). The second number is a geographical location in BC. The third number is a sequential number. Reports in section 1 have an additional number preceding a “/” which refers to a specific project site on the Fraser River, such as a potential location for a dam. See the original library index for detailed explanations of each of these numbers.

For example, 104/5.1.1 represents McGregor River project / water flowage. Upper Fraser. Item one.

These records were transferred under one time schedule number 890395.

Joint Dominion-Provincial Board, Fraser River Basin (Canada)

Firm index book and individual index book

  • GR-3250
  • Series
  • 1949-1960

Firm index book and individual index book kept at New Westminster Court Registry. Entries are for many communities in the lower mainland: Abbotsford, Agassiz, Burnaby, Cloverdale, Clearwater, Coquitlam, Deer Lake, Delta, Langley, Haney, Langley, Matsqui, Maillardville, Maple Ridge, Mission, New Westminster, Port Kells, Richmond, Sapperton, Surrey, Whalley and White Rock.

British Columbia. County Court (New Westminster)

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