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Archives discrete item collection City planning--British Columbia
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The preservation of open space on the Saanich peninsula, British Columbia / Ian Peter Brooke Halkett

The item is a microfiche copy of a thesis by Ian Peter Brooke Halkett titled "The preservation of open space on the Saanich peninsula, British Columbia." 1971. viii, 138 leaves: figs., illus., maps, tables. Thesis (M.A.), University of Victoria, 1972. Vita. Bibliography: leaves 126-138. Canadian theses on microfiche, 23707.

Local area planning: a process of conflict resolution in provincial/municipal land use disputes / Robert Little Stone

The item is a microfiche copy of a thesis by Robert Little Stone titled "Local area planning: a process of conflict resolution in provincial/municipal land use disputes." 1976. ix 99 leaves: fig., maps, tables. Thesis (M.A.), University of British Columbia, 1976. Vita. Bibliography: leaves 85-88. Canadian theses on microfiche, 28816.

The planning decision-making process of Vancouver's False Creek: a case study 1968-1974 / Frederick Joseph Elligott

The item is a microfiche copy of a thesis by Frederick Joseph Elligott titled "The planning decision-making process of Vancouver's False Creek: a case study 1968-1974." 1976. viii, 205 [i.e. 201] leaves: illus., maps. [Leaves 24a, 43a, 172a, 185a and 193a inserted]. Thesis (M.A.), University of British Columbia, 1977. Vita. [Includes abstract]. Bibliography: leaves 185a - 193. Canadian theses on microfiche, 32458.

Opportunity and the workingman: a study of land accessibility and the growth of blue collar suburbs in early Vancouver / Donna McCririck

The item is a microfiche copy of a thesis by Donna McCririck titled "Opportunity and the workingman: a study of land accessibility and the growth of blue collar suburbs in early Vancouver." xi, 137 leaves: figs., maps, tables. Thesis (M.A.), University of British Columbia, 1981. Bibliography: leaves 130-137. Canadian theses on microfiche, 56673.

False Creek Development: a study of the actions and interactions of the three levels of government as they affected public and private development of the waterway and its land basin / Dennis Michael Churchill

The item is a typescript copy of a thesis of Dennis Michael Churchill entitled "False Creek Development: a study of the actions and interactions of the three levels of government as they affected public and private development of the waterway and its land basin." ix, 234 leaves: maps. Thesis (M.A.), University of British Columbia, 1953. Bibliography: Leaves 231-234.