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Cridge, Edward, 1817-1913
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Colonial Office correspondence with Hudson's Bay Co. with regard to Vancouver Island

This series consists of transcripts of correspondence with the Hudson's Bay Company relating to the conveyance, settlement, and reconveyance of Vancouver Island. Correspondence is arranged chronologically.

Volume 1: 1822-1851
Volume 2: 1852-1856.
Volume 3: 1856-1858
Volume 4: 1858-1860
Volume 5: 1860-1863
Volume 6: 1863-1880

Great Britain. Colonial Office

Helmcken family papers

Papers of J.S. Helmcken and members of his family, including correspondence, 1848-1920, account books, 1871-1903, deeds, contracts, certificates, 1825-1890, medical notebooks, case books and account books, 1845-1890, notes and papers concerning the Beacon Hill Park Bowling Club, 1898-1914, rough notes and drafts for articles in newspapers, speeches, and reminiscences. Account books pertaining to the estate of Arthur Thomas Bushby, 1875-1901. Papers of Harry Dallas Helmcken, 1866-1894, and William Ralph Higgins, 1890-1903. J.S. Helmcken's confederation diary and reminiscences are also on microfilm. John Sebastian Helmcken was born in Spitalfields, London on 5 June 1824, the fourth child and eldest son of Claus Helmcken and Catherine Mittler. After attending St. George's German and English school from 1828 to 1839 Helmcken apprenticed himself to Dr. W.H. Graves as a chemist and druggist. On 2 October 1844, Helmcken registered as a student at Guy's Hospital, London, and in March 1848 was admitted as a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. Two months later he was serving as surgeon aboard the Malacca until, on 12 October 1849, he received an appointment from the Hudson's Bay Company as surgeon and clerk for a five year term. Helmcken arrived at Esquimalt on 24 March 1850 and was first posted to Fort Rupert before being ordered to return to Fort Victoria in December 1850. On 27 December 1852 he married Cecilia Douglas, eldest daughter of Governor James Douglas. In 1856 Helmcken was elected to represent Esquimalt and Victoria District in the Legislative Assembly of Vancouver Island and served as Speaker of the Assembly until union with British Columbia in 1866. Governor Musgrave appointed Helmcken to the Executive Council of British Columbia in December 1869 while he was also serving as a member of the Legislative Council of B.C., and in the summer of 1870 he travelled to Ottawa as one of three confederation delegates from the colony. With the entry of British Columbia into Confederation in 1871, Helmcken retired from active politics. Helmcken also served as president of the Board of Directors of the Royal Hospital, remained physician to Victoria's jail until 1910, and contributed numerous articles on the early history of Vancouver Island in his later life. Dr. Helmcken died on 1 September 1920. The records include the papers of J.S. Helmcken and members of his family: correspondence, 1848-1920, account books, 1871-1903, deeds, contracts, certificates, 1825-1890, medical notebooks, casebooks and account books, 1845-1890, notes and papers concerning the Beacon Hill Park Bowling Club, 1898-1914, rough notes and drafts for articles in newspapers, speeches and reminiscences. There are also account books pertaining to the estate of Arthur Thomas Bushby, 1875-1901, and papers of Harry Dallas Helmcken, 1866-1894, and William Ralph Higgins, 1890-1903. J.S. Helmcken's Confederation diary and reminiscences are also on microfilm [A00810]. An index to the records is available as part of the hard copy finding aid kept in the reference room.

Cecil Laundy interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1962-03 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Laundy speaks about his grandfather; Reverend Edward Cridge, and grandmother Mary, and their journey to Victoria in 1855. Mr. Laundy recalls parties at his grandparents' home, "Marifield"; musical evenings; the ecclesiastical controversy between Reverend Cridge and Bishop Hills; Rev. William Duncan; Reverend Cridge and Mrs. Cridge and his parishioners; Sir James Douglas; the Church of Our Lord; church affairs; his grandfather's interest in music and modern inventions; his writings and his death in 1913. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Edward Cridge fonds

  • PR-1347
  • Fonds
  • 1835-1918

The fonds consists of personal correspondence, prayer book, appointments, testimonials, certificates, accounts, sermon notes, diaries, notebooks and photographs of Edward Cridge.

Cridge, Edward, 1817-1913

Miscellaneous letters relating to Cridge family

The file contains a photocopy of a letter from Mary Cridge to her sister-in-law, Elizabeth, written from the Marquis of Bute ca. 1855 (including a transcript copy); a photocopy of a letter from Harold W.H. Helby to Emily Carr, June 1944, in which he describes being in Victoria as a midshipman in 1882 and visiting the Cridge family and a photocopy of an Archives pioneer form for Bishop Cridge filled out by Maude Cridge.

Cridge Family (Edward Cridge, 1817-1913). Victoria

Fawcett family papers

The series consists of letters written by Jane Fawcett between 1849 and 1864, from Sydney, Australia, San Francisco and Victoria to her sisters. They refer to her family and family life. Also included are notes on Jane's funeral sermon delivered by the Rev. E. Cridge. This unit consists of a microfilm copy of the original and three typewritten transcripts (copy 1 of the transcripts contains photographs of various members of the Fawcett family).

Pattie Alexander Haslam interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1962-03-26 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Pattie Alexander Haslam, nee Cox, recalls her first impressions of the Cape Beale Lighthouse; her schooling in Victoria; and a trip back to the lighthouse by Indian canoe. She describes her; life at the lighthouse; her mother and father; Indians; potlatches; costumes; Indian whaling techniques; Captain Spring; and sealing schooners. TRACK 2: She recalls local shipwrecks. She talks abo;ut her life in Victoria while she was at school; Sir James Douglas; Lady Douglas; Bishop Cridge, and the Cridge family. She recalls her life in Alberni; her work in the telegraph office; and her reports for the CPR from Cape Beale. She talks about cougars, and hunting at Cape Beale.

Ainslie Helmcken and Cecilia Bullen interview : [Orchard & Haworth, 1970?]

CALL NUMBER: T0294:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], [1970?] SUMMARY: These tapes comprise an interview with Ainslie Helmcken and his sister Cecilia Bullen, recorded by Imbert Orchard and Peter Haworth in preparation for writing the script of a CBC radio documentary entitled "The Old Doctor". TRACK 1: Ainslie Helmcken and Cecilia Bullen talk about their memories of the Helmcken family; their grandfather, Dr. John Sebastian Helmcken; their father, Dr. Jim Helmcken; th;eir family home at the corner of Langley and Fort Streets in Victoria and other turn-of-the-century recollections. TRACK 2: Mr. Helmcken and Mrs. Bullen continue with their recollections of their fa;mily and their grandfather. They recall various incidents from the later life of Dr. J.S. Helmcken, including stories and recollections of his home life, personality and political views.

CALL NUMBER: T0294:0003 RECORDED: [location unknown], [1970?] SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Helmcken and Mrs. Bullen continue with their recollections about their grandfather, his charactor, interests, and personal attributes, and the locaton of his medical office in Bastion Square; they also mention their grandfather's association with the George Richards family, the McTavish family, Mrs. Higgins, Bishop MacDonald, Roderick Finlayson and the Work family. TRACK 2: This tape concludes the interview of Ainslie Helmcken and Cecilia Helmcken Bullen and their discussion about Dr. J.S. Helmcken. They speak about their grandfather's early education; his philosophy, his early; radical views, his travels, his interest in Beacon Hill Park and other developments in Victoria; his relationship with the Bishop Cridge family; and the Indian residents of Victoria.

Reminiscences of Bishop Cridge

The file contains three typescript copies of "Reminiscences of Bishop Cridge" by Edgar Fawcett. Each copy has slightly different photographic illustrations. Includes list of members of Reformed Episcopal Church at its founding and extracts from Bishop Cridge's diary.

Cecilia and Douglas Bullen interview

CALL NUMBER: T1289:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1962-03 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mrs. Bullen talks about early Victoria; her mother's family, the Mouats; her father's family, the Helmckens; recollections about her grandfather John Sebastian Helmcken; social life at Helmcken House; family connections; family evenings; the family Christmas dinner; her father; memories of Victoria; building the Parliament Buildings; local characters; James Bay residents. TRACK 2: Mrs.; Bullen continues with her recollections of early Victoria; the Langford family; W.J. Macdonald's family; Bishop Cridge; musical life in Victoria; amateur theatricals; effect of the Klondike gold rush; downtown Victoria. Captain Douglas Bullen talks about performances by Colonel Peters; army songs; Christmas dinners with Mr. Justice Drake; and the history of the Esquimalt Marine Railway; the BC M;arine Railway; and Yarrows shipyards.

CALL NUMBER: T1289:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1962-11 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mrs. Bullen, interviewed in Helmcken House, discusses New Year's parties; she talks about the significance and location of various pieces of furniture; Rogers Chocolates; various rooms; the ;garden; Dr. John Sebastian Helmcken; Christmas celebrations; additions to the house; Dr. Helmcken's room; recollections of the Douglas property and Mrs. Dennis Harris, one of the Douglas daughters. T;RACK 2: Mrs. Bullen continues with her interview in Helmcken House; she discusses various items of furniture; memories of Dr. Helmcken; James D. Helmcken; Harry Helmcken; the garden; the orchard; the; mud flats; Dr. Helmcken's children; James Douglas Helmcken; the children's education; Dr. Helmcken's office and his appearance.;

Maxwell Kirkpatrick-Crockett interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1962-05-18 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Major Maxwell Kirkpatrick-Crockett talks about his arrival in Vancouver in 1911; early jobs in Vancouver; work in Victoria; Arthur Currie; commission with the Fifth Regiment; Victoria at the; outbreak of World War I; coast defense batteries at Esquimalt in 1914; the affair of the "BC submarines"; fear of coastal attacks; state of coast defenses; the 5th Regiment sent to Nanaimo because of rioting [i.e., striking] coal miners; the damage at Extension. TRACK 2: Major Kirkpatrick-Crockett continues speaking about incidents at Extension; Ladysmith; German interest in British Columbia in; 1914; [von] Alvensleben; anti-German feeling; history of St. John's Church; Victoria; Christ Church; Bishop Hills; Reverend Cridge and conditions in Victoria after World War I; work in the Victoria Machinery Depot and for the City of Victoria.

Living memory : Bishop Cridge

SUMMARY: Bishop Edward Cridge -- the Hudson's Bay Company chaplain at Fort Victoria and founder of the Church of Our Lord -- is recalled by his grandson, Cecil Laundy, and by Cecilia Bullen.

Recording is incomplete.

Edward Cridge and George Hills : doctrinal conflict, 1872-1874, and the founding of Church of Our Lord in Victoria, British Columbia, 1875 / Susan Dickinson

The item is a typescript copy of a B.A. essay by Susan Dickinson titled "Edward Cridge and George Hills: doctrinal conflict, 1872-1874, and the founding of Church of Our Lord in Victoria, British Columbia, 1875". iii, 146 leaves. Essay (B.A.). Bibliography: Leaves 129-139.

Correspondence relating to Craigflower School

  • GR-2054
  • Series
  • 1852-1865

McKenzie advertising for a "Teacher for the Settlement of Vancouver's Island" (1852); letter from the Rev. Edward Cridge, recommending the appointment of Henry Claypole as teacher (1859); and letter from the Duke of Newcastle, recommending Claypole's services (1860). Also includes correspondence from Claypole, requesting increase in salary (1861), criticizing Common Schools Act and tendering his resignation (1865). Some records were removed from GR-1372 (Colonial Correspondence), files F330 and F395.

For related correspondence (Claypole's initial letter of resignation and appended report of attendance at Craigflower School for year ending July 1864) see GR-1372,F396/5.

Previously catalogued as K/H/C84.

Vancouver Island (Colony). Colonial Secretary

Crease family collection

Henry Pering Pellew Crease (1823-1905) was born at Ince Castle, near Plymouth, England, educated at Cambridge, and called to the bar in 1849. He traveled to Upper Canada with his family and explored the Great Lakes area for mining potential before returning to England in 1851 or 2. He then worked briefly as a conveyancing barrister before becoming manager of the Great Wheal Vor United Mines in Cornwall. Following business difficulties, he emigrated to British Columbia in 1858, practicing law in Victoria and becoming a member of the Vancouver Island Legislative Assembly in 1860. In 1861 he was appointed Attorney General of the mainland colony and moved to New Westminster; he was appointed Attorney General of the united colonies in 1866 and returned to Victoria in 1868 when it became the capital of the colony of British Columbia. In 1870, he was made a supreme court judge. Crease was knighted in 1896. British Columbia. His family joined Crease in Victoria in 1860 and four more children, one of whom died in infancy, were born in British Columbia. Crease was interested in business and politics as well as the law. Both as a barrister and a supreme court judge he traveled throughout British Columbia on circuit. His wife accompanied him on some of these journeys. The Creases were prominent socially, and their house, Pentrelew, was a centre for Victoria society. Five of the Crease children lived into the 20th century, and three, Lindley (1867-1940), Susan (1855-1947) and Josephine (1864-1947), never married and lived at Pentrelew until their deaths. Susan was involved with the local Council of Women and Josephine with the Island Arts and Crafts Society. Both painted in watercolours, as did their mother. The two Crease sons, Lindley and Arthur, were sent to school in England and then practiced law in Victoria. Arthur served in France in the Canadian Army in the First World War.

The collection includes diaries, 1834-1900, correspondence inward, 1830-1904, and outward, 1830-1903, miscellaneous records and notebooks, including the minute books of the Colonial Securities Co., 1866-1868, of Sir Henry Crease; diaries, 1872-1913, correspondence inward, 1851-1922, and outward, and miscellaneous notebooks and records of Lady Crease; diaries, 1877-1937, correspondence inward, 1877-1940, and outward, 1893, and miscellaneous records of Lindley Crease; diaries, 1890-1960, account books, 1909-1954 and miscellaneous records of Arthur Crease; diaries, 1865-1943, correspondence inward, 1862-1891, 1902, and 1937, and miscellaneous records of Susan Crease; diaries, 1878-1942, correspondence inward, 1883-1890 and miscellaneous records of Josephine Crease; some correspondence inward of the other two Crease daughters, Mary Maberly (Walker) Crease and Barbara Crease; diaries, 1853, 1870, and 1898, and correspondence inward, 1847-1899, of Emily Howard Crease, Sir Henry Crease's sister, who taught school in British Columbia, and correspondence between members of the Crease and Lindley families in England and the Crease family in Victoria.

MS-2879 is an extensive collection of family papers which, in addition to the information it provides on the lives, activities and opinions of individual writers of letters and diaries, is a rich source of information on such topics as family life, childhood and the lives of women, and a major source on the economic, political, legal and social history of post-1858 l9th century British Columbia. The correspondence inward series to Sir Henry Crease includes letters from important figures in colonial and post colonial British Columbia. The collection contains some records relating to Sir Henry Crease's legal and business interests. It includes transcripts of Crease's private letter book, 1870-1873, Sarah Crease's diary of her trip to Cariboo, 1880, and her letters to her husband, 1849-1859. MS-2879 may be used in conjunction with MS-0054, MS-0055, MS-0056, and MS-0573.


Scrapbook containing newspaper clippings pertaining to the Bishop Hills - Dean Cridge dispute.

Crease, Susan Reynolds

Ella family fonds

  • PR-2199
  • Fonds
  • 1840-1865

The fonds consists of eight items: folder 1, a marriage license (1855 ), folder 2, transcript from a marriage register (1857), folder 3, a Masonic lodge certificate (1865), folder 4, a certificate of competency as a ship's master (1853), folder 5, an indenture certificate (1840), folder 6, a certificate of character and discharge (1853), folder 7, an empty linen document envelope with "H.B. Ella" on one side and a partial original of Martha Ella's diary. The 1855 marriage license was signed by Governor James Douglas, while the 1857 license was signed by Bishop Edward Cridge.

Ella (family)