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Archives discrete item collection

  • F1
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1849]-2017

The collection consists of single items, reports, photocopies, photographs and other small collections donated and loaned to the BC Archives which document all aspects of the political, economic, social and cultural history of the province. There are private records produced by individuals, businesses and organizations and acquired by the Archives over many years from all areas of the Province and varying widely in subject matter. They consist of account books and journals, letters and diaries of gold seekers, pioneers, missionaries, and school teachers, literary manuscripts, photographs, the papers of natural historians and students and the personal and family papers of notable settlers and residents of the province.
There are also some provincial and federal government records which either came to the Archives as single items or files or were removed from other series.

British Columbia Archives

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate fonds

  • PR-2400
  • Fonds
  • ca. 1828-2024, predominant 1828-2018

The fonds consists of records relating to the missionary work of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI). Most records were created and accumulated by the administrations of various OMI provinces that have operated in British Columbia: St. Peter’s Province, St. Paul’s Vice-Province, St. Paul’s Province, and OMI Lacombe Canada. Additionally, the fonds contains some records created by the administration of the Vice-Province of Whitehorse. Other records pre-date the establishment of OMI provinces in Canada. Materials mostly relate to Oblate missionary work in British Columbia and the Yukon, but the fonds also includes some records pertaining to Oblate work throughout Canada, as well as records pertaining to foreign mission work (such as materials related to the OMI’s Provincial Delegation of Peru).

The fonds is divided into the following series:
● MS-3396 – Mission and school records
● MS-3397 – Personnel records
● MS-3398 – OMI archives files
● MS-3399 – Writing and research
● MS-3400 – Provincial administrative records
● MS-3401 – Indigenous affairs subject files
● MS-3402 – Multi-media [currently being processed]
● MS-3403 – Publications, grey literature, and manuscripts

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Ernest Crocker fonds

  • PR-1348
  • Fonds
  • 1902-1946

The fonds notably consists of military-related content from the early 1900s until the 1940s. Pre-WW1 photographs include a limited amount of photographs relating to the Canadian Militia. Photographs taken during the First World War including most departures of troops by ship from Victoria and other departures by train from Vancouver and Vernon. There are also images of numerous B.C. training camps which cover topics from training exercises, inspections, mascots and portraiture. For material covering the inter-war and Second World War, images are predominantly of ceremonies, visiting military dignitaries as well as of graduations and groups of soldiers who trained at the Officer’s Training Centre in Gordon Head. There are also photographs of the Women’s Army Corps and of various legions following the end of World War II.
The next largest group of photographs is a collection of city views, natural landscapes and other tourist-centric photography which Crocker used to make postcards which he sold. These cover large Canadian cities but also various stops along the CPR route through the Rocky Mountains, as well as other locations on Vancouver Island, across BC and down the west coast of the United States and even Mexico.
Other potential series in the Ernest Crocker fonds include portraiture, tableaux vivants, Royal Visits, celebrations and parades, and sporting events.
Also included is some ephemera, Trio postcards, correspondence, sales receipts, and an embossed seal with the Trio stamp.

The collection is presently arranged by size and to some extent format. Containers are not organized by date nor by topic and appear to be mixed throughout the collection. The majority of photographic records appear to have been created in Victoria and the surrounding area, with additional photographic records covering Vancouver Island, the British Columbia Interior, Winnipeg, Toronto, London UK, California, U.S.A., and Mexico.

Crocker, Ernest William Albert

Records relating to the Aleza Lake nursery project

  • GR-1245
  • Series
  • 1930-1966

This series contains records relating to research, personnel and the Aleza Lake nursery project. Includes Tree Record Sheets for Forest Product Laboratories, Ottawa, 1930; research tally sheets, 1954; a personnel file, 1955; nursery project file, 1961-1964 and nursery expansion plans, 1964-1966. It also includes maps and sketches of the Aleza Lake forest and station, and plans of the station and living quarters.

Map of counties of British Columbia, 1948, incorporated into file 5 of 002340-0313 in 2025.

Aleza Lake Experimental Station

Ministry of Labour selected workers' advisers files

  • GR-4332
  • Series
  • 1969-1983

Series consists of selected 1969-1983 Ministry of Labour workers’ advisers files. They document advice and assistance provided to workers in dealing with the Workers Compensation Board. The records include correspondence, reports, notes, copies of appeals, copies of medical records, hospital reports, and documentation on earnings and decisions.

Records are arranged alphabetically by last name. They were scheduled for selective retention under ORCS schedule 870870 (00000-20).

British Columbia. Ministry of Labour (1976-1986)

Thomas Deasy fonds

  • PR-1393
  • Fonds
  • 1901-1936

The fonds consists of correspondence, miscellaneous drafts of articles, photographs, and a typescript of an address.

Deasy, Thomas, 1857-1936

Teachers' Bureau records

  • GR-0461
  • Series
  • 1923, 1928

This series is comprised of School District Information forms distributed by the Teachers Bureau to rural school teachers in 1923 and 1928 to be filled out and returned to the Bureau. The forms are questionnaires for the purpose of obtaining information about teachers’ living conditions in rural school districts. There is no record of similar forms being sent in other years.

Not every rural and assisted school is represented in this collection. Of the 684 rural and assisted schools in BC for the year ending June 1923, there are forms for 651. For the year ending June 1928, there are forms for 711 of the 728 schools.

In 2025 6 photographic prints were found in the working files of a previous archivist. Based on accompanying notes, it was determined that the prints came from this series. 5 prints were reincorporated into box 2, file 4, Essington Haysport. The remaining 1 print was reincorporated into box 1, file 7, Rock Bay.

British Columbia. Dept. of Education. Teachers Bureau

Department of Education correspondence files

  • GR-0151
  • Series
  • 1962-1968

This record series was maintained by the Administrative Services Branch of the Department of Education and relates to almost every facet of the Department's work. It includes correspondence of the Minister and department staff with the public and associations such as the B.C. Parent Teacher Federation, B.C. School Trustee's Association, B.C. Teachers' Federation and Canadian Association for Adult Education as well as correspondence with educational institutions including private schools, colleges and universities.

There are also 12 architectural drawings of schools, removed and given map registration numbers 24231C - 24242C.

The results of school trustee elections in B.C., 1962-1966, are also included in this collection in box 30.

British Columbia. Dept. of Education

New Westminster assizes minute books

  • GR-1818
  • Series
  • 1892-1913

Minute books from Assizes, including criminal and civil cases 1892-1898, 1911-1913. Vol. 1 is also a minute book for County Court criminal cases, 1892-1894. 3 vols.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (New Westminster)

Department of Fisheries Records

  • GR-0435
  • Series
  • 1902-1904; 1908-1954

This series consists of records of the provincial Department of Fisheries from 1902-1954. Records include correspondence, memoranda, reports and statistical data. The records in this series are arranged in 23 sub-series according to either form or subject matter and then chronologically within subseries. Most of the records were created by the office of Deputy Commissioner and its successors.

British Columbia. Provincial Dept. of Fisheries

Nelson region fish and wildlife records

  • GR-1810
  • Series
  • 1969-1981

Records of the Nelson Regional Office, Fish and Wildlife Branch (1969-1981) relating to game, wildlife and fisheries management; environmental protection and habitat protection; the administration of fish, trapping and game laws; predator control; hunting, sports fishing and outdoor recreation. Consists of correspondence, memoranda and reports. Includes correspondence with conservation and environmental groups, fish and game clubs, and agencies of the government.

British Columbia. Fish and Wildlife Branch

Kamloops Small Debts Court register of judgements

  • GR-2177
  • Series
  • 1930-1931

Series consists of a Kamloops Small Debts Court register of judgements for 1930-1931. Judgements are the final orders issued in a case.

British Columbia. Small Debts Court (Kamloops)

Attorney-General correspondence

  • GR-1323
  • Series
  • 1902-1937

This series contains correspondence files, inward and outward, covering all topics for which the Attorney General was responsible, including legislation and opinions to other departments. During this period, Attorney General responsibilities included industrial schools, motor vehicles, Liquor Control Board, Game Commissioner, Inspector of Municipalities, Registrar of Companies, Inspector of Factories, Inspector of Electrical Energy and Inspector of Tramways.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Attorney-General

Deputy Minister of Regional and Economic Development office files

  • GR-4321
  • Series
  • 1987-1991, predominant 1988-1990

Series consists of Deputy Minister's office files of the Ministry of Regional and Economic Development, and its predecessor, the Ministry of Regional Development; from 1987-1991, predominant 1988-1990. The records provide evidence of ministry priorities; activities; and significant interaction with the public, other ministries, and other levels of government. Records were predominantly created during the tenure of Robert Plecas, who also acted as Deputy Minister of State for Mainland/Southwest during this time. Also included are a small set of records from the ministry Executive Coordinator, Colleen Johnson; as well as records carried over from Plecas' previous appointments as Deputy Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroeum Resources; and Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Relations.

Records include correspondence; briefing and background material; meeting material; reports; cabinet submissions; press releases; presentation material; speeches; memoranda of understanding; pamphlets; newsletters and other publications; clippings; and other administrative material.

British Columbia. Ministry of Regional and Economic Development

Minister of Regional and Economic Development office files

  • GR-4325
  • Series
  • 1986-1990, predominant 1988-1990

Series consists of Minister's office files of the Ministry of Regional and Economic Development and its predecessor, the Ministry of Regional Development; from 1986-1990, predominant 1988-1990. The records provide evidence of ministry priorities; activities; and significant interaction with the public, other ministries, and other levels of government. Records were predominantly created during the tenure of Elwood Veitch, who also served as Minister of State for Mainland/Southwest, and Stanley Hagen. Also included are records carried over from Veitch's previous appointment as Provincial Secretary and Minister of Government Services.

Records include correspondence; briefing and background material; meeting material; reports; press releases; speeches; pamphlets; newsletters and other publications; Treasury Board submissions; clippings; and other administrative material.

British Columbia. Ministry of Regional and Economic Development

Deputy Minister of Economic Development office files

  • GR-4326
  • Series
  • 1987

Series consists of office files of the Deputy Minister of Economic Development from 1987. The records provide evidence of ministry priorities; activities; and significant interaction with the public, other ministries, and other levels of government. Records were created during the tenure of Stanley P. Dubas.

Records include correspondence; briefing and background material; meeting material; reports; press releases; speeches; pamphlets and similar publications; clippings; and other administrative material.

British Columbia. Ministry of Economic Development (1986-1988)

Superintendent of Education correspondence inward

  • GR-1445
  • Series
  • 1872-1899

Consists of correspondence inward to Superintendents John Jessop (1872-1878), C.C. McKenzie (1878-1884), and S.D. Pope (1884-1899). Types of records include petitions for school buildings, applications for teaching posts, minutes of local school boards, school trustees' reports, etc.

A map of Kaslo City from around 1893 was removed from the original accession and accessioned as M889088. It was not described. In 2024 it was reincorporated into this series in its original position in box 21 (94-8200), file 4, letter 928/1893.

British Columbia. Superintendent of Education

Community issues and standards case files

  • GR-3466
  • Series
  • 1985-1999

The series consists of records documenting the work of the Library Services branch on community issues, including negotiations with Access Copyright and the provision of library services to First Nations reserves. The series also consists of records documenting the branch’s 1987 New Approaches task force. The series consists of executive briefing notes, reports, correspondence, news clippings, and audio recordings of public hearings in municipalities province-wide.

The New Approaches task force was created following a request by the Union of BC Municipalities and the BC Library Trustees Association to examine provincial public library services. The task force sought the views of local governments, library boards, library professionals and the public in order to determine priorities and areas for improvement. A final report was published in 1988 and included recommendations for the creation of a province-wide interlibrary loan program and changes to service delivery. As a result, programs such as the book delivery service “Open Shelf” were eventually phased out. The series consists of the task force’s interim and final reports, as well as material collected during the research phase.

British Columbia. Library Services Branch

Mechanics liens

  • GR-2360
  • Series
  • 1906-1927

Mechanics liens, unnumbered (1906-1909) and #26 to 448 (1910-1927).

British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops)

Colony of British Columbia Supreme Court of Civil Justice bench books

  • GR-2029
  • Series
  • 1865-1869

Series consists of two bench books for Colony of British Columbia Supreme Court of Civil Justice civil cases heard before Judge Joseph Needham between 13 October 1865 and 27 February 1869.

Volume 1 (Oct 1865 - May 1867) is indexed, but Volume 2 (Jun 1867 - Feb 1869) is not.

British Columbia (Colony). Supreme Court of Civil Justice

Manson's Store fonds

  • PR-0669
  • Fonds
  • 1882-1956

The fonds consists of ledgers, daily records of sales, treasurer's books and minute books.

Manson's Store

Dept. of Finance and Agriculture demonstration orchard contracts

  • GR-4242
  • Series
  • 1911 - 1916

Series consists of contracts from 1911 to 1916 between the Department of Finance and Agriculture and various individuals and organizations throughout the province, to cooperate in setting up demonstration orchards on a portion of the owners' land. Also includes a plan for a demonstration orchard on Graham Island.

Bureau of Mines negatives and lantern slides

  • GR-4099
  • Series
  • [ca. 190-] - 1953

The series consists of photographs (lantern slides and a few glass or flexible negatives) created by the offices of the Bureau of Mines and the Dept. of Mines between ca. 1900 and 1953. The photographs depict all aspects of Bureau activities including surveys and inspections. Many of the glass negatives were taken by W.F. Robertson and H.T. Nation of the Bureau of Mines and were often used for annual reports and other publications. The bulk of the photographs are glass lantern slides, either made from Bureau of Mines photographs or copied from other sources. Photographer Edgar Fleming took or copied many of the photographs for the Department. These slides show mines and mining operations and equipment; mining camps, first aid teams, refineries, smelters, coke ovens, concentrators, railways and rail trestles; boats, landscape and terrain features including coast, rivers and mountain ranges and aerial views. There are also a significant number of maps and technical drawings.

Occasionally other photographer initials M.S.H., S.S.H. and W.H.M. are noted on the slides. There are 63 slides of South African mines and general views, 23 slides of the Alcan Kemano project from 1953 and various portraits scattered throughout the series, as well as ca. 115 aerial views from the 1930s, many with their own numbering scheme.

The series also includes an additional 38 glass lantern slides from the 1920s, alienated from the main run of lantern slides and transferred separately. Most of these slides were made of photographs taken by Edgar Fleming for the Bureau of Mines but also include some slides of maps and technical drawings.

British Columbia. Bureau of Mines

Photographs removed from Craigflower Schoolhouse

  • GR-4076
  • Series
  • [ca. 1860]-1974

The series consists of photographs removed from the Craigflower Schoolhouse. The photographs were most likely used for display purposes and several of the prints are mounted on cardstock with explanatory captions. The majority of the photographs are contemporary to their time of creation (predominantly late 19th century), however several of the photographs also appear to be more modern copy prints, some of which were perhaps originally copied from BC Archives holdings.

The photographs display people and places associated with the history of Craigflower Schoolhouse.

British Columbia. Heritage Conservation Branch

Ranger patrol diaries

  • GR-1355
  • Series
  • 1916-1917

This series contains ranger patrol diaries. The series includes the diaries of D. Wallace, whose ranger district was probably the Nicola valley and adjacent parts of the Railway Belt.

Canada. Environment Canada. Forestry Service

Provincial Secretary correspondence index

  • GR-0539
  • Series
  • 1919-1924

This series consists of 5 volumes of indexes to letterbook correspondence outward of the Provincial Secretary, 1919-1924.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Provincial Secretary

Results 1 to 30 of 6225