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British Columbia. Royal Commission on Forest Resources (1955-57) British Columbia--Politics and government--1952-1972
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Ray Williston interview : part 2

The item is an audio recording of an interview with Ray Williston.
T1375:0008 track 1: The granting of a tree farm licence in Squamish in late 1960s. Chief Justice Gordon McGregor Sloan and the Royal Commission on Forestry report, 1957. Sloan appointed permanent advisor on forestry, 1958. Relations between Sloan and Williston. Sloan's death in 1959 and associated problems, including unfinished assignments. Opposition to the TFL system by smaller logging companies. Williston's rejection of their arguments.
Track 2: More on small operators' opposition to TFL policy. "Contractor clauses" in TFLs. Small loggers in B.C. Centennial celebrations of 1958. Role of L.J. Wallace and the centennial committee.

T1375:0009 track 1: Centennial celebrations, 1958. Details and anecdotes about Princess Margaret's visit, 1958. Other centennial events. Williston less involved with later centennial celebrations. Northern development in B.C. and Williston's role in promoting it. Williston's ideas about industrial development in B.C.
Track 2: More on northern and industrial development. Wenner-Gren in British Columbia: Memorandum of intent, 1956, details about the original contacts, necessity of the letter of intent, Hydro power investigations, role of Percy Gray in the original conception of the development, the actual negotiations between the government and Bernard Gore and Burger Strid, roles of Williston, Bonner, Gunderson and Bennett in the negotiations, opposition to the agreement from press, legislative opposition and B.C. and Yukon Chamber of Mines, questions about Wenner-Gren personally.

T1375:0010 track 1: Reaction to Axel Wenner-Gren. Role of Einar Gunderson and potential conflict of interest. Williston meets Wenner-Gren, 1957. More details on Wenner-Gren development. The Columbia River Treaty: Williston involved from 1956 to 1972, positions held by Williston, roles of Bennett and Bonner.
Track 2: Secondary role of cabinet in Columbia River Treaty matters. Bennett only concerned with larger implications of the treaty. Developments to 1956. Kaiser proposal to dam the Columbia, early 1950s. Kaiser proposal rejected by Gen. A.G.L. McNaughton. Williston's personal assessment of McNaughton. McNaughton's "anti-American" attitudes. The "McNaughton Plan" for the Columbia River and Williston's reasons for rejecting it. More on General McNaughton.

T1375:0011 track 1: Role of General A.G.L. McNaughton in the Columbia River Treaty negotiations. Details of the treaty negotiations from Williston's point of view. Key role of Art Paget. Government strategy in the development of the Peace River region. The importance of timing between the Columbia and Peace power developments.
Track 2: Decision not to proceed with the Columbia development until after a start was made on the Peace. The two-river policy. Williston tours the province to convince people of the value of the two-river policy. More on the two-river policy. Planning and negotiations, 1957-60. Circumstances regarding the detailed report of Paddy Sherman. Controversy about the Sherman article. More on planning and negotiations, 1957-1960.

T1375:0012 track 1: Firing of B.C. Power Commission general manager Lee Briggs, 1957. Progress in federal-provincial negotiations, 1957-1959. Consideration of flooding in East Kootenay and Arrow Lakes areas. The; International Columbia River Engineering Board report 1959, and the options for developing the Columbia River.
Track 2: Considerations about the Libby Dam proposal. Role of Ed Bassett in the treaty negotiations. Complex financing of the engineering studies for the Columbia River projects. Columbia River Treaty signed, January 1961. Anecdotes about the signing ceremony. The key positions of B.C. Electric Co. Problems of marketing power in B.C. and the United States. The importance of making a long-term sale of power to the United States.

T1375:0013 track 1: Discussion of negotiation of the Columbia River Treaty. The roles of other cabinet ministers and technical advisors. Williston's personal assessment of the Columbia River Treaty. Issues arising from the public hearings on water licences for the Treaty projects. The takeover of B.C. Electric and Peace River power development companies, 1961.
Track 2: More on the hydro power takeovers. Williston on the new board of B.C. Hydro and Power Authority. Other board members. Gordon Shrum and Hugh Keenleyside as co-chairmen of B.C. Hydro.

T1375:0014 track 1: Gordon Shrum and Hugh Keenleyside as co-chairmen of B.C. Hydro. Clashes between E. Davie Fulton and W.A.C. Bennett. Negotiations for the sale of downstream benefits from the Columbia River. Delays due to federal election of 1962. Tenders for the Portage Mountain dam (Bennett Dam). Canadian ratification of the Columbia River Treaty. Relationship between Paul Martin (Sr) and Bennett. More on the sale of downstream benefits.
Track 2: Sale of downstream benefits completed. Bennett not totally satisfied with the overall terms of the treaty. Williston's own unhappiness with regard to the division of flood control benefits. Federal-provincial negotiations on treaty implementation. Signing of the protocol to the treaty, 1964. Hearings before the External Affairs Committee, Ottawa. Peace Arch ceremony, 1964. Summary remarks about the treaty. Williston comments on the effects of inflation on the treaty. Information supplied during negotiations from Americans. No consideration given to power conservation.

Ray Williston interview : part 1

The item is an audio recording of an interview with Ray Williston.
T1375:0001 track 1: Born in Victoria, 1914. United Empire Loyalist stock in New Brunswick, 1786. Family moves to B.C. in 1912 (?). Father in feed business. Moved to Ladner. Father in debt. Moved to Salmon Arm. Father killed in 1927, putting the family into even greater debt.
Track 2: Works for "The SAFE" in Salmon Arm. Mother ran a boarding house. Played in dance band through the Depression. Ambition to become a pilot. Normal School in Victoria. Member of Older Boys' Parliament. Worked as warehouseman and clerk. Depression years in Salmon Arm.

T1375:0002 track 1: Williston discusses his first teaching job in Hendon, B.C. in 1934. He then took a B.A. at UBC summer school, starting in 1935. Taught in Surrey, B.C. Talks about Surrey social life at the time, and his marriage in 1939. Moves to Princeton, B.C. Graduates from UBC in 1940. Discusses the social life in Princeton in the late 1930s. Track 2: Discusses teaching at the Princeton High School. UBC summer session discussed. Walks over Hope-Princeton trail in 1939. Gordon Shrum and Professor Sedgewick at UBC. Williston has attack of "nervous exhaustion". He develops an "abhorrence" of socialism during the 1930s.

T1375:0003 track 1: Rejects BCTF militancy in the 1930s. Rejection of socialism. RCAF (1940-1945) in Alberta. Returns to teaching in 1945. Supervising principal in Prince George. Joins the Department of Education as school inspector. Track 2: Reprimand by W.T. Straith, Minister of Education. Declines to run as a Socred in 1952. Runs in 1953 and elected (Fort George constituency). Unschooled in Socred monetary theory. Thought W.A.C. Bennett too conservative in financial matters. Socialism versus "adapted free enterprise". Voted for various parties in 1930s and 1940s.

T1375:0004 track 1: Attracted to the Social Credit Party in 1952 by the people in it. Nominating meeting in 1953. Had job as a lecturer at the University of Washington, 1954. Became Minister of Education, April 1954. Aquatic events in the Gorge, Victoria.

T1375:0005: Williston reprimanded by William T. Straith, Minister of Education, for making public statements about education. Asked to resign as school inspector when he was nominated in 1953. 1953 election. W.A.C. Bennett speaks on behalf of Williston, 1953. Williston's first speech in Legislative Assembly. Williston gets favourable reaction from all sides. Responsibilities of "the press". Williston becomes Minister of Education, April 1954. Appointment kept secret until last minute. Initial problems and issues in education -- financing, teacher training, curriculum. Role of deputy ministers. Some senior public servants try to embarrass the new government, especially with regard to finances. School finances.

T1375:0006 track 1: Problems of school construction and finance, 1954-56. Establishment of teacher training in universities. British Columbia College of Education. Reinstatement of World Review in the schools. Education problems with Doukhobors. Doukhobor school at New Denver, B.C. The socializing role of the school system.
Track 2: More on B.C. College of Education. Personalities in B.C. education. Salaries of education officials. School openings.

T1375:0007 track 1: "Sommers scandal" in which Robert Sommers is accused and convicted of accepting bribes in relation to the granting of forest land tenures. Williston's personal assessment of Sommers. Williston appointed Minister of Lands and Forests, 1956. Reaction within government to the scandal. Mel Bryan crosses the floor to protest Attorney-General Bonner's handling of the affair.
Track 2: More on Mel Bryan and "Sommers scandal". Assessment of Ron Worley. Sloan Commission on Forestry, 1957.

Gordon and Jack Gibson interview

CALL NUMBER: T2719:0001 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Gordon and Jack Gibson : the Gibson family (part 1) PERIOD COVERED: 1886-1939 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mother's and father's personal background. Mother to Vancouver in 1886, father in 1896. Family's economic situation. Father (William F. Gibson) involved in Bridge River gold rush. Family in Yukon, 1903-05. G. Gibson born in Yukon, 1904. Family to Vancouver in 1906. Father's work history. Father a timber staker and cruiser. TRACK 2: Comments on the Vancouver real estate boom, 1912. Father; joined Forestry Corps, 1914. Odd jobs for young brothers. Father rejected for overseas service, 1915. G. Gibson goes logging with his father, 1917. Logging aircraft spruce during WW I. Building their first mill after WW I. Gibson family moves to Ahousat in early 1920s. The Gibson's on the West Coast of Vancouver Island: boats, the pilchard industry, 1925-32. Ahousat during the Depression.; CALL NUMBER: T2719:0002 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Gordon and Jack Gibson : the Gibson family (part 2) PERIOD COVERED: 1932-1952 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Description of Ahousat and the Native people. The purchase of the SS "Malahat". Anecdotes about the "Malahat". Hauling logs on the Queen Charlottes. TRACK 2: More anecdotes about the "Malahat". The end of the "Malahat". Logging airplane spruce during WW II. Dividing the work between the four brothers. Built sawmill at Tahsis after WW II. Building Tahsis. The Gibsons amalgamate with the East Asiatic Co. The Gibsons in the whaling business at Coal Harbour. CALL NUMBER: T2719:0003 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Gordon and Jack Gibson : the Sommers case (part 1) PERIOD COVERED: 1945-1960 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Continuation of the story of the Gibsons' involvement in the whaling industry. Gibsons sell out completely to the East Asiatic Company, 1952. Relations between the Gibsons and East Asiatic, 1948-52. Jack Gibson's political career: Gibson's predecessor A.W. Neill; 1945 nominating convention; Gibson MP, 1945-53; Gibson sat as an independent; comments on his communist seat-mate Fred Rose. How Gordon Gibson came to run in 1953 provincial election. G. Gibson's position before the Sloan Commission. Anecdotes about the 1953 election campaign. TRACK 2: Improper granting of FMLs under the Coalition government, 1947-52. The role of campaign funds. Discussion of the Sommers case. Gibson's resignation over the Sommers case. Gibson's defeat in 1955 by-election. Gibson feels Social Credit party involved in FML scandal. Discussion of the "money talks" speech, 1955. Sammy Craig and BCFP incident. Story of G. Gibson's address to UBC forestry class. CALL NUMBER: T2719:0004 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Gordon and Jack Gibson : the Sommers case (part 2) PERIOD COVERED: 1948-1958 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Comments on the Sloan Commission hearings. Bob Filberg of Canadian Western Forest Industries was the campaign funds "collector" for the Coalition from the forest industries. Circumstances surrounding the granting of FML #2. Why the Gibson brothers did not apply for an FML. Comments on R. Sommers' gambling. Gambling with people in the forest industry. Gordon Gibson recalls discussing FMLs with W.A.C. Bennett. H.R. MacMillan opposed to FMLs at one time. Anecdote about Gordon Gibson being ejected from the B.C. Legislature, 1955. The Lord Commission, 1955, discussed. The people involved in the hearings: Arthur Lord, Alfred Bull, T.W. Brown. TRACK 2: Ron Howard, Gibson's lawyer. G. Gibson's reaction to the findings of the Lord Commission. Comments on Bonner's role. Positive assessment; of Judge Arthur Lord. The Lillooet by-election, 1955. Anecdotes about the by-election campaign. The Gibsons' connection with David Sturdy. Discussion of Sturdy and Charles Eversfield. Meetings to discuss the Eversfield evidence with the Gibson brothers, Ron Howard, Tommy Gold, Stuart Keate and Donald Cromie. Payments to Sturdy. Comments on Sturdy's judgement. Comments on Eversfield. RCMP Inspector W.J. Butler. CALL NUMBER: T2719:0005 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Gordon and Jack Gibson : the Sommers case (part 3) PERIOD COVERED: 1953-1958 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Comments on the "money talks" speech. Discussion of the presentation of the Eversfield evidence to the Sloan Commission, Dec. 1955. The role of Charles Locke, the Sloan Commission counsel. The Gibsons have never seen the Butler Report. J. Gibson asked federal Justice Minister Stuart Garson to see the Butler Report but was refused. Discussion of the Tahsis Company in the Butler Report. The role of C.D. Orchard and the Forest Service. Davie Fulton, federal Justice Minister, put pressure on the Sommers case. Implications of Sommers case for Jack Gibson's role as a Liberal party fund-raiser. TRACK 2: Payments from Gibson to Sturdy. Peripheral involvement of James Sinclair, Johnny Fairburn and Sid Smith. Gibson has no specific knowledge of the alleged payoffs to keep Sommers out of the country. Gibson did not attend trial. Comments on the role of C.D. Scultz. Gibson did not know the Gray brothers. No ministers other than Sommers benefited personally from the bribery scheme. The Gibson brothers considered applying for an FML. Gibson cannot recall details of meeting with Sommers prior to famous speech. Miscellaneous comments. (End of interview);