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British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops) Kamloops (B.C.)
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Kamloops County Court plaint and procedure books

  • GR-1652
  • Series
  • 1886-1954

Series consists of Kamloops County Court plaint and procedure books for 1886-1890, 1895-1950, and 1952-1954. Plaint and procedure books provide the framework for County Court civil action cases and may include the names of parties, the dates when proceedings occurred, and can be used to determine a volume and folio number for locating final orders.

Volume 3 also contains naturalization records for 1895-1916 and plaint and procedures for criminal cases for 1895-1913.

British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops)

Kamloops County Court criminal case record book

  • GR-2180
  • Series
  • 1913-1960

Series consists of one Kamloops County Court record book for criminal cases in 1913-1960, mostly under the Speedy Trials Act. Entries may include the following information: names of witnesses, lists of exhibits, judgment rendered, times of activities, name of judge, name of solicitors, and date of activities. Beginning in ca. 1944, the volume takes the form of a minute book, which documents proceedings in legal cases and typically lists when events occurred during an action, the names of witnesses, and exhibits.

British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops)

Mechanics liens

  • GR-2360
  • Series
  • 1906-1927

Mechanics liens, unnumbered (1906-1909) and #26 to 448 (1910-1927).

British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops)

Kamloops County Court civil case files

  • GR-2398
  • Series
  • 1885-1949

The series consists of civil case files from the Kamloops County Court, 1885 to 1949. Civil case files may contain the notice of claim or notice of petition, writs and affidavits, orders and a final judgment. The files are arranged by file number order.

British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops)

Partnership declarations

  • GR-2452
  • Series
  • 1894-1922

Declarations of partnership.

British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops)

Kamloops County Court orders and default judgements

  • GR-2454
  • Series
  • 1916-1923, 1955-1967, 1970-1973, 1983-1990

Series consists of Kamloops County Court orders (including judgements) and default judgements. Records date from 1916-1923, 1955-1967, 1970-1973, and 1983-1990. Orders are the formal expression of the ruling of the court, judgements are the final orders issued in a case, and default judgements are ordered when one party has failed to file and serve a response to a claim within the time allowed.

Records are arranged by case file number or by volume and folio number as assigned by the court registry. All BC County Courts ceased to exist after their merger with the BC Supreme Court in 1990. Any records dated after 1 July 1990 are for County Court proceedings that were initiated prior to that date. The records were scheduled for full retention under Court Services ORCS (schedule 100152) 51100-30.

British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops)

Firm declaration books

  • GR-2475
  • Series
  • 1894-1919

Firm declaration books indexed by firm name.

British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops)

Kamloops County Court probate cause book

  • GR-2549
  • Series
  • 1891-1941

Probate cause book (indexed), 1891-1941; copies of wills, 1903-1912 and copies of civil suit orders, 1896. There are a few entries from the Supreme Court.

British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops)

Kamloops County Court calendars

  • GR-3759
  • Series
  • 1912-1914

The series consists of copies of calendars for various county court sessions held between 3 July 1912 and 4 February 1914. The records list the number of the suit, the style of cause, and any remarks, such as whether the case was adjourned or if an appeal had been made. The cases listed in the calendars relate to those listed in the plaint and procedure books described in GR-1652 and were held before Judge Swanson.

British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops)