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Only top-level descriptions Land settlement--British Columbia
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Land registry office correspondence

  • GR-4288
  • Series
  • 1885

This series consists of correspondence inward received by the land registry office from January to December 1885. The correspondence may be written by members of the public interested in purchasing or pre-empting land, or other government employees, particularly Government Agents located around the province. The majority of the correspondence is administrative in nature, regarding the filing of records at the land registry office or the transmittal of payments related to land applications. Records are arranged by their chronological file number from 1/1885 to 291/1885.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

History and detailed chronology of land districts

  • GR-4284
  • Series
  • [1935-1936]

This series consists of notes, maps, reports and descriptions of various land districts in British Columbia. This includes a hand written report titled "Report on the gazettings of land districts" by C.E. Tildesley, Legal Surveys, Dept. of Lands and Forests. The majority of the records appear to have been created in the 1930s, and cover the history of land districts from the 1860s to 1930s.

These records were created as an attempt at creating formal descriptions of every land district in BC. Previously, land districts had been created in an ad hoc manner, and the term "land district" had been used to describe any area in the province that had an official land register, which at the time of writing, applied to 83 land districts. Many of these districts never had an official description of their extent or boundary locations. Only some districts had been described through the use of an official survey map, and even fewer had a gazetted description with formal boundaries.

Extensive research was conducted on BC Gazettes and Dept. of Lands records to determine a chronological history for each district and what land districts did, or did not, have official maps and previously gazetted boundaries. Research was also conducted on the terminology used to define land districts over time, and potential overlap with mineral districts, electoral districts, school districts and other official boundaries. The terms land district, land recording district, lot district, land recording division, and land division had often used interchangeably until around 1909.

Records may relate to the following land districts: Alberni, Barclay, Bright, Cameron, Cariboo, Cassiar, Cedar, Chemainus, Clayoquat, Coast Range 1, Coast Range 2, Coast Range 3, Coast Range 4, Coast Range 5, Comiaken, Comox, Cowichan, Cowichan Lake, Cranberry, Douglas, Dunsmuir, Esquimalt, Goldstream, Helmcken, Highland, Kamloops, Kootenay, Lake, Lillooet, Malahat, Metchosin, Mountain, Nanaimo, Nanoose, Nelson, Newcastle, New Westminster, Nootka, Osoyoos, Otter, Oyster, Peace River, Quamichan, Quatsino, Queen Charlotte (Haida Gwaii), Renfrew, Rupert, North Saanich, South Saanich, Sahtlam, Sayward, Seymour, Shawnigan, Similkameen, Somenos, Sooke, Victoria, Wellington, Yale and various Gulf Islands.

British Columbia. Surveys Branch

Allowed applications to purchase unsurveyed land

  • GR-4265
  • Series
  • 1910-1913

This series consists of one register documenting applications to purchase unsurveyed Crown land. Information includes the date a notice was posted in the government gazette, the name of the applicant, the amount of acreage applied for, the district, location of the acreage, and a remarks column documenting whether or not the application was successful and any Dept. of Lands correspondence numbers relevant to the application. The register covers all areas of the province. There is an applicant name index in each register. Note that the volume also includes cancelled or disallowed entries.

This item is volume 2 and covers 1910-1913. Volume 1 is item GR-1069.II.136 and covers 1906-1910.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Indigenous petitions for Reserves sent to Governor Musgrave

  • GR-4213
  • Series
  • 1870

This series consists of several letters and petitions from various First Nations to Governor Musgrave requesting Reserves be formally set aside and surveyed to protect their village sites and cultivated fields from being stolen by settlers. The information on the petitions was recorded by Revered P. Durien in 1870, who then sent them to the Governor. Each petition records each Chief's name and mark.

Each petition includes annotations and comments added by the Governor and other government representatives, as well as draft responses approving the survey of Reserves.

The petitions relate to the following First Nations and village sites in the Fraser Canyon and Harrison River areas: Fort Yale, Tsenes, Tsiam, Stectelen, Showamel, Twaous, Fort Yale, Choualp, Katlatle, Skokem, Skazir, Boston Bar, Spuzzum, Fort Hope, Burrard Inlet, Shely and Larawe [all names have been transcribed exactly from the records].

British Columbia (Colony). Governor (1869-1871 : Musgrave)

Fort Fraser Government Agent land records

  • GR-4200
  • Series
  • 1911-1980

This series consists of records related to land use, management and alienation in the Range IV Coast District, Range V Coast District and the Cariboo Land District. The records date from 1911-1980. The records were created by various government officials stationed in Fort Fraser and Burns Lake.

The series includes subject files and correspondence files with settlers discussing the pre-emption, lease and purchase of specific parcels of land.

Other records include certificates of pre-emption; lists of pre-emptions, crown grants, cancellations, purchases and leases; Cariboo country lands registers; Atlin Townsite land register; Endako townsite land register; registers of pre-emption records; register of purchased land; Fort Fraser hay and pasture lease register; one volume of government agent record of receipts and payments financial records; and one file of Smithers mining recorder correspondence.

British Columbia. Government Agent (Fort Fraser)

Smithers Land Commissioner records

  • GR-4199
  • Series
  • 1877-1979

This series consists of records related to land use, management and alienation in the Coast Range 5, Coast Range 4, Cassiar, and Cariboo Land Districts. The records date from 1877-1979. The records were created by various government officials stationed in the following locations: Cassiar, Hazleton, Omineca, Skeena, and Smithers.

Records include certificates of purchase, agreements of sale, certificates of pre-emption, certificates of improvement, township registers, land registers, lot registers, plan registers, indexes, a register of payments related to Skeena River bank protection in Hazleton, and a register of timber licence applications for the Omineca District dated 1907. There are town lot register and townsite registers for the following towns: Burns Lake, Endako, Engen, Fort Fraser, Fort St. James, Fraser Lake, Hazleton, Houston, Smithers, Telkwa, Topley, and Vanderhoof.

There are two survey systems used in the land registers: the district lot system and the township section system. Township registers are arranged by township, section and quarter section (northwest, southeast, etc.). Country land or lot registers are arranged by lot, group and district. Registers may also be arranged by plan number. The registers record the alienation of land from the Crown by purchase, pre-emption, lease, mineral claims, timber use, etc. Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. Some have related maps and correspondence tucked inside the volumes.

Some of the register volumes are duplicates created as a reference copy for the Hazleton land office. These are indicated in the file list as "duplicate for Hazleton office" when there was such a notation on the inside cover of the volume or "[Hazleton office duplicate?]" when the volume succeeds one with such a notation. The originals and duplicates have the same basic information, but notations added to the volumes at later dates will differ. Entries in the original volumes were added as the land was alienated, so each volume contains various lots or townships of land. The Hazleton duplicates were created with all lots or townships in sequential order, whether or not they were alienated. Thus, a Hazleton volume 1 will contain lots 1 to 605, and volume 2 will continue with lot 606, etc. All registers contain indexes.

The series also includes subject files and correspondence files with settlers discussing the pre-emption, lease and purchase of specific parcels of land, and the CN railway, with the Smithers Government Agent from 1920-1959.

British Columbia. Government Agent (Smithers)

Dominion Land Agent files related to the Peace River Block

  • GR-4173
  • Series
  • 1911-1969

This series consists of records related to the administration, management and alienation of land in the Peace River Block from 1911-1969. The records were primarily created by the Dominion Land Agent stationed in Grand Prairie, Alberta. Later records may have been added to files by the provincial Government Agent or Land Commissioner located in Pouce Coupe. The majority of these records are homestead files created by the Dominion (Canadian) government. These files contain information about homesteaders, their applications and the process of obtaining title to land. Some files may relate to land in Alberta.

Records include: applications for pre-emption, purchase or lease; land classification reports; declarations of occupation and permanent improvement on pre-emption claims; applications for homestead entry, cancellation, and abandonment; homestead Inspector’s reports; affidavits in support of an Application for Entry; land sales records; correspondence with settlers and other government officials; patents; Crown Grants; certificates; forms; maps and plans; financial records including receipts and cheques; court records, such as probates; survey records; notices of sale or cancellation; and sale agreements. Some records may also relate to the use of Crown land for timber or grazing range purposes.

Files may cover a wide time period and may be associated with multiple individuals or companies, as land rights were often transferred to others or cancelled and reapplied for. Only the name of the first individual listed on the file is included in the file list. This means there may be additional names associated with files not included on the file list. The file list may also only include part of the legal description of land in cases where the description was exceptionally long, or included many different pieces of land. Single individuals may also have multiple files for each piece of land they are associated with.

Canada. Dominion Land Agent

Records from the Vernon Government Agent office

  • GR-4172
  • Series
  • 1875-1904

This series consists of various records transferred from the Vernon Government Agent's office. Many of the records were created by predecessor Government Agents who worked in Yale, Osoyoos or other parts of the Okanagan District before an Agent was stationed in Vernon. The majority of the records are tax assessment rolls for the Okanagan District from 1880-1884. Other records include applications for the sale of unsurveyed land and pre-emption records; reference material likely from the sessional papers, including bills; cofferdam contract; and a statement of collectors of revenue; and an indexed register of collected taxes.

British Columbia. Government Agent (Vernon)

Nelson Land Commissioner records

  • GR-4123
  • Series
  • 1892-1980

This series consists of records related to land use, management and alienation in the Nelson, Revelstoke and Kootenay land districts. The records date from 1892-1980. Records include certificates of purchase and various land registers.

There are two survey systems used in the land registers: the district lot system and the township section system. Registers may also be arranged by plan number. The registers record the alienation of land from the Crown by purchase, pre-emption, lease, mineral claims, timber use, etc. Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books.

The series also includes several paper subject files and correspondence files with settlers discussing the pre-emption, lease and purchase of specific parcels of land with Government Agents in Nelson, Kaslo and Revelstoke. Most of these files have "O" file numbers assigned to them.

British Columbia. Government Agent (Nelson)

New Westminster Land Commissioner record books

  • GR-4122
  • Series
  • 1859-1980

This series consists of a variety of bound volumes related to the administration, management and alienation of land in the New Westminster land district from 1858-1980. The records were primarily created by the provincial Government Agent and the Dominion Land Agent stationed in New Westminster. The records have been arranged into the following subseries:

  1. Indexes and maps.

The indexes cover many of the homestead files in GR-4121, by file number and alphabetically by name of the homesteader or licensee. There are two volumes of reference maps for various municipalities, sub-divisions, right-of-ways and townships.

  1. BC government land registers : district lot system

Variations of this system of surveying land were used from 1859 onwards. All of these volumes appear to have been created and maintained by the BC government. The registers list the lots in numerical order and record the alienation of land from the Crown by purchase, pre-emption, lease, mineral claims, timber use, etc. Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. There is an alphabetical name index in most volumes. The registers cover range 1 Coast District, range 4 Coast District, Yale Division Yale District (YDYD) country lands, Texada Island District, Point Grey townsite, Powell River townsite, Hastings townsite, and New Westminster District group 1, group 2 and 3 group 3.

  1. BC government land registers : township system

Variations of this survey system were used from 1873 to approximately 1912. All of these volumes appear to have been created and maintained by the BC government. The land entered in the majority of the volumes was surveyed and made available for settlement in 1873 and 1874. The registers list land in numerical order by Sections within Townships and record the alienation of land from the Crown by purchase, pre-emption, lease, etc. Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. There is an alphabetical name index in most volumes. The registers cover New Westminster District townships 1 to 50 with some townships missing.

  1. Dominion government : general land registers

These volumes were likely created by the Dominion Land Agent. It appears that at least some records were copied from provincial records to determine what land had been alienated before the transfer of the Railway Belt and what Crown land still needed to be managed by the dominion government. The registers, arranged by legal description, indicate the nature of the grant, the number, date of entry, file number, patent approval date, and name of grantee. The registers cover various townships in the New Westminster District and various lots throughout the Hope district, Yale district, Kamloops district, town of Hope, town of Yale, and Boston Bar.

  1. Lease registers

These volumes were created in the New Westminster government agent's office. They record leases for a variety of purposes including: quarry, campsite, booming ground, agriculture, foreshore, forestry, and grazing. Many volumes are indexed and may include file numbers linking to GR-4121.

  1. Pre-emption records

These records were created by the BC government. Pre-emption was a system of obtaining title to unsurveyed land (similar to the Dominion "homesteading" system) which occurred until 1970. Individuals could purchase land which had not been fully surveyed. However, grants to these lands were not issued until the applicant had made specified improvements, passed inspections, satisfied residency requirements, and had the lands fully surveyed. Records include certificates of improvement for the Vancouver Divisions of the New Westminster District and Coast District; certificates of pre-emption for the New Westminster District and Vancouver Division; and registers of pre-emption records.

  1. Land purchase records

These records were created by the BC government. Once land was surveyed, it could be purchased outright instead of being pre-empted. These records include certificates of purchase for the New Westminster District.

  1. Mining records

The majority of these records were created by BC Government Agents, Gold Commissioners or Mining Recorders. Records include mineral claim minute books, records of conveyances, bills of sale, applications for mineral lands and petroleum and natural gas leases, and coal applications. Records are from the New Westminster District, Hope and Yale. Most volumes include an alphabetical index and some may include references to file numbers in GR-4121.

  1. Range and timber records

These records were created by the dominion and BC governments. Records include range leases, grazing leases and information on timber berths.

  1. Water licence applications

These records are water licence applications created by the BC government.

  1. Cancellation records

Cancellation registers created by the BC and Dominion governments. Some volumes include alphabetical indexes and have file numbers related to GR-4121.

  1. Financial records

Various financial records created by the Dominion government and BC Government Agents. Records include Dominion crown timber financial statements; form J (cash books) created by Government Agents documenting their expenses and fee collection, such as the sale of marriage licences; and a land revenue return of payments from the central Victoria land office.

  1. Other land administration records

Includes dominion created applications for patents and homestead inspectors instructions, as well as BC Government Agent books recording lands resumed under Soldier’s Homestead Act, Crown granted mineral claims which have reverted to the Crown for non-payment of taxes, and surveyed lands open for use.

British Columbia. Government Agent (New Westminster)

New Westminster Land Commissioner files

  • GR-4121
  • Series
  • 1882-1978

This series consists of records related to the administration, management and alienation of land in the New Westminster land district from 1882-1978. The records were primarily created by the provincial Government Agent and the Dominion Land Agent stationed in New Westminster. The majority of these records are homestead files created by the dominion government. These files contain information about homesteaders, their applications and the process of obtaining title to land.

Record types and subject matter include, but are not limited to: land alienation through pre-emption or purchase from the provincial government and homesteading or purchase from the federal government; a variety of leases of Crown land; other general subject files; and records regarding Indigenous Peoples or Indian Reserves.

Records related to land alienation include: applications for pre-emption, purchase or lease; land classification reports; forms completed by land inspectors of the Department of Lands Inspection Branch; declarations of occupation and permanent improvement on pre-emption claims; applications for homestead entry, cancellation, and abandonment; homestead Inspector’s reports; affidavits in support of an Application for Entry; land sales records; correspondence with settlers and other government officials; patents; Crown Grants; certificates; forms; maps and plans; financial records including receipts and cheques; court records, such as probates; survey records; notices of sale or cancellation; and sale agreements.

Records related to leases and other uses of Crown land include: grazing leases; foreshore leases; dredging leases; special use permits; timber permits; timber berths; water licenses; applications for dyking schemes; campsite leases; oyster bed leases; right-of-ways (ROWs) through land for railways, roads, powerlines or pipelines; petroleum and natural gas leases; quarry leases; bar leases; coal leases; mining leases; and mineral claims. Other uses include government reserves, the establishment of parks, and the reservation of land for school sites or other public uses.

Other more general subject files include: inquiries about land availability; preliminary plans and correspondence for the survey and sale of townsites; Soldier Settlement Board records including forms, correspondence and records of soldier land grants; correspondence files on specific topics such as canal construction, the reclamation of Hatzic Lake, the draining of Sumas Lake and the establishment of fish culture and fish hatcheries; and business records of the office, including inter-department correspondence, circulars, and memorandum related to matters of land administration.

Files also exist for specific Indian Reserves, and can include correspondence; water records; surveys; and inspection reports created in the process of allotting new, and canceling or amending existing Indian Reserves. Some files document instances of overlapping land use and conflict between settlers and Indigenous peoples on specific parcels of land.

Files are generally either correspondence files on a particular subject, or a variety of records related to a particular piece of land. Many files cover a wide time period and may be associated with multiple individuals or companies, as land rights were often transferred to others or cancelled and reapplied for.

Only the name of the first individual listed on the file is included in the file list. This means there may be additional names associated with files not included on the file list. The file list may also only include part of the legal description of land in cases where the description was exceptionally long, or included many different pieces of land. Single individuals may also have multiple files for each piece of land they are associated with.

The series also includes some files related to land in the Yale Division and Kamloops Division of the Yale Land District; as well as the Lillooet Land District. These records were created in the offices of the Kamloops and Clinton Government Agents, but at some point became intermingled with the New Westminster records.

Maps, plans and sketches indicating the parcels of land relevant to the file are commonly found throughout the records.

British Columbia. Government Agent (New Westminster)

Photograph album

  • GR-3580
  • Series
  • 1919- [ca. 1922]

The series consists of a photograph album created between 1919 and ca. 1922 by the Land Settlement Board. The album contains 166 black and white photographs which depict various agricultural development areas and drainage and dyking projects.

The first 10 photographs in the album are 8 x 10 prints taken by Leonard Frank which show dredging activities. The last 10 photographs in the album are duplicates of these. These photographs are numbered with Leonard Frank's own negative number scheme and have his embossed imprint.

The rest of the album is divided up into districts and projects and most have identifying captions. The districts and projects are as follows:
Bulkley Valley and Francois Lake - 42 photographs (including 1 loose photograph which may be unconnected)
Nechako Valley - 18 photographs
Prince George district - 13 photographs
Merville development area - 21 photographs
Creston development area - 13 photographs
Kootenay flats - 3 photographs
Fernie area - 2 photographs
Cranbrook Slough drainage project - 3 photographs (1 panorama made of 2 prints)
Sumas dyking project - 31 photographs

Some of the photographs have come away from the album and have further identification on the back.

British Columbia. Land Settlement Board

Crown land auctioneers agreements

  • GR-3140
  • Series
  • 1899-1914

Auctioneer agreements with private persons concerning the purchase of Crown lands at Atlin, Hastings, Hedley, Kootenay Valley, Lockhart Beach, McBride, New Westminster District, Point Grey, Quesnel and Tulameen. Each agreement is recorded on a form with location, date, purchaser, price, etc. Many agreements have various attachments such as receipts and correspondence. Microfilm (neg.) 1899-1914 16 mm (1 reel) [B14434] The series consists of auctioneers' agreements with private persons concerning the purchase at auction of Crown lands at town sites in Atlin, Hastings, Hedley, Kootenay Valley, Lockhart Beach, McBride, New Westminster District (lot 2027), Point Grey, Quesnel, and Tulameen. The records are arranged according to auction site and date, and then by registration number. Registrations of the land sale transactions usually occurred on the auction date or in the subsequent few days, but some were recorded up to four years afterwards. All extant records in the series previously held by Crown Land Registry Services have been transferred to the Archives. Series title based on contents of series. Also known as auctioneers' agreements. Microfilmed in 2000 by the Genealogical Society of Utah. Records were removed from bound volumes when microfilmed. For the original bound arrangement of the records, see Original Bound Volumes List below.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Crown land grants

  • GR-3139
  • Series
  • 1851-1878

The Crown land grants in this series have been recorded in registers covering particular districts or towns. Those registered after 1869 overlap with a centrally registered series of Crown land grants (GR-3097,1869-1930). Included in this series is an indexed volume of Hudson's Bay Company deeds to lands on southern Vancouver Island granted between 1851 and 1858.

Records from 1860-1878 have been indexed in the Historic Crown Grants database ( Unlike the records in GR-3097, no volume or grant number is provided, only a reel number.

Crown land grants in this series are documented with a land grant registration form and, in many cases, related records. Most of the forms originally consisted of "a" and "b" parts; the latter was given to the grantee, and the former (a long, narrow "counterfoil" ) was kept by the government. These counterfoil records describe the sale or transfer of specific parcels of Crown land; some also describe the terms and conditions governing these transactions. Some counterfoils contain very little information. Registration forms generally document the following: registration number; grantee name; location, acreage, and lot number of the land; and the amount paid. Registration dates are in most cases distinguished on the forms from the dates land was initially acquired; this reflects the fact that purchase of land may not have been finalized until months or years afterwards, when all required improvements had been made. In rare cases, no registration or acquisition date is recorded. Attachments (usually glued to the relevant counterfoil) include sketches of land, applications for Crown grants, receipts, certificates of purchase and title, conveyances recording sale of granted land to other persons, state of title forms, court documents, and related correspondence and other documentation.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Crown land grants

  • GR-3097
  • Series
  • 1869-1930

This series consists of crown land grant files for BC crown land grants issued from December 1869 - when all such grants have been centrally registered, regardless of location or type - to 1930. They are arranged by volume and registration number. Earlier registrations, organized by district or town and not centrally indexed, are found in GR-3139.

Crown land grants are issued when land owned by the government is conveyed to private persons and organizations under the authority of the senior official responsible for Crown lands.

Several different types of grants are inter-filed in the Crown land grant series. Under a process known as "pre-emption" (which continued until 1970) individuals could purchase land which had not been fully surveyed. However, grants to these lands were not issued until the applicant had made specified improvements, satisfied residency requirements, and had the lands fully surveyed. Other types of grants have included those for the purposes of mineral claims, town lots, mill sites, schools, returning soldiers' homesteads, and railway rights-of-way.

Each Crown land grant is documented in this series with a land grant registration form and related records. These records describe the sale or transfer of specific parcels of Crown land and the terms and conditions governing these transactions. During the period covered by these records, each registration form documents the following: registration number; grantee name; location, acreage, and lot number of the land; and the amount paid. Attachments include sketches of land lots, applications for Crown grants, receipts for land and fees, certificates of purchase, and related documentation.

Alphabetical indexes for these files are found in GR-3096. An online index, albeit incomplete, is available at:

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Crown land grant indexes

  • GR-3096
  • Series
  • 1869-1930

Indexes to and registers of colonial and provincial crown land grants. Excludes crown land grants (letters patent) issued by the federal government for the Railway Belt and Peace River Block lands, 1885-1930. See GR-0436 for more information about Dominion land grants.

While crown land grants were issued from 1857 on, no comprehensive indexes were compiled before 1869. Copies of the crown grants and related documents can be found in GR-3097 and GR-3139. The indexes are recorded in bound volumes, each containing an alphabetical index to one or more annual volumes of crown land grant registers. The arrangement and content of the indexes has evolved over time.

From 1869 until 1912, each index volume consists of two sections. The first section is an alphabetical listing of surnames of grantees and of lots (in cases where a lot was given a name, for example "Copper King" ), with corresponding lot registration numbers. The second section, arranged by registration number, records additional information used for tracking the crown grant registration process. From 1869 until 1901, each index volume spans two or more years of grants. From 1902 onward, each index volume corresponds to one calendar year of registrations. Starting in 1908 (overlapping with the earlier indexing system for five years), a new indexing system was implemented and at first entitled "General Index to Crown Grants." These indexes consist of only one section, organized alphabetically by the first letter of the grantee's surname. Within each letter section, grants are recorded in order by date of registration. The first volume of the General Index includes grantees from 1908 to 1911; the second volume covers 1912. From 1913 on, when the first indexing system was discontinued, each index volume corresponds to a calendar year of registrations.

The following information is recorded in the indexes: district name, grant number and name, grantee name, amount charged for the grant, date of the grant, surveyed designation, acreage, how the land was acquired (including the method of purchase, such as at auction or by pre-emption, or the type of grant, such as mineral claim or returning soldier homestead) assessment district, surveyed designation, and location. An online index to crown grants issued between 1860 and 1930 is available at Note that the online index is incomplete.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands and Works

Correspondence outward

  • GR-2900
  • Series
  • 1859-1872

Correspondence outward (original letter-book copies), 1859-1871. 12 volumes. The series consists of letter book copies of general correspondence, correspondence to Governor and Colonial Secetary, and correspondence to the Treasury. (The series also contains, in vols. 6 and 10, some letters produced by the Provincial Dept. of Lands and Works, 1871-1872).

Volumes 1-6 are general letter books, Volumes 7 to 11 are Governors' letter books and Volume 12 is correspondence outward to Treasury.

British Columbia (Colony). Lands and Works Dept.

Similkameen Division of Yale Land District subdivision registers

  • GR-2645
  • Series
  • 1921-1923

This series consists of two Similkameen Division of Yale Land District town lot subdivision registers of District Lot 2450S, Block B and Block A, lots 1-271F, and 280-348. The records relate to irrigated lands in the southern Okanagan. Earliest entries from 1921 and bother volumes were superseded in 1923 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1923).

The records are arranged numerically, and record the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase etc.), within the Southern Okanagan Irrigation Project at Oliver (B.C.) Information may include the name of purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates (including Crown Grant), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files, and water agreements, There is an alphabetical name index in each volume.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Similkameen Division of Yale Land District subdivision lot register

  • GR-2644
  • Series
  • 1912-1928

This series consists of a Similkameen Division of Yale Land District subdivision lot register for lots 1-4 of District Lot 2708. Earliest entries from 1312 and the volume was cancelled in 1928. The records are arranged numerically and record the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, lease, etc.). Information may include name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued, dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. The volume contains an alphabetical name index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Similkameen Division of Yale Land District land registers

  • GR-2643
  • Series
  • 1861-1932

This series consists of Similkameen Division of Yale Land District lot registers for lots 1- 4016. The earliest entries date from 1861 and all volumes were superceded by 1932 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1932). The registers list lots in numerical order and record the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, lease, etc.). Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. There is an alphabetical name index in each volume.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Osoyoos Division of Yale Land District Township registers

  • GR-2642
  • Series
  • 1885-1920

This series consists of Osoyoos Division of Yale Land District Township registers for Townships 46-95. Earliest entries date from 1885 and all volumes were superseded by 1920 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1920). Original volume numbers 12 and 14 are missing.

The land is listed numerically by Sections and Townships, and records the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, lease, etc.). Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. There is an alphabetical name index in each volume.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Osoyoos Division of Yale Land District land registers

  • GR-2641
  • Series
  • 1860-1932

This series consists of Osoyoos Division of Yale Land District lot registers for lots 1-5032. Earliest entries date from 1860 and the volumes were all superseded by 1932 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1932).

The registers list lots in numerical order and record the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, lease, etc.). Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. There is an alphabetical name index in each volume.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Kamloops Division of Yale Land District lot register

  • GR-2640
  • Series
  • 1865-1938

This series consists of a Kamloops Division of Yale Land District lot register for lots 981-1768. Earliest entries date from 1865 and the volume was superseded by 1938 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1938). The register lists lots In numerical order, and records the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, lease, etc.): information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and references numbers to correspondence files and field books. The volume contains an alphabetical name index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Yale Division of Yale Land District land register

  • GR-2639
  • Series
  • 1860-1947

This series consists of a Yale Division of Yale Land District lot register for lots 1-728. Earliest entries date to 1860 and the volume was superseded by 1947 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1947). The register lists lots in numerical order and records the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, lease, etc.). Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. The volume contains an alphabetical name index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Hope townsite lot register

  • GR-2638
  • Series
  • 1859-1862

This series consists of Yale Division of Yale Land District subdivision lot registers for the Hope townsite from 1859-1862. The records are arranged numerically by block and lot number and record the alienation of land from the Crown by purchase. Information may include name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued, and dates and amounts of payments.

British Columbia (Colony). Lands and Works Dept.

Sayward Land District township register

  • GR-2637
  • Series
  • 1884-1948

This series consists of a Sayward Land District Township register for townships. 3, 6, and part of 7 on Vancouver Island. Earliest entries date from 1884 and the volume was superseded by 1948 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1948).

The land is listed numerically by Sections within Townships, and records the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, lease, etc.). Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants) dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. The volume contains an alphabetical name index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Sayward Land District land register

  • GR-2636
  • Series
  • 1882-1915

This series consists of a Sayward Land District land register for lots 1-843 on Vancouver Island. This register is a summary of pertinent land information from 1882-1915. The register lists lots in numerical order, and records the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, lease, etc.). Information may include the name of the purchaser, lease number, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. Hernando Island and Cortez Island each have their own pages. No index is available.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Sayward Land District lot register

  • GR-2635
  • Series
  • 1882-1942

This series consists of a Sayward Land District lot register for lots 1-612 on Vancouver Island. Earliest entries date from 1882 and the volume was superseded in 1945 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1945).

The register lists lots in numerical order and records the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, lease, etc.). Information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. The volume contains an alphabetical name index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Nelson Land District land register

  • GR-2634
  • Series
  • 1871-1931

This series consists of a Nelson Land District land register for Sections 1-6A, Lots 7-40G, and lot 50 on Vancouver Island. Earliest entries date from 1871 and the volume was superseded by 1931 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1931).

The registers list land In numerical order, and record the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, lease, etc.): information may include the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. The volume contains an alphabetical name index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

Goldstream and Highland District land register

  • GR-2633
  • Series
  • 1859-1930

This series consists of one land register for the Goldstream Land District and Highland Land District on Vancouver Island. Records cover Section XXIII, Rows 1-26, and R I W Section I to R III W, Section 26, (Goldstream), and R IV W, Sections 1-23, and Sections 1-94, in two sub volumes of the Highland (V.I.). Earliest entries date from 1859 and the volume was superseded by 1930 (i.e. no further entries were made after 1930).

The land is listed in numerical order and records the alienation of land from the Crown (by purchase, pre-emption, lease, etc.). Information may include, the name of the purchaser, dates and numbers of certificates issued (including Crown Grants), dates and amounts of payments, and reference numbers to correspondence files and field books. The volume includes an alphabetical index.

British Columbia. Dept. of Lands

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