- PDP10348
- Item
- 2020
The item is a painting by amateur artist Rhonda McKone that was created in 2020.
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The item is a painting by amateur artist Rhonda McKone that was created in 2020.
A toddler on the grass behind the school at Houston.
[Mountain pine beetle control project, Smithers/Houston]
Part of Forest Service films
Stock shots. Aerial footage of beetle-killed forest, selectively logged areas and chipper mill site. Logging scenes, including shots of skidder, tree snippers, falling trees, front-end loader, loading of logging truck, etc. Shots of infested logs. Arriving at mills, some of the (affected logs) are chipped; other are debarked and milled into railway ties. More shots of infested logs and dead trees.
Premier Bennett campaign -- forestry tour
The item consists of two reels of original film footage from 1969. It shows Premier W.A.C. Bennett at the opening of the Cowichan Valley Forest Museum in Duncan, 17 May 1969; at Prince Rupert [ferry terminal?], 19 May; visiting the Terrace & District Hospital, Terrace Municipal Hall, and B.C. Vocational School, 21 May; and laying the cornerstone for the new Bulkley Valley Forest Industries Ltd. lumber mill at Houston, 22 May. R.G. Williston, H.R. MacMillan & Waldo Skillings also appear.
Prince Rupert Forest District wild fire mapping records
This series consists of wildfire mapping records including fire atlas maps and fire reports from the Prince Rupert Forest District. The records date from 1921-1980. Collectively these records provide a comprehensive image of the amount and extent of forest fires in the area.
The Prince Rupert Forest District was divided into smaller Ranger Districts. These Ranger Districts changed over the years, but included: Burns Lake, Hazleton, Terrace, Prince Rupert, Kitwanga, Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), Ocean Falls, Francois Lake, Smithers, Telkwa, Houston, Pendleton Bay, Kitimat, Lower Post, Topley, Bella Coola, Southbank, Telegraph Creek and Atlin.
Annual fire reports are oversized handwritten tables that provide detailed information on individual fires for the years 1921-1967. The tables list: name of the fire; name of officer in charge; date; district fire number; fire origin; cost of fighting and source of funds; area burned; total area of damage done; amount of merchantable and unmerchantable timber burned; amount of range land burned; amount of property or other damage caused; and the cause of the fire. Possible causes include lightening, recreational activities, railroad clearing, smokers, brush or range burning, construction, industrial activities, incendiaries, miscellaneous known causes and unknown causes. The pages are arranged by year, with one page used per Ranger District. Each year includes a summary sheet with the totals for all Ranger Districts.
Fire atlas maps and overlays show the location and type of fires, as well as the extent of some burned areas. The majority of the maps are forest cover maps which have been annotated or had overlays added with this additional information. Many of the maps have been cut to fit in the bound volume they were originally stored in. This can make it difficult to determine the precise year the maps were created and annotated.
The series also includes one scrapbook of newspaper clippings related to forest fires, fire protection and firefighting for the years 1988-1991. This item was created by the successor of the Prince Rupert Forest District, the Prince Rupert Forest Region.
Ministries responsible for the creation of this series, and their dates of the responsibility, are:
Dept. of Lands (1908-1945)
Dept. of Lands and Forests (1945-1962)
Dept. of Lands, Forests and Water Resources (1962-1975)
Dept. of Forests 1975-1976
Ministry of Forests 1976-1986
Ministry of Forests and Lands 1986-1988
Ministry of Forests 1988-2005
British Columbia. Prince Rupert Forest District
Joe Allan and Louis Mero interview
Part of Imbert Orchard fonds
SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Joe Allan and Louis Mero : reminiscences of Houston, ca.1911 and the Hazelton area, 1903-1914 PERIOD COVERED: 1903-1914 RECORDED: Hazelton (B.C.), 1961-07-12 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Joe Allan begins this tape by reciting a poem, "Early Days of Ootsa Lake" by Mike Touhy, and a poem by Florence Allan. He speaks about the beginning of the town of Houston and early memories (1911-1914). Lou Mero recalls coming from Calgary (1903), prospecting in the Ingenika River area (1903-1908), the Hazelton area (1908), freighting, steamboats, the 1909 Indian "uprising", stories of George Birnes, the Groundhog coal mine, the packer Cataline (Jean Caux / John Cox) and Cayuse Jack (Jack Graham). TRACK 2: Lou Mero continues with recollections about Wiggs O'Neill.
Elmirdo Bellicini and George Ogston interview
Part of Imbert Orchard fonds
CALL NUMBER: T1228:0001 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Elmirdo Bellicini recalls coming to Houston, 1908 ; George Ogston remembers Hazelton and Vanderhoof PERIOD COVERED: 1903-1914 RECORDED: Vanderhoof (B.C.), [196-?] SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Elmirdo Bellicini begins this interview speaking about his early life in Italy, his coming to Houston (via the U.S.) in 1908, incidents and work during his boat trip and his land trek to Hazelton, coming to Houston (1908), John Houston and the establishment of Houston, early Houston residents and a comparison of Canada and Italy. George Ogston of Vanderhoof, the second interviewee, speaks; about coming to Hazelton from Scotland as a Hudson's Bay Company apprentice (1903), the Hazelton fur trade, currency, Indian villages and tribes, types of furs and a description of the trading post. He continued his work at the Hudson's Bay posts at Babine, Fort St. James and Fort Fraser and later moved to Vanderhoof (1914). TRACK 2: George Ogston, owner of a real estate business, provides his ;views on the future of Vanderhoof and agriculture in the area. He recalls his five year apprentice contract and pay scale with the Hudson's Bay Company. More details about the scheme for a home for retired writers and editors started by Herbert Vanderhoof and supported by the National Editorial Association of America are provided.;
CALL NUMBER: T1228:0002 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Elmirdo Bellicini recalls coming to Houston in 1908 PERIOD COVERED: 1908-1908 RECORDED: Vanderhoof (B.C.), [196-?] SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Elmirdo Bellicini speaks about coming into the Bulkley Valley on the Grand Trunk Pacific riverboat, hiring on as a deckhand on a steamer to Hazelton, a land trek to Hazelton and finally settling in Houston (1908). (This track seems to be another version of Mr. Bellicini's recollections previously heard on T1228:0001 (track 1). ( Note: a segment from CFPR Prince Rupert's "Good Morning Radio" remains at the end of this tape; presumably the interview was recorded over the first part of the program.)
Women's Institute. Houston Women's Institute, est. 1946.
Part of Houston Women's Institute fonds
Minute books.
Presented by the Houston Women's Institute, 1976.
Houston Women's Institute
Houston : new pulp mill; Bulkley Valley
Part of Telefilm Services Limited fonds
The item consists of two cores of footage created between 1964 and 1966
SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): French Canadians in Terrace, B.C. : a faller's experiences PERIOD COVERED: 1946-1977 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977-07-07 SUMMARY: Robert J. Gagnon (faller) was born in Rimouski, Quebec on December 4, 1920. Came to B.C. in 1946. Worked in the woods in Houston. Skidding with horse in Telkwa. In 1953 sawmilling in Smithers, Driftwood Camp. Spring of 1954 came to Terrace, and an earlier visit to Terrace by car during the winter of 1949. Learning English. Working on power line between Kemano and Kitimat in 1952, wages and working conditions. Falling on contract for Columbia Cellulose, "piece work" basis in the North Kalum area before Nass Camp opened up. Mishaps. Equipment used in the woods. Changing to "day rate" for falling. Upkeep of equipment, weather conditions. Attitude. Description of supervisory job (1977). Arrival of wife, living conditions at Blue Gables. Adjustment to Terrace. Purchase on new home on Scott Street (1961).
Bulkley River Lumber (first mill in Houston, owner, Harry Hagman)
Part of Lou J. Englehart fonds
Stanley Spruce Mills, (owner, Bob West)
Part of Lou J. Englehart fonds
Jim Nielsen : [press conferences, etc., 1977]
Part of BC Radio News collection
CALL NUMBER: T1019:0001 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Comments on alleged political blacklist RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977-02-02 SUMMARY: Comments by Environment Minister James Nielsen on an alleged "political blacklist" in his ministry, 2 February 1977. CALL NUMBER: T1019:0002 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Jim Nielsen on pipeline dangers and Greenbelt Act changes RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977-03-01 & 25 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Environment Minister Jim Nielsen expresses concern about the environmental problems of oil pipelines in British Columbia, 1 March 1977. TRACK 2: Nielsen discusses proposed changes to the Greenbelt Act, 25 March 1977. CALL NUMBER: T1019:0003 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Jim Nielsen on Houston sawmill and milfoil weed in Okanagan Lake RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Environment Minister Jim Nielsen comments on the decision by the Land Commission to allow the construction of a sawmill at Houston, 1977. TRACK 2: Nielsen comments on the report of the committee investigating the Eurasian milfoil weed problem in Okanagan Lake, 4 April 1977. CALL NUMBER: T1019:0004 SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Jim Nielsen on Skagit Valley, Okanagan Lake weeds, and oil spills RECORDED: [location unknown], 1977-05-30 & 1977-06-06 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Environment Minister Jim Nielsen says that the resolution of the Skagit Valley controversy may be years away, 30 May 1977. TRACK 2: Nielsen outlines plans for 2,4-D control of Eurasian milfoil weeds in the Okanagan Lakes. Also, Nielsen says he doesn't like the idea of Cherry Point (Washington) as a major oil shipping terminal, 6 June 1977.