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Fraser Valley district (B.C.)
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Ed Smith interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964-03-16 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Smith discusses his work for railroad companies starting in the U.S. and later for the BC Electric for thirty-six years on the Chilliwack line. He talks about the rolling stock; the freight business; lumber products; farm produce; milk-train operation; train incidents; the rail route; descriptions of areas along the route; day and night operation; hours and pay; and company officials. TRACK 2: Mr. Smith continues with his discussion about the railway; the reduction of the passenger service; duties of the conductor; company officials; passenger train crew; skills of the motorman; cattle on the line; incidents; trainmen's jargon; collisions; coaches; incidents along the line; signals; weather conditions.

Constance Cruikshank interview

CALL NUMBER: T0436:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-03-12 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Miss Cruickshank recounts the arrival of the John Maclure family at Matsqui, 1868; Maclure family stories and incidents; C.B. Sword; the dyke at Matsqui; other settlers; Maclure family telegraph work; Sam Maclure; Sarah Maclure; Clayburn Brickworks; Maclure family stories. TRACK 2: Miss Cruickshank continues with her recollections of the Maclure family and Matsqui; other settlers; Indians; the Cruickshank family; subdivision and development; geography of the area; social life; the Women's Institute; the Maple Grove Dairy Company; remittance men; transportation; railways; roads; and; Abbotsford.

CALL NUMBER: T0436:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-03-12 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Miss Cruickshank discusses the naming of Abbotsford; the Purver family; doctors; lumbering at Abbotsford; the Hartnell family; lumber mills; railways; social life; BC Electric; and settlers. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Lillian and W.G. Fadden and Rita Starr : interview

CALL NUMBER: T0706:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-04-01 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mrs. Fadden recalls the store at Whonnock owned by her father [L.C. York]; Bill Miner; the settlement at Whonnock. Mr. Fadden recounts his father's arrival in Sumas in 1885; family history; floods of 1894; the lynching of "Indian Louie" [i.e., Louie Sam]; the family farm; Sumas Lake; first settlers; Fraser York; mosquitoes; early memories. TRACK 2: Mr. Fadden continues with childhood ;memories and pranks. Mrs. Rita Starr [Winford's sister, Mary Marguerite Fadden] reads from her mother's diary relating to the flood of 1894, household entries, and day-to-day events. Mrs. Starr recounts her own memories of the flood; saving the farm animals; life during the flood; swimming; picnics; Sumas Lake; school days; social activities; Tommy York; early settlers.;

CALL NUMBER: T0706:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-04-01 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mrs. Starr continues with stories about local characters; Sumas Indians; farm life. Mr. Fadden talks about BC Electric; shipping farm produce; dyking Sumas Lake; land tax; shipping milk; Nooksack, Lyden and Sumas [rivers?]. Mrs. Starr reads from her mother's diary on the subject of Abbotsford; the old man in the stump; Freeman; the naming of Abbotsford. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Alfred Hawkins interview

CALL NUMBER: T0712:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-04-01 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Hawkins recounts the arrival of his father [Albert Hawkins] in BC with the Royal Engineers in 1859; settlement in Matsqui with a crown and military grant; stories about Judge Begbie; the family farm; other incidents; wild animals; early settlers C.B. Sword, Maclure, Lehman, McCullum, Cruickshank, Nicholson and Merryfield; his father's adventures; the 1894 flood; the Maclure family.; TRACK 2: Mr. Hawkins continues with his recollections of the Maclure family; other settlers; Matsqui dykes and dams; floods; settlement of Matsqui; the BC Electric Railway; descriptions and stories; about the sternwheelers on the river; anecdotes about the post office.

CALL NUMBER: T0712:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-04-01 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Hawkins continues with stories about local characters, socials, life on the farm, picnics, amateur theatricals; and an anecdote about Vancouver Island. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Nellie Patriquin interview

CALL NUMBER: T0438:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-04-05 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Nell Patriquin recounts her father coming to Chilliwack to join his brother, John Ryder. She describes her aunt, Mrs. Harrison, who owned the Harrison House Hotel; the hotel accommodation; notable guests; grounds; meals. She talks about local settlers in the area, "Sheep MacDonald" and Bob Menton; Minto; Mrs. Harrison's relations with the Indians; Volkert Vedder; Adam Vedder; Five Corners; Henderson's Store; bartering; Centreville; and St. Thomas Anglican Church. TRACK 2: Mrs. Patriquin recounts the story of her uncle, John Ryder, coming to the area with the Hudson's Bay Company and his initial settlement in Cheam, ca. 1862; the Ryder Lake District. She describes her uncle John Ryder; her father, Corry Spencer Ryder, settlng in the Cheam District in 1873; the family log cabin; cougars; the 1894 flood; childhood memories; schooling; Mrs. Jean Templar.

CALL NUMBER: T0438:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-04-05 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mrs. Patriquin talks about the move of St. Thomas Anglican Church from Port Douglas to the Chilliwack location in the 1870s; Dr. J.C. Henderson, his life and practice; the Indians' performance of passion plays; the seven stations of the Cross; the community of Popkum; fire in the family home; politics. TRACK 2: On this short tape (ca. 3 min), Mrs. Patriquin relates a childhood experience riding to school on "Old Nellie".

Kate Mellard interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-03-15 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mrs. Kate Mellard recalls coming to Chilliwack with her family in 1887; family members in the area; transportation; George Ashwell; the Old Yale Road; Centreville; her husband's work in the post office; hotels; the telegraph trail; anecdotes of life in Chilliwack. TRACK 2: She continues with her recollections about the community of Chilliwack; stores; childhood pranks; entertainment; interesting characters; her husband's work as justice of the peace; schooling; 24 May 1897; Five Corners; hotels; early residents.

Mrs. Albert Cooper interview

CALL NUMBER: T0732:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964-06-03 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mrs. Albert Cooper talks about her early life and schooling at Coqualeetza in the 1890s; describes conditions at the school; Mr. and Mrs. Tate; school experiences; the flood of 1894; life an;d religion at the school. She discusses legends and native people around Chilliwack Lake. TRACK 2: Mrs. Albert Cooper talks about native people and the first settlers; churches; Captain John; India;n houses; the Coqualeetza School; the incident about the Reverend Tate and the hidden masks; Methodist revival meetings; teachings and fear of hell-fire; changes in native people and loss of their language.;

CALL NUMBER: T0732:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964-06-03 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mrs. Albert Cooper recalls Chief Captain John, a preacher; Billy Supass, a translator for the minister; visitors to Coqualeetza; Chilliwack roads and canals; Vedder River; her grandmother, a Sto:lo Indian; place names. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Engmand A. Iverson interview

CALL NUMBER: T0445:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Iverson recalls his work on the Sumas Lake dredging project and the King Edward Dredge. He talks about his family; his Norwegian father; his early life; his father's work as a fisherman; arriving at Sunbury in 1901; riverboats; living in scow houses; Collingwood; Tronjeim (Little Norway); Norwegian fishermen. TRACK 2: Mr. Iverson continues discussing the community of Norwegian fishermen; Mr. George Mackie; other ethnic groups in the area; Chinese workers in the canneries; canneries along the lower Fraser River; methods of fishing; Easthope brothers engines; setting nets.

CALL NUMBER: T0445:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Iverson discusses gillnetting and seining methods; Steveston; canneries; Annieville; selling fish; contracts with canneries; fish runs of 1913; salmon prices; nets. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Harry Weaver interview

CALL NUMBER: T1657:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-05-02 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Weaver recounts his parents' arrival in Vancouver from Cheshire; England in 1887; his grandfather [Woodward] was already living in BC; his family later moved to Delta in 1894. He discuss;es early life on the family farm; schooling; game; draining and preparation of the land; mud shoes for the horses; ploughing; soil conditions; drinking water; crops; Brackman and Ker; transportation; ;roads; schooling; other settlers; the McKee family; farm produce; West Delta settlement; flooding and dyking. TRACK 2 Mr. Weaver continues his discussion about the dredging operation; the Oliver Slough; the Great Northern Railway; Old Man Morgan; recollections of John Oliver; fish trapping; picnics at Blackie's Spit; Frank Burns; early settlers; Old Man Morgan; John Woodward; logging in the area.

CALL NUMBER: T1657:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-05-02 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Weaver talks about the roads in the area; weather conditions; mosquitoes; Butler's Corner; Tom Ladner's property; threshing work; [pause]; local incidents. [TRACK 2: blank.]

William McClughan interview

CALL NUMBER: T0755:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-02-19 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Bill McClughan relates some amusing early incidents from Langley; family history about his father, Samuel McClughan, who came from Ireland to Ontario, then Fort Langley in 1877; life of earl;y settlers; clearing land; the log cabin; homesteading; hunting; fishing; crops; fruit; steamboat travel. TRACK 2: Bill McClughan continues with recollections about steamboat travel; childhood memories; schooling; chores; driving oxen; clothing; churches and preachers; Reverend Bell; Reverend Dunn; peddlers and stores; description of Port Kells; Barnston Island; interesting characters.;

CALL NUMBER: T0755:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-02-19 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Bill McClughan continues with stories about interesting characters; MacLartey; the Chinese labourer on the farm; the BC Electric Railway and surveying for the line; agricultural land and soil; conditions in Langley. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Olivia Cade interview

CALL NUMBER: T0761:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964-06-01 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mrs. Cade, nee Yeomans, recounts her family's coming to Deroche in 1890; their arrival in New Westminster; construction of the family home; the murder of Mr. O'Shea in 1891; floods; church; ;Reverend Lovering; Nicomen Island; Sam MacDonald; Joe Deroche. TRACK 2: Mrs. Cade continues with recollections of Deroche; entertainment; settlement; incidents from her childhood; other settlers; Felix Parent; the Deroche family; childhood at Nicomen; Indians; Sam MacDonald.

CALL NUMBER: T0761:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964-06-01 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mrs. Cade continues with recollections of Sam MacDonald; Joe Deroche; Indians; Mission circa 1900; Italians; Silverdale; the Cade family; the first telephone at Mission; Japanese farmers. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Ben and Emelia Stevenson interview

RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-02-18 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Stevenson talks about coming to Elgin in 1888 from the Orkney Islands; clearing the farm; dyking and draining the land; early Elgin; logging camps; early settlers; early crops; Brackman and Ker; shipping produce; the hotel in Elgin and Crescent Beach, known as Blackie's Spit. Mrs. Stevenson talks about her father, Isaac Johnston; early New Westminster; the New Westminster market; family life; farms; the family potato factory; early Elgin; W. Kaye Lamb; early residents; Peter Bain; Ladner; John Oliver. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Guy and Lucy Richardson interview

CALL NUMBER: T0768:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-02-08 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Guy Richardson recounts his parents' early life in Iowa and Tacoma in 1881; his father-in-law, the Reverend Bell, coming to Ladner in 1881, and later Surrey Centre; his mother-in-law's arrival; his parents' friendship with the Bell family; the Richardson family settling in Surrey Centre in 1887; building of the church in 1884; logging; early family life; the family's teaming business; railways; the 1912 fire; the family's logging operation and mills. TRACK 2: Mr. Richardson continues with recollections about mills in the area; bear incidents; shingle bolts; Christmas celebrations; communities in Surrey; dances and childhood activities. Mrs. Lucy Richardson talks about her father, the Reverend Bell; the family; childhood activities; area residents; picnics; clothing; church; people; doctors; anecdotes about her mother and her father.

CALL NUMBER: T0768:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-02-08 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mrs. Richardson talks about her father, the Reverend Bell; his missionary work; his living in Sapperton and Central Park; Orangemen; his appearance; Johnny Wise. [TRACK 2: blank.]

Warren Gillis interview

CALL NUMBER: T0777:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964-03 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Gillis talks about his parents, John Murdoch Gillis and Sammie Ann Gillis, who came from P.E.I. in 1888; they homesteaded in Tynehead. He talks about the family farm; family members; William and Donald Gillis; early life in the area; settlers in the area; travel on the Fraser River; roads in the area; Hjorth Road; his father's work as a logger; his mother's work on the farm; the New; Westminster Market; winter incidents and anecdotes. TRACK 2: Mr. Gillis talks about his father's work on the Great Northern Railway; Liverpool Station; Bonnacord Station; Port Kells; Johnny Wise's ;hotel; Brownsville; bridges over the Fraser; Great Northern Railway; incidents; school; derailment of a circus train; childhood; school activities; Annadale School; childhood; recreation; church.;

CALL NUMBER: T0777:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1964-03 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Gillis talks about fishing and hunting; chores and work for children; Barnston Island settlers and description; Port Kells; Port Mann; land boom; Surrey; incidents during road work; caterpillar plague in 1909; mosquitoes; D.M. Robertson. TRACK 2: Mr. Gillis continues with reminiscences about the Tynehead Church; D.M. Robertson; William Bothwell; lost in the woods in 1902; Green Timbers area; incidents involving the local policeman; Alec Mathieson.

Garnet Willis interview

CALL NUMBER: T1096:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1965-05-28 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Garnet E. Willis talks about his father and the people of the Chilliwack and the Similkameen region, 1894 to 1916. He describes how his family farmed near Sardis; what Chilliwack was like in his youth; steamboats on the Fraser; Harrison House; hard work on farms; school days; stories about Bill Miner; stories about John Ryder and his family; the Nelson brothers; how his father hauled freight; his father's background with the fur brigade; a discussion of the brigade route; details of his father's travels in Fort Garry, California and BC; his father's claims in the Cariboo; how his father logged on the present site of Vancouver; and John Beatty. TRACK 2: Mr. Willis continues with a story about an old man; the circumstances by which he came to the Similkameen area with his father in 1914; an anecdote about his father and the farm at Sumas; a comparison of Chilliwack and Similkameen areas; cattle and cattle drives over the Dewdney Trail; several stories about travels on the Hope Trail; a discussion of Herman Grell, known as "Shorty" Dunn; Jack Budd; and train robber Bill Miner.

CALL NUMBER: T1096:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1965-05-28 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mr. Willis continues with more on Shorty Dunn of Bill Miner's gang; a story about Pat Kennedy of Princeton; Jim Slater; a story about Charlie Rheinhardt; Price Chandler; the beginning of Keremeos; Keremeos centre; the town of Loomis, Washington; a description of Princeton in 1913; Bill Allison; Mr. Willis' own place near Princeton; several stories about August Carlson; a story about Steve Mangat; the Olalla Mine; other mines and drilling. TRACK 2: Mr. Willis offers a story about Duncan Woods of the Hedley Mascot Mine; a discussion of his wife's uncle, a packer named John Worth; Bill Bristol and his stopping house east of Hope; a discussion of "Colonel" Robert Stevenson and his tall stories; a story about tracking lost cattle; more about Stevenson; more about Jack Budd and Bill Miner; and a story about a foot race in Montana.

Living memory : Abbotsford and Sumas

SUMMARY: "Abbotsford and Sumas", the ninth episode, features the beginning of Abbotsford and the settlement of Sumas Lake. Voices heard include Cornelius Kelleher, Constance Cruickshank, John Fraser, William Fadden, and Joe Starr.

Acton Kilby interview : [Hesse, 1973]

SUPPLIED TITLE OF TAPE(S): Acton Kilby of Harrison Mills : Early settlers on the Fraser RECORDED: [location unknown], 1973 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Train noises. Acton Kilby is heard pointing out old tools, clothes and furniture at Harrison Mills Store. He discusses how he came to Harrison Mills. TRACK 2: Acton Kilby talks about life along the Fraser at the turn of the century, and since, including railroads, sternwheelers, and the floods of 1894 and 1948. Mrs. Acton Kilby also speaks. Footsteps and dogs barking. More train sounds.

Police Court record books

  • GR-1639
  • Series
  • 1935-1949

This series contains Agassiz Provincial Police Court record books showing name of prosecutor, name of defendant, nature of the charge, costs, name of arresting officer, name of gaol or lockup, order or conviction, amount of fine, name of presiding magistrate or justice and "remarks".

British Columbia. Police Court (Agassiz)

Chilliwack Small Debts Court cause books

  • GR-1641
  • Series
  • 1914-1951

This series contains cause books from Chilliwack Small Debts Court covering the periods 1914-1925 and 1929-1951. The series also consists of one index volume to records from 1914 to 1937. The index is arranged alphabetically by both plaintiff and defendant.

British Columbia. Small Debts Court (Chilliwack)

Operational records

  • GR-1265
  • Series
  • 1912-1923

This series contains two operational files from the Vancouver Forest District. The first file, coded MTS X4, is a Timber Management file from 1912-1917. The contents refer to Timber Sale X4 to Young and Scott of Point Grey, B.C. covering lands within the municipality of Point Grey, bounded, in part, by Sixteenth Avenue and the Musqueam Indian Reserve. The second file, which is uncoded, concerns the transfer of records to Victoria from the Supervisor of Scaler's office.

British Columbia. Vancouver Forest District

Ranger meeting agenda

  • GR-1269
  • Series
  • 1949

This series contains the agenda of discussion topics at the Vancouver Forest District Ranger Meeting held February 21-25, 1949.

British Columbia. Vancouver Forest District

New Westminster township register

  • GR-1699
  • Series
  • [ca. 1873]-1908

This series contains a township register of New Westminster district. The register is arranged by section number and township. It shows the date of registration, name of landholder, acreage, crown grant number, date of crown grant, and status with regard to royalty.

British Columbia. Lands Branch

Inspector of Dykes administrative records

  • GR-0972
  • Series
  • 1874-1981

This series consists of indexes to records relating to dyking and drainage held by the Inspector Office, Surrey, B.C. Records include subject file lists of correspondence regarding dyking districts and general administration, 1871-1881; index of maps, plans, topographical maps, etc. regarding dykes and dyking rights-of-way; index of engineers' drawings, Fraser Valley Dyking Board. These file lists and indexes were created between 1974 and 1981, but they make reference to records dating from 1871 to 1981.

British Columbia. Office of the Inspector of Dykes

Indian lands correspondence and other material

  • GR-0504
  • Series
  • 1861-1877

This series consists of correspondence, petitions, accounts, statements of population, and reports relating to land of Indigenous peoples in British Columbia from the Department of the Provincial Secretary.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Provincial Secretary

Results 1 to 30 of 274