CALL NUMBER: T0438:0001 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-04-05 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Nell Patriquin recounts her father coming to Chilliwack to join his brother, John Ryder. She describes her aunt, Mrs. Harrison, who owned the Harrison House Hotel; the hotel accommodation; notable guests; grounds; meals. She talks about local settlers in the area, "Sheep MacDonald" and Bob Menton; Minto; Mrs. Harrison's relations with the Indians; Volkert Vedder; Adam Vedder; Five Corners; Henderson's Store; bartering; Centreville; and St. Thomas Anglican Church. TRACK 2: Mrs. Patriquin recounts the story of her uncle, John Ryder, coming to the area with the Hudson's Bay Company and his initial settlement in Cheam, ca. 1862; the Ryder Lake District. She describes her uncle John Ryder; her father, Corry Spencer Ryder, settlng in the Cheam District in 1873; the family log cabin; cougars; the 1894 flood; childhood memories; schooling; Mrs. Jean Templar.
CALL NUMBER: T0438:0002 RECORDED: [location unknown], 1963-04-05 SUMMARY: TRACK 1: Mrs. Patriquin talks about the move of St. Thomas Anglican Church from Port Douglas to the Chilliwack location in the 1870s; Dr. J.C. Henderson, his life and practice; the Indians' performance of passion plays; the seven stations of the Cross; the community of Popkum; fire in the family home; politics. TRACK 2: On this short tape (ca. 3 min), Mrs. Patriquin relates a childhood experience riding to school on "Old Nellie".