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British Columbia. Supreme Court (Kamloops) Kamloops (B.C.)
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Kamloops Supreme Court registrar's minute book

  • GR-2171
  • Series
  • 1913-1954

Series consists of one Registrar's minute book for Kamloops Supreme Court civil cases between 1913-1954.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Kamloops)

Kamloops County Court probate cause book

  • GR-2549
  • Series
  • 1891-1941

Probate cause book (indexed), 1891-1941; copies of wills, 1903-1912 and copies of civil suit orders, 1896. There are a few entries from the Supreme Court.

British Columbia. County Court (Kamloops)

Kamloops Supreme Court civil cause books

  • GR-1626
  • Series
  • 1882, 1887-1946, 1951-1952

Series consists of cause books from the Kamloops Supreme Court for civil cases in 1882, 1887-1946, and 1951-1952. Cause books provide the framework for Supreme Court civil action cases and may include the names of parties, the dates when proceedings occurred, and volume and folio numbers for locating final orders. They are often the only source of information for divorces that were not finalized since no final order would have been granted and case files are destroyed.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Kamloops)

Kamloops Supreme Court bankruptcy cause book

  • GR-1627
  • Series
  • 1955-1957

Series consists of one cause book from the Kamloops Supreme Court for cases heard under the Bankruptcy Act between 1955-1957 (case nos. G94/55-P183/57). Cause books provide the framework for Supreme Court cases and may include the names of parties, the dates when proceedings occurred, and volume and folio numbers for locating final orders.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Kamloops)

Kamloops Supreme Court record and minute books

  • GR-2178
  • Series
  • 1879-1949

Series consists of a Kamloops Supreme Court registrar's record book, mostly from Assizes, for 1879-1911 and a minute book for 1911-1949.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Kamloops)

Kamloops Supreme Court registrar's minute books

  • GR-2179
  • Series
  • 1913-1954

Series consists of three Registrar's minute books for Kamloops Supreme Court civil cases between 1913-1954.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Kamloops)

Kamloops Supreme Court bankruptcy cause book

  • GR-2157
  • Series
  • 1921-1968

Series consists of one cause book from the Kamloops Supreme Court for bankruptcy cases between 1921-1968. Cause books provide the framework for Supreme Court cases and may include the names of parties, the dates when proceedings occurred, and volume and folio numbers for locating final orders. The volume is indexed and includes a list of BC Trustees in Bankruptcy.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Kamloops)

Kamloops Supreme Court divorce orders, judgements, and reasons for judgement

  • GR-4177
  • Series
  • 1981-2001, predominant 1981-1999

The series consists of original divorce orders, judgements and reasons for judgements created between 1981 and 2001 by the Kamloops Supreme Court registry. Between 1968 and 1985, a judgement by way of decree nisi required a three-month waiting period before a judgement by way of decree absolute could be applied for. During this time, a divorce was not legally in effect without a decree absolute. After 1985, divorce orders automatically came into effect 31 days after the divorce was granted, barring an appeal. Reasons for judgment are available for some, but not all, divorces.

Between 1981-1985, the records are arranged by file number and there may be several records with the same file number grouped together, each with different entered dates. The years listed in the attached finding aid appear to be based on the date that a divorce was first initiated, but this is not verifiable or consistent across the records. Starting in late 1985, the records are arranged by volume and file number, and dates used in the finding aid are the court registry’s entered date. Reasons for judgement from 1991-2001 have been arranged separately, by file number, within box 27. A nominal finding aid for only those reasons for judgement is available at the end of the attached file list. The records were scheduled for full retention under Court Services ORCS (schedule 100152) 51440-25.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Kamloops)

Kamloops Supreme Court index to probates

  • GR-1577
  • Series
  • 1885-1936

This series contains an index to probates, nos. 1-1,500. Note that the files are not arranged in date order so several probates from 1928-1936 (numbered 1501 and higher) are not included in this index. See GR-1562 for probate files 1-2715 (1895-1946).

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Kamloops)

Kamloops Supreme Court orders and judgements

  • GR-2451
  • Series
  • 1881-2000

The series consists of civil orders and reasons for judgement created between 1881 and 2000. Early records are from the Yale district, although the majority of records in the series relate specifically to Kamloops. The records are largely arranged chronologically by filing date, which can sometimes be several months after the order was issued in court. Between 1954 and 1973, orders were arranged by volume and folio numbers. Records were compiled into volumes based on filing date. Each folio is comprised of one order. The Archives does not currently have records for the period 1974 to 1982. Between 1983 and the late 1980s, some civil orders were filed by a sequential number. From the late 1980s onwards, the court filing system returned to using volumes and folios; however the volume number began again at 1. Many of the volumes contain indexes.

Civil orders are the formal expression of the ruling of the court and reasons for judgement provide the court's rationale. The records relate to a variety of civil matters, including adoption and divorce.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Kamloops)

Kamloops Supreme Court divorce case files

  • GR-4293
  • Series
  • 1907-1952

Series consists of Kamloops Supreme Court divorce case files for 1907-1952. Some, but not all, case files include final decrees/orders. Case files typically include petitions, affidavits, notices to appear, notices of trial, bills of costs, subpoenas, proceedings at trial, exhibitions, and other related documents. A final decree/order was not granted in all cases.

The records are arranged by case file number, as assigned by the Court Registry. The records were scheduled for full retention under Court Services ORCS (schedule 100152) 51440-20.

British Columbia. Supreme Court (Kamloops)