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Series Flood control--British Columbia
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Inspector of Dykes administrative records

  • GR-0972
  • Series
  • 1874-1981

This series consists of indexes to records relating to dyking and drainage held by the Inspector Office, Surrey, B.C. Records include subject file lists of correspondence regarding dyking districts and general administration, 1871-1881; index of maps, plans, topographical maps, etc. regarding dykes and dyking rights-of-way; index of engineers' drawings, Fraser Valley Dyking Board. These file lists and indexes were created between 1974 and 1981, but they make reference to records dating from 1871 to 1981.

British Columbia. Office of the Inspector of Dykes

Sumas land application declarations

  • GR-0312
  • Series
  • 1887-1888

This series consists of declarations in support of applications for land formerly within the limits reserved for purposes of the "Sumas Dyking Act, 1878", for the years 1887-1888. Each declaration is related to one individual. Declarations would have been submitted as part of the process of applying to pre-empt land in the Sumas area.

British Columbia. Lands Branch

Correspondence and reports from Department of Provincial Secretary

  • GR-1665
  • Series
  • 1887-1953

This series contains miscellaneous correspondence and reports. These records were originally a part of the Provincial Secretary's central registry but, for reasons unknown, became separated from the department's main files. A wide variety of subjects are addressed in these records.

Many of the records in this unit concern investigations carried out under the authority of the Departmental Inquiries Act and the Public Inquiries Act. Many relate to conditions in public institutions and activities of government employees. Many inquiries relate to hospitals and schools in the province, including Vernon Mental Hospital, Tranquille Sanatorium, the Canadian National Institute for the Blind and Provincial Mental Hospital at Essondale. Other inquiries and Commissions include bribery of the Liquor Control Board, the Beban Mine disaster, Royal Commission on Dominion Provincial Relations, Inquiry into the death of John Meredith Sweeney and the state and management of the Quartermaster Stores of the Provincial Police Force.

The records also relate to child welfare programs, including the general management of the Provincial Industrial School for Boys and to the Girls' Industrial School, ca. 1930-1945. Additional documents in this collection relate to subjects such as squatters' claims at the Granville Townsite [Vancouver (1887)], to the Fraser River Flood Relief programme (1894), applications for seed, the Victoria Consolidated Hydraulic Mining Co., government perquisites, legislation, estates, and to proposed sites for the University of British Columbia (1910). "Anti-Oriental" petitions and voting returns of the 1924 beer-by-the-glass plebiscite also included.

British Columbia. Dept. of the Provincial Secretary

Records of Premier John H. Turner

  • GR-1197
  • Series
  • 1893-1897

This series contains official correspondence, reports, and related papers of Premier John H. Turner. Records include correspondence pertaining to provincial railway charters (1893-1897), agriculture, and mining; also includes B.C. Agent-General's Report (1895), applications for employment, and miscellaneous letters.

Papers in this series are those of the Honourable John Herbert Turner (1833-1923), premier of British Columbia from 4 March 1895 to 8 August 1898. Since Turner's administration was characterized by rapid industrial development (notably in railways, mining, and agriculture), and by no little political controversy, his official papers are especially valuable.

Most of the reports and correspondence in GR-1197 originated while Turner was the province's chief minister and, as such, they have been included in the archive's collection of Premier's Papers. As will be seen, though, some of the papers pertain to Turner's tenure as Minister of Finance and Agriculture, a portfolio he held from 1887 to 1898.

GR-1197 may be regarded as a supplement to GR-0441 (British Columbia - Premier: 1883-1933), Series II, volumes 2-13, which also contains official correspondence of Premier Turner. Researchers may find that Volume 354 of GR-0441 (Index to Official Correspondence, 1895-1897) will assist them in locating other related records.

British Columbia. Premier

Inspector of Dykes records

  • GR-1011
  • Series
  • 1895-1974

Correspondence, general files and accounts files relating to dyking and drainage districts, improvement districts, flood control and agricultural development in the Fraser Valley, 1917-1974. Minute books of dyking districts; Pitt Meadows, 1895; Nicomen, 1912-1930; South Westminster Dyking District, 1920, 1923, 1928.

British Columbia. Office of the Inspector of Dykes

Tax assessments and financial records kept by the Inspector of Dykes

  • GR-1988
  • Series
  • 1898-1976

Tax assessment rolls for South Westminster, Sumas, Coquitlam, Pitt Meadows, Maple Ridge, Matsqui, Chilliwack, Nicomen Island, and Nicomen Dyking Districts, 1898-1976; general expenditure journals, voucher records, receipts, and financial statements, 1917-1974.

British Columbia. Office of the Inspector of Dykes

Fraser River Board records

  • GR-4075
  • Series
  • 1912-1979

This series consists of the administrative and operational records of the Fraser River Board. The records were created by the Fraser River Board, as well as its predecessor, the Joint Dominion-Provincial Board, Fraser River; and the Fraser River Board’s successor, the Fraser River Joint Advisory Board. The majority of records were created from 1948-1970.

The records were maintained in order to document studies of various lakes and rivers with emphasis on determining the most effective ways to reduce the flooding potential of the Fraser River. The primary methods of investigation were to increase storage of water in the upper Fraser River through construction of hydro-electric dams, and to expand and improve the dyke system in the Fraser Valley. Also included are studies of economic value of lakes and rivers. Other topics addressed include agriculture, power generation, dyke construction, geography, geology, hydrology, transmission lines, meteorology, navigation, oceanography, pollution, sedimentation or erosion, and fish and wildlife in BC.

The records are arranged into the following subseries:

  1. Paper files. These records were the contents of filing cabinets and contain a variety of operational records. Most files are either project files related to the creation of reports in GR-4074, and raw data or statistics used in the creation of reports. Other records include memorandums, meeting agendas, minutes, and correspondence of Board staff. There are also some subject files of reference material on various topics, such as the history of the Fraser River. Records include draft reports, correspondence, maps, plans, technical drawings, photos, and graphs.

  2. Survey field books. Field books of survey and technical studies conducted along the Fraser River and its tributaries. Some of this information was likely used in later reports. Records relate to Clearwater River, McGregor River and other locations.

  3. Data. Raw data, graphs, charts, diagrams, maps, tables and some aerial photos with information used to create reports. Most information relates to water volumes and potential for power generation.

  4. Outgoing mail and reports. Outgoing correspondence, memorandums, completed reports, meeting minutes and meeting agendas filed chronologically from 1951 to 1964.

  5. Photos and negatives. Images document field work, scenery and location of work. Many images were used in later reports. Some aerial photos, including documentation of the 1948 flood in the Fraser Valley.

These records were transferred under one time schedule number 890395.

Joint Dominion-Provincial Board, Fraser River Basin (Canada)

Dyking records

  • GR-1569
  • Series
  • 1916-1975

The series consists of the records of the Sumas Drainage, Dyking and Development District created between 1916 and 1975. The records conain general files, orders-in-council, financial statements, engineering reports, assessments, purchase agreements, minutes, history. In addition there are 73 photographs and maps.

British Columbia. Office of the Inspector of Dykes

Fraser River Board library

  • GR-4074
  • Series
  • 1916-1987

This series consists of the contents of the Fraser River Board library. The majority of records date from 1950-1970. The library consists of reference material used by Board staff, as well as reports and records created by staff and contractors in the course of their work for the Board. Most of the studies were completed by the Fraser River Board, as well as its predecessor, the Joint Dominion-Provincial Board, Fraser River. Some records were also created by the Fraser River Board’s successor, the Fraser River Joint Advisory Board.

The records were maintained in order to document studies of various lakes and rivers with emphasis on determining the most effective ways to reduce the flooding potential of the Fraser River. The primary methods of investigation were to increase storage of water in the upper Fraser River through construction of hydro-electric dams, and to expand and improve the dyke systems in the Fraser Valley. Also included are studies of the economic value of lakes and rivers. Other topics addressed include agriculture, power generation, dyke construction, geography, geology, hydrology, transmission lines, meteorology, navigation, oceanography, pollution, sedimentation or erosion, and fish and wildlife in BC.

The library is arranged in four sections:

Section 1 relates to studies of specific sites on the Fraser River, by the Board. Many of these reports contain survey information, technical data, charts, photos and maps relates to the geology or hydrology at a site to determine stability and volumes of water flowage. Many of these reports were created through field work in an attempt to determine potential sites for the construction of dams or water diversion on the Fraser and its tributaries to improve flood control. Other records include: soil samples; technical drawings and design calculations of structures such as dams; studies of watersheds; studies on potential generation and transmission of hydro-electric power; aerial photos; project cost estimates and financial information; assessments of impacts on agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, particularly salmon habitats; as well as oceanography and tidal studies.

Section 2 relates to the Fraser River generally. Much of this material was created by the Board or the Government of BC. Subject matter is similar to section 1, though it includes fewer drafts, technical reports and field note data.

Section 3 contains more general reference material, much of it published, but still relates to places and topics in BC. Some records are created by other government bodies, such as the Canadian government.

Section 4 contains “miscellaneous” library material, much of it was not catalogued. This section includes the final, preliminary, annual and interim reports of the Board and its successors. The section also includes some records about other major dam construction projects in BC, particularly the Columbia River dam. There is also annotated copies of the library index.

Each book or report has a three part call number. The first number is a topical category, such as agriculture or geology (the numbers may vary by section). The second number is a geographical location in BC. The third number is a sequential number. Reports in section 1 have an additional number preceding a “/” which refers to a specific project site on the Fraser River, such as a potential location for a dam. See the original library index for detailed explanations of each of these numbers.

For example, 104/5.1.1 represents McGregor River project / water flowage. Upper Fraser. Item one.

These records were transferred under one time schedule number 890395.

Joint Dominion-Provincial Board, Fraser River Basin (Canada)

Correspondence index

  • GR-1024
  • Series
  • 1918-1981

Series consists of subject index cards to W files and O series correspondence relating to water rights and water resources development. Includes file references to irrigation districts, dams, rivers and streams, improvement districts, water users' committees, dyking districts, fire protection districts, flood control, and drainage.

British Columbia. Surveys and Land Records Branch

Fish and wildlife records

  • GR-1027
  • Series
  • 1920-1977

The series consists of records created by the Game Commission (1920-1957), the Fish and Game Branch (1957-1966), and the Fish and Wildlife Branch (1966-1977) relating to game, wildlife and fisheries management and conservation; environmental protection and habitat improvement; the administration of fish, trapping, and game laws; ecological and scientific investigations; water license applications and stream obstruction reports; flood control, pollution and protection of stream and river habitat; predator and rodent control; hunting, sports fisheries, outdoor recreation, and parks; Branch policy and administration.

The files contain correspondence, annual reports, manuals, memoranda and special reports and include correspondence with conservation and environmental groups, fish and game clubs, professional organizations of conservation officers, and other agencies of government.

The series also includes a subject file index (see box 2) and an index of orders-in-council relating to game enforcement, 1885-1968; hatchery records of the Cultus Lake, Smith Falls, and Lloyds Creek hatcheries of the Fish Culture Service, administered by the Canada Dept. of Marine and Fisheries (1920-1938) and the B.C. Came Commission (1938-1949).

British Columbia. Game Commission


  • GR-1289
  • Series
  • 1922-1954

This series contains copies of Hydro-electric progress reports in Canada, issued by Canada, Dept. of Northern Affairs and National Resources, Water Resources Division and its predecessor agencies. This mimeographed progress report highlights projects under development in British Columbia and the other provinces.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch

Press releases and other material

  • GR-1196
  • Series
  • 1946-1955

This series contains press releases and official statements from the Office of the Premier, 1946-1955. The records include a pamphlet on Emergency Flood Legislation.

British Columbia. Office of the Premier

Newspaper clipping books

  • GR-3483
  • Series
  • 1948-1955

Series consists of newspaper clipping books compiled by the Joint Dominion-Provincial Board, Fraser River Basin. The books were produced to provide information about the activities of the Board but also to provide subject matter on the Fraser River.

There are three volumes of clipping books. The volumes deal with a wide variety of topics including navigation, dyking, erosion, flood control, natural resources, water power, water supply, fisheries, wildlife and recreation. Volume one covers the years 1949 to 1950, volume two covers 1951-1955 and volume three covers the years 1949-1955.

Joint Dominion-Provincial Board, Fraser River Basin (Canada)

Working papers and other material

  • GR-1284
  • Series
  • 1951-1954

This series contains working papers, drafts and photographs, 1951-1954, used in the preparation of the illustrated "Water Powers, British Columbia, Canada", 1954 edition which was published by the Department of Lands and Forests, Water Rights Branch, Victoria.

British Columbia. Water Rights Branch